Archive for Mars Assassin
Threadbare Gypsy Souls is available at Amber Allure right now…and it’s discounted for the first week it’s out. If you haven’t already picked it up, check it out here.
And for those of you who are VIPs at Total e-Bound, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is available for pre-release download. It’s also on sale, but remember you do have to be a VIP with them. I think it’s really easy to become one, not sure how though. You can check on their website, but if you just want to check out Β the blurb for Sticky Wicket, then click here.
Devon and I should be turning in Chasing the King of the Mountains within the next couple of days…and I believe it goes on pre-order sometime in May. Yikes! Β lol. Then we’ll be working on a story about two soccer players in Germany. π I’m also still working on my 1920s historical, my Coast Guard/crab fisherman story, and a couple of other stories as well.
I’ll be doing some edits for Ghost of a Chance, so that MLR Press can re-release it soon. π
Oh Jasmine asked about Death or Life not being listed anywhere. I took my rights back for the story from Liquid Silver Books. I haven’t got a chance to sub it anywhere else yet, though I do plan on doing so soon. I also do plan on writing Mars and Lord’s story. I have some all ready written on that one. The part with that is there are some scenes that take place during Death or Life that will be in Mars’ Assassin, just from Lord’s point-of-view, so I have to re-work those scenes without going overboard by using too much of what has all ready been written. I don’t think readers want a rehash of scenes they’ve read before. But yes, Death or Life will be available again, and I do have Mars’ Assassin on my master list of stories to finish up. π
I hope you all have a great Monday. I have a very busy day ahead of me, so I better get moving.
Filed under: A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood,Amber Allure,Chasing the King of the Mountains,Covers,Death or Life,Ghost of a Chance,International Men of Sports,Mars Assassin,MLR Press,Threadbare Gypsy Souls,Total e-Bound,writing | |2 Comments

That was the first song to play on my Ipod as I drove into work, and I thought it was fitting…lol. I’m still sick, hoping to stick out as much of my day at work as possible. Heck, I only have to be here three days this week. π Not like that’s a hard ship. Just when I don’t feel good, all I want to do is curl up with a blanket and my computer. Yeah, yesterday I was sick, so I had the football games on and wrote a little bit on a couple different stories.
Embrace My Reflection will be out Feb. 13th. Perfect Valentine’s Day treat for you all, plus I’m going to write a Christmas story featuring Ronnie and Lucius from
EMR for next Dec. Woot! I wrote a little bit on
Destroying Belief, the story next on my list. Got some done on
Bound by Trust, though I didn’t type that in. I wrote that long hand. π I did a little bit on
Trailing Air (Rover’s story), and a little bit on
Mars’ Assassin. Now MA isn’t close to the top of my list to finish up soon, but I just got a scene in my head for it and had to write it down. So progress was made on several stories yesterday.
I’m finishing up edits on
I Call Death Dad. As soon as I get those done, they’ll get sent to the proofer for line edits. So the end of the tunnel is close on that story. π
I hope you all have a great Monday, and may your work week be short as well.
Filed under: Bound by Trust,Destroying Belief,Embrace My Reflection,Eye Candy,I Call Death Dad,Mars Assassin,Trailing Air | |9 Comments

Okay…all this white stuff can just go away at any point now. I’m tired of winter. Let’s just rush right on into spring, please. π
Writing went well this weekend. I finished up one story and sent it to my editor. Now on to JT’s story,
Bound by Trust. Plus I did a little work on
Mars Assassin, which is the sequel to
Death or Life. Okay, so it’s not necessarily a sequel. We get to find out how Lord and Mars met, and sort of see how the events that happen in
Death or Life unfold from their point of view. I hope you all enjoy it when I get it finished because Lord is going to be a little hard to like. π
I hope you all have a great day. Stay safe and warm.
Filed under: Bound by Trust,Death or Life,Eye Candy,Mars Assassin | |4 Comments

I feel like I’m in the middle of the movie, The Mist. Giant bugs will be coming out of the fog any minute now…lol. Isn’t this picture just hot? If I wasn’t at work, I’d probably make this my wallpaper on my laptop. π
I’m working on the stories I mentioned on Monday, but it seems lately whenever I go to bed, I get scenes for
Mars’ Assassin, the sequel to
Death or Life. I’ll be lying there, then I’ll hear either Mars or Lord talking…well, actually I’ll see Mars talking and hearing Lord. It’s extremely difficult for Mars to talk as I’m sure most of you remember. Good thing Lord’s an expert lip reader. π Last night, it happened again, so out of bed I climbed to write down the short scene I received. At this rate, I’ll lose sleep, but get
MA done before I planned…lol. I guess it’s a good trade-off. What’s the saying “I can always sleep when I’m dead”? lol
I hope you all have a great Hump Day. It’s all downhill from here. π
Filed under: Death or Life,Mars Assassin,writing | |12 Comments
His Heart’s Home is done, for the most part. Just have to go back over for a quick edit and write up the synopsis. Then it’s off to Liquid Silver. Woo-hoo!
Now I’m working on
Not Seeing is Believing. It’s a ‘friends-to-lovers’ story about a blind vampire and the shifter he falls in love with. After that, I’ll be working on a few different ones, just to keep my interest…lol.
Oh everyone might be glad to know that I’ve done some work on
Mars’ Assassin. It’s the story of Mars and Lord from
Death or Life. The other night I didn’t get much sleep because for some reason I couldn’t get those two out of my head. So I’ve been writing down what they seem to want to tell me at the moment. We’ll see how long that lasts. π
I hope everyone has a good Wednesday.
Filed under: Death or Life,Eye Candy,His Heart's Home,Mars Assassin,Not Seeing is Believing | |9 Comments