Another busy week ahead
I have a ton of writing to do. Working on Demon Woods and Thieves, plus the next two installments of Threadbare Gypsy Souls, and reviewing and sending out the rest of the Dragon books to my editor at MLR Press. MLR Press is going to re-release them, so new covers and they’ll finally be available in print as well, but I don’t have any release dates or anything like that yet. Still going through the process of getting them to them. 🙂 Once I know more, I’ll definitely keep you updated on that.
Well, this is going to be a short post. Just wanted to give you a heads up on what’s happening with me. I hope you all have a great Monday.
Monday, September 10th, 2012, by and is filed under "Books., Demon Woods, Dreaming of Dragons, Eye Candy, Fighting Dragons, Ghost of a Chance, Here Be Dragons, MLR Press, Print, Release Dates, Thieves, Threadbare Gypsy Souls, writing ". You can leave a response here, or send a Trackback from your own site.
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