Archive for Threadbare Gypsy Souls
New Cover…

This the awesome cover for this year’s GRL anthology, Unconventional in Atlanta. This antho is special because all the stories take place during GRL and they take place at the Melia, where the convention will be held this year. π So I can’t wait to see if you all love it or not. π
Oh, and the title for my story in the antho has changed. It had been The Occasional Prostitute, and Β now it’s The Last Client. Or it should be once I hear back from the authorities on whether it’s good or not. lol. So the other title will go back on my title list, and I’ll come up with a new story to go with it. Maybe it should be more of a Jack the Ripper type sort, since that’s where I got the idea for it from anyway. Hmm….
And in other big news, Total e-Bound will be changing their release schedule. Starting May 3rd, Total e-Bound will be releasing their books on Fridays instead of Mondays…so you will be able to get Home Sweet Home three days earlier than planned. Yay!
Also, I want to thank you all for making Threadbare Gypsy Souls a bestseller at ARe. I really do appreciate how you all support my blog stories when they get published and are out in the ‘real’ world. π Β And for the last several I’ve been adding more to them after I finish them up on the blog, so you have something new to look forward to when/if you pick up the full version.
Mom’s doing great. She ended up not being able to have the surgery due to a bad upper respiratory infection. But she’s going to reschedule it for May, and we’ll do it again. So I’m hoping to be able to post like normal this week.
Devon Rhodes and I finished Chasing the King of the Mountains, and turned that in. Now we’re working our German soccer players story. We have a working title, but neither of us are thrilled with it, so that will change before we turn this one in. π Maybe on Friday, I’ll share my inspiration for my character.
I hope you all had a great weekend, and the sun’s out here so maybe this will be a good Monday. π
Filed under: Chasing the King of the Mountains,Covers,GayRomLit,Home Series,Home Sweet Home,International Men of Sports,Release Dates,The Last Client,The Occasional Prostitute,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,writing | |4 Comments
Threadbare Gypsy Souls available….

Threadbare Gypsy Souls is available at Amber Allure right now…and it’s discounted for the first week it’s out. If you haven’t already picked it up, check it out here.

And for those of you who are VIPs at Total e-Bound, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is available for pre-release download. It’s also on sale, but remember you do have to be a VIP with them. I think it’s really easy to become one, not sure how though. You can check on their website, but if you just want to check out Β the blurb for Sticky Wicket, then click here.
Devon and I should be turning in Chasing the King of the Mountains within the next couple of days…and I believe it goes on pre-order sometime in May. Yikes! Β lol. Then we’ll be working on a story about two soccer players in Germany. π I’m also still working on my 1920s historical, my Coast Guard/crab fisherman story, and a couple of other stories as well.
I’ll be doing some edits for Ghost of a Chance, so that MLR Press can re-release it soon. π
Oh Jasmine asked about Death or Life not being listed anywhere. I took my rights back for the story from Liquid Silver Books. I haven’t got a chance to sub it anywhere else yet, though I do plan on doing so soon. I also do plan on writing Mars and Lord’s story. I have some all ready written on that one. The part with that is there are some scenes that take place during Death or Life that will be in Mars’ Assassin, just from Lord’s point-of-view, so I have to re-work those scenes without going overboard by using too much of what has all ready been written. I don’t think readers want a rehash of scenes they’ve read before. But yes, Death or Life will be available again, and I do have Mars’ Assassin on my master list of stories to finish up. π
I hope you all have a great Monday. I have a very busy day ahead of me, so I better get moving.
Filed under: A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood,Amber Allure,Chasing the King of the Mountains,Covers,Death or Life,Ghost of a Chance,International Men of Sports,Mars Assassin,MLR Press,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,writing | |2 Comments
Happy Weekend…

Thought I’d share this with you because I like Christopher Lee…and after reading this, I think he’s even more awesome…lol. Who wouldn’t want to be a part of the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare? π
I’m going to be doing a lot of writing over the weekend. Need to finish Chasing the King of the Mountains, and get some other stories closer to being done. π
Also, Threadbare Gypsy Souls comes out on Sunday, so don’t forget to pick up your copy. And remember Amber Allure always gives you a first week discount on the new books.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Chasing the King of the Mountains,International Men of Sports,Misc.,Release Dates,Thoughts to Ponder,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,writing | |2 Comments
Where the Devil Dances available now…

First up is Where the Devil Dances. It’s been re-released by Total e-Bound and is available for general download today. Yay! Click here to check it out.

Next up is Leaving Home, which is now available from Total e-Bound for immediate download if you’re a VIP at TEB. π Buying it means you get a 10% discount and you get to read it four weeks before it’s available to the general public. Woot! Click here if you’d like to read the blurb again…or download it. Remember, this is book Four in the Home series, and is about Peter, Les’ accountant.

And last but not least (by any means) is A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood. It’s up for pre-order at Total e-Bound. If you pre-order, you get a 15% discount and it’ll be in your inbox the day it gets released. π Click here to check it out.
I’m sorry about not posting anything last Friday. I hit the ground running, and totally forgot about the blog until I got home late Friday night…lol. I’ll try to do better this Friday. π
I finished edits on Threadbare Gypsy Souls, which comes out next Sunday at Amber Allure. And I’ll be working on edits for Sharp Dressed Man from MLR Press. I don’t have a release date for that one yet. Might not have one until all the stories are edited. They had a good response for the Mixed Tape anthology call, so I’m sure there’ll be a lot of great stories to go with mine.
Devon Rhodes and I are still working hard on Chasing the King of the Mountains, which is the second book in the International Men of Sports series. We’re over halfway done, and hoping to finish it by next week. Yay!
Again, I have several short stories I’m working on. Some for MLR Press, some for Amber Allure, and some for TEB. Hoping to finish them up by the end of April. We’ll see how many I get done by then.
Well, I better get cracking if I want to accomplish anything today. π Hope you all had a marvelous Easter weekend, and have a great Monday as well.
Filed under: A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood,Amber Allure,Chasing the King of the Mountains,Covers,Home Series,International Men of Sports,Leaving Home,MLR Press,Sharp Dressed Man,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,Where the Devil Dances,writing | |1 Comment
New Cover….
Here’s the beautiful cover for Threadbare Gypsy Souls. Isn’t is gorgeous? Trace did a wonderful job getting all the components I wanted in there. The wolf and the motorcycle. π It’ll be out in April. Woo-hoo!
Also, thank you for making The Whore of New Slum the #1 bestseller at Amber Allure’s site, and making They Walk Among Us #5 on that same list as well. π You are awesome.
I’m planning on finishing Sharp Dressed Man today, and sending it off to my editor at MLR Press. I trimmed out the words I needed to on Fallen: Chicago to get it down to an acceptable length, and sent it to TEB. Have to go back and finish filling out the form to go with it though…lol. Forgot to double check and make sure I filled it all out. π
The Fallen series is a M/F series I’d written a long time ago under my other pen name, Tiffany Aaron. I decided to get them republished instead of languishing on my laptop. So the first four books will be out this year, hopefully. I’m adding another four books to the series as well. (Because I’m a glutton for punishment I’ll also be writing new stories as Tiffany, but don’t worry. I’m not going to stop writing TA stories.
My main focus will be on my M/M stories, but every once in a while, it’s nice to write something different. I hope you don’t mind me mentioning my M/F books here. I will have a separate website for Tiffany Aaron eventually.
So once Sharp Dressed Man is done, I’ll be working on Chasing the King of the Mountains, my book I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes, and adding to the short story I subbed to TEB for their Billionaire antho that didn’t get in. I’m adding more to it, so it can be a single title release. Woot! Once that’s done, I have a few other stories I need to look at and decide which I want to work on.
Well, I hope you all have a great weekend.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Bestsellers,Chasing the King of the Mountains,Covers,International Men of Sports,MLR Press,Sharp Dressed Man,The Whore of New Slum,They Walk Among Us,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,writing | |No Comments
Good News….
Okay…I finished Reserved for Him last night, and subbed it today. Yay! Another story crossed off my list. Also, I finished and subbed Threadbare Gypsy Souls. Threadbare will be out April 7th. Along with two other stories for sure, and maybe one more. π So April there will be an abundance of T.A. Chase stories coming out.
One will be a re-release with nothing new added, just a different cover, so you can skip it if you want…lol.
I’ll be starting the project I’m working on with Devon Rhodes, and also Home Sweet Home will be started today. Woot!
Sorry I was late posting this. I’ve been staying at my mother’s this week to help her during her recovery from knee surgery. She’s been doing really good, so I’m going home tonight. Unfortunately, I have a funeral to go to tomorrow. π But she has a bunch of friends just chomping at the bit to come and help her…lol. So I don’t have to worry about her being by herself.
I hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Books.,Eye Candy,Home Series,Home Sweet Home,Leaving Home,Reserved for Him,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,writing | |No Comments
Finally Friday is going to be a busy day…lol. I have to ship out all my boxes for GRL, plus mail out five contracts…all to MLR Press for my Dragon books and Ghost of a Chance. So they will be re-released soon. The great news is that all will be going into print as well, though Ghost of a Chance and Fighting Dragons will be put together. Which is fine since one of the characters in Ghost is also in the Dragon books. I’m excited about that.
I have edits to do on Two for One, so it can go up for pre-order soon. Edits arrived for a free story I’m doing for Total e-Bound’s December Newsletter. And I’ve been told I’ll probably get my first set of edits on Here Be Dragons some time soon as well. Yikes! This weekend is going to be crazy…lol.
Jambrea asked if I was going to post next week while I was gone. I’m going to try very hard to get the next two installments for Threadbare Gypsy Souls done and scheduled, so at least you’ll have those two days to stop by. I’m leaving for GRL very early on Tuesday morning and I won’t be home until very late on Sunday night.
Well, that’s about all I have to tell you. Oh wait a minute…I got another new cover today. I should be able to show it to you on Monday. π It’s really cool.
I hope you all have a great day and a marvelous weekend.
Filed under: Books.,Dreaming of Dragons,Eye Candy,Fighting Dragons,GayRomLit,Ghost of a Chance,Here Be Dragons,MLR Press,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,Two for One,writing | |1 Comment
Tramps is available
Tramps, the second book in The Beaor Chronicles is available now at Total e-Bound. Click here to take a look. On Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be sharing the two new covers I received from Total e-Bound for my November and December releases. π
I’ll be working on the blog story today, along with a steampunk story I need to get done for Amber Allure. I’m going to try and start Leaving Home and Thieves, two books I owe Total e-Bound. Hopefully all of them move along quickly.
I have to finish getting my promo stuff ready for GRL. I have to figure out how many copies of books I’m going to take with me for the book signing.
Well, I hope you all have a great day. π
Filed under: Covers,GayRomLit,Leaving Home,The Beasor Chronicles,Thieves,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,Tramps,writing | |1 Comment
The Installment will be up Tomorrow
My days are screwed up…and somehow I forgot today was Thursday…lol. Don’t worry, there will be an installment up tomorrow for Threadbare Gypsy Souls.
But in case you’re interested, the new version of The Vanguard is up for pre-order at Total e-Bound. Click on the link here to check it out. π
I’ve been having problems getting Steril, from Thieves (which is the last book in The Beasor Chronicles) to talk to me, so I’m going to start working on Leaving Home to see if that might get Steril more vocal about his story. π Not sure if it’ll work, but at least I’ll have a story working for me. lol
I hope you have a great day…and make sure to stop by tomorrow to see what Nash and Cullen are up to. π
Filed under: Beasor Chronicles,Covers,Home Series,Leaving Home,The Beasor Chronicles,The Vanguard,Thieves,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,writing | |2 Comments
Another busy week ahead
I have a ton of writing to do. Working on Demon Woods and Thieves, plus the next two installments of Threadbare Gypsy Souls, and reviewing and sending out the rest of the Dragon books to my editor at MLR Press. MLR Press is going to re-release them, so new covers and they’ll finally be available in print as well, but I don’t have any release dates or anything like that yet. Still going through the process of getting them to them. π Once I know more, I’ll definitely keep you updated on that.
Well, this is going to be a short post. Just wanted to give you a heads up on what’s happening with me. I hope you all have a great Monday.
Filed under: Books.,Demon Woods,Dreaming of Dragons,Eye Candy,Fighting Dragons,Ghost of a Chance,Here Be Dragons,MLR Press,Print,Release Dates,Thieves,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,writing | |No Comments