The Installment will be up Tomorrow


My days are screwed up…and somehow I forgot today was Thursday…lol. Don’t worry, there will be an installment up tomorrow for Threadbare Gypsy Souls.

But in case you’re interested, the new version of The Vanguard is up for pre-order at Total e-Bound. Click on the link here to check it out. 🙂

I’ve been having problems getting Steril, from Thieves (which is the last book in The Beasor Chronicles) to talk to me, so I’m going to start working on Leaving Home to see if that might get Steril more vocal about his story. 🙂 Not sure if it’ll work, but at least I’ll have a story working for me. lol

I hope you have a great day…and make sure to stop by tomorrow to see what Nash and Cullen are up to. 😉

2 Responses “The Installment will be up Tomorrow”

  1. sylvie says:

    Is this new version of the story different than the previous one ???

  2. Yvonne says:

    Vanguard huh? Loved that book.

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