Archive for Bestsellers

Back from RT…



I’m back from RT. I had a marvelous time getting to see all my friends and meeting new ones. πŸ™‚

While I was gone, I had a new release come out. I’d forgotten that Total e-Bound was changing their release day from Monday to Friday. So, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood came out on Friday and is all ready zooming up the Bestseller chart at ARe. πŸ™‚ Click here to check it out. It’s only .99 cents right now because Total e-Bound is also starting a new program First in a Series, where they’re taking select series and marking the first book in it at .99 cents, so people who haven’t given it a try can pick it up. No Going Home is also only .99 cents. So if any of you have friends who might have hesitated to read NGH before, this might be a good incentive for them to try now. lol

I will have the next installment of Hearts up and ready to read for you tomorrow. πŸ™‚ And for any who might be wondering, no…you didn’t miss any story on Edward from the Home series. I haven’t written one yet, though I’m hoping to do so next year.

Have a great day, everyone. πŸ™‚

New Cover….



Here’s the beautiful cover for Threadbare Gypsy Souls. Isn’t is gorgeous? Trace did a wonderful job getting all the components I wanted in there. The wolf and the motorcycle. πŸ™‚ It’ll be out in April. Woo-hoo!

Also, thank you for making The Whore of New Slum the #1 bestseller at Amber Allure’s site, and making They Walk Among Us #5 on that same list as well. πŸ™‚ You are awesome.

I’m planning on finishing Sharp Dressed Man today, and sending it off to my editor at MLR Press. I trimmed out the words I needed to on Fallen: Chicago to get it down to an acceptable length, and sent it to TEB. Have to go back and finish filling out the form to go with it though…lol. Forgot to double check and make sure I filled it all out. πŸ™‚

The Fallen series is a M/F series I’d written a long time ago under my other pen name, Tiffany Aaron. I decided to get them republished instead of languishing on my laptop. So the first four books will be out this year, hopefully. I’m adding another four books to the series as well. (Because I’m a glutton for punishment I’ll also be writing new stories as Tiffany, but don’t worry. I’m not going to stop writing TA stories.

My main focus will be on my M/M stories, but every once in a while, it’s nice to write something different. I hope you don’t mind me mentioning my M/F books here. I will have a separate website for Tiffany Aaron eventually.

So once Sharp Dressed Man is done, I’ll be working on Chasing the King of the Mountains, my book I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes, and adding to the short story I subbed to TEB for their Billionaire antho that didn’t get in. I’m adding more to it, so it can be a single title release. Woot! Once that’s done, I have a few other stories I need to look at and decide which I want to work on.

Well, I hope you all have a great weekend.

Wicked Wednesday…

Revealing the Past made it to #4 on the Amber Allure Best Seller list for July. Woot! My streak of #1 might be broken, but I’ll take a #4 any day…lol. Thank you for that. πŸ™‚

Writing is going well. I’m seeing the end of my YA story. Hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the week. Then I set up a dart board with names of several stories and see which one the dart lands on…lol. I know there are ones that I positively need to finish. I’ll make a decision after I send Death in.

I hope your Wednesday is fun and exciting.

#1 Again…

I’ll admit that what I like most about this picture is the guy’s tattoo…lol. πŸ™‚ It’s beautiful.

I just want to thank everyone for making Be the Air for You the #1 Best Seller for May at Amber Allure. This is my fourth book in a row that’s hit #1. Also, it’s listed at #7 on All Romance Ebooks Best Seller list today.

You don’t know how much I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to spend your hard earned dollars on my stories. πŸ™‚ It humbles me and makes me determined to keep going. I don’t want to disappoint any of you. πŸ˜‰

I hope you all have a great and dry Wednesday since it’s raining here.

Liquid Silver’s Top 20 of 2009

So the best sellers list came out at Liquid Silver the other day. πŸ™‚ Best Sellers for 2009, that is, and I’m on it. Woo-Hoo! Thank you all so much for helping me achieve that.

Here’s the list:

Here’s our Top 20 Top Sellers of 2009!
  • Grey’s Awakening – Cameron Dane
  • Hearts Afire: January – Bonnie Dee & TA Chase
  • Death or Live – TA Chase
  • Roan’s Fall – Marisa Chenery
  • Leaving Earth – Loribelle Hunt
  • Mated to a Wolf – Marisa Chenery
  • Out of the Blue – Josh Lanyon
  • Love Most Inconvenient 2 – DJ Manly
  • His She-Wolf Warrior – Marisa Chenery
  • Stolen Earth – Loribelle Hunt
  • Hearts Afire: April – Emery Sanborne & Jamie Craig
  • Unmasking Dorian – Violet Summers
  • Rocky Mountain Heat – Vivian Arend
  • McCallan’s Blood – Lynn Lorenz
  • The Challenge – Serena Shay
  • Human Nature – Cat Kane
  • Diamond in the Shade – DJ Manly
  • Her Wolf – Rebecca Royce
  • Sacred Fate – Eresse
  • Bastards and Pretty Boys – KZ Snow
Congratulations to all the other authors who made the list as well.

It just so happens that I only had two releases at Liquid Silver last year and both are in the top three on the list. Yay! Also, With This Ring is still hanging around on Samhain’s best seller list at #4. It got to #3 before falling, but still that’s awesome. πŸ™‚

Oh and aren’t those boys so pretty? lol

I hope you all have a great Wednesday. I know I will.