Archive for The Beasor Chronicles

Home of His Own available now….



Home of His Own is available now at Total e-Bound, if you didn’t pick it up the first time it was out. Click here to check it out. πŸ™‚ This will be available in print at some point in the near future as well.



Dreaming of Dragons was re-released by MLR Press on Friday. Just re-edited as well, but it will be available in print at some point. πŸ™‚ Yay! Click here to check it out.

Home Sweet Home was turned in on Thursday night. Yay! It’ll be out in May..and up for pre-order in the next couple of months. The Home series was the first series I ever started writing. Of course, it’s taken seven long years to get it done. I appreciate all of you sticking with me and bugging me every chance you got about Yancey and Juan. I hope you feel I did their story justice when you get to read it.

I’m working on my GRL anthology story, The Occasional Prostitute, and I’m hoping to get that done in the next couple of days. Then I’ll be working on the second book in the International Men of Sports series that I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes, which is titled Chasing the King of the Mountains. It’s about a French cyclist and a French reporter, and takes place during the Tour de France. As you can tell, we’re trying to feature sports that might not always get spotlighted in stories, and we wanted sports that are popular in a particular country. Cricket in India, Cycling in France, Soccer/Football in Germany, Rugby in Australia, Curling and Hockey in Canada, and Beach Volleyball in Brazil.

Also, I’ll be working on Thieves, the last book in The Beasor Chronicles, and at some point next week, I’ll be starting Pray for the Thunder, a short story for MLR Press. πŸ™‚ So while it looks like I have a bunch of stuff to do (and I do), I think I have it under control.

Of course, I’ll have edits mixed in there…lol. I actually have edits on Stealing Life, which will be re-released by Total e-Bound on July 1st, and within the next day or two, I’ll have edits for Home Sweet Home. But edits are okay. They don’t take nearly as long as writing the books themselves. (usually)

Okay, so I hope you all have a good Monday. Those who were hardest hit by the snowstorm, I hope you’re all safe and sound. Digging out is crappy.

A Sticky Wicket is done…




Good news…A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is finished and turned in. Just waiting on the contract, so we can sign it and get editing on it. πŸ™‚ I also turned in Stealing Life…it’ll be re-released July 1st.

Devon and I have already started plotting out the second book in the International Men of Sports series. The second one is about a French Cyclist and a French reporter. It takes place during the Tour de France. Yay! It’s tentatively titled Chasing the King of the Mountains (since King of the Mountains is a title you can win during the Tour…and you get to wear a polka dot jersey if you do win it.)

Our goal with this series is to take the reader to exotic (or at least interesting) locales, and introduce you to sports that the people in those countries play. We aren’t focusing on American sports either, though one story will have a hockey player in it. (which isn’t truly an American sport…lol)

So our second book takes place in France and focuses on cycling. The third is Germany/soccer(football). 4th: Australia/rugby…5th: Canada/curling/hockey….6th: Brazil/beach volleyball. At least one main character will play the sport featured, though in Germany and Canada, they’ll both be athletes.

We hadn’t planned on the books being long enough to go into print on their own. At first, we planned on grouping them together, two at a time. But Sticky Wicket took on a life of its own, and suddenly we were over the 50k mark, so now each book will also be coming out in print individually.

Now that I’ve given you the scoop on the International series, I’ll let you know that Home Sweet Home is moving along. I’m hoping to be able to sub it next week some time. Yay! Then it’s on to a bunch of stories and the last book in The Beasor Chronicles, Thieves.

I hope you all have a great weekend…and if you’re going to watch the Super Bowl, hope it’s a good game for you. πŸ™‚

Tramps is available


Tramps, the second book in The Beaor Chronicles is available now at Total e-Bound. Click here to take a look. On Wednesday and Friday, I’ll be sharing the two new covers I received from Total e-Bound for my November and December releases. πŸ™‚

I’ll be working on the blog story today, along with a steampunk story I need to get done for Amber Allure. I’m going to try and start Leaving Home and Thieves, two books I owe Total e-Bound. Hopefully all of them move along quickly.

I have to finish getting my promo stuff ready for GRL. I have to figure out how many copies of books I’m going to take with me for the book signing.

Well, I hope you all have a great day. πŸ™‚

The Installment will be up Tomorrow


My days are screwed up…and somehow I forgot today was Thursday…lol. Don’t worry, there will be an installment up tomorrow for Threadbare Gypsy Souls.

But in case you’re interested, the new version of The Vanguard is up for pre-order at Total e-Bound. Click on the link here to check it out. πŸ™‚

I’ve been having problems getting Steril, from Thieves (which is the last book in The Beasor Chronicles) to talk to me, so I’m going to start working on Leaving Home to see if that might get Steril more vocal about his story. πŸ™‚ Not sure if it’ll work, but at least I’ll have a story working for me. lol

I hope you have a great day…and make sure to stop by tomorrow to see what Nash and Cullen are up to. πŸ˜‰

New Cover…


If you’ve bought anthologies from Total e-Bound before, you’ll know that they usually release each story as a single book a few months later. Well, this is the cover for my single release of Ninja Cupcakes. πŸ™‚ Β Do you like it? I really do. I wanted a cupcake on the cover, but the cover artist couldn’t find a way of sticking one in without it looking weird. Once I saw this, I didn’t care…lol. I still think it looks awesome without one. πŸ™‚

Okay…as far as I know (but it’s not set in stone yet) Ninja Cupcakes will be releasing on its own in Dec. When I know for sure, I’ll let you all know.

Also, my menage story, Two for One, will more than likely be coming out in November instead of Thieves. I’m hoping Thieves will be out in Dec as well. Not sure since I still have to finish it. but luckily we were able to put TfO in where Thieves was supposed to go. TfO is a re-release. It had been in the anthology, Three, from Liquid Silver Books, but when I got my rights back for it, I didn’t want it just sitting around…lol.

Have a great weekend, everyone. πŸ™‚

Wonderful Wednesday


I actually have much closer pictures of the Olympic Rings on Tower Bridge, but I thought I’d share this one first. πŸ™‚

I’m heading off to a quiet place so I can get some writing done. I have edits to do on The Vanguard so it can be re-released. And I have to start Thieves, which is the last book in the Beasor Chronicles. I’m hoping to get another short story I’m working on done as well. No rest for the wicked I guess. This is what I get for being gone an entire month…lol

I hope everyone is safe, especially those in the path of Hurricane Isaac. Take care and have a great day. πŸ™‚

New Cover…


Here’s the cover for the second book in The Beasor Chronicles, Tramps. I really like these covers and can’t wait to see the last one. πŸ™‚ Tramps comes out in September. But it’ll be up for pre-order soon…and I’ll let everyone know.


Also, my newest young adult short story, Pursuing Hope, is available now at Featherweight Press. It’s a f/f story about a girl looking for a date to her prom. There’s no angst or anything like that. Since it’s my first f/f story, I thought I’d keep it simple…lol.

Here’s the link to it…check it out if you’d like.

I hope everyone is having a great day…and have a marvelous weekend.

Time Difference… I totally forgot about the time difference…lol. Sorry about that. As you can see, I didn’t get the next installment of Threadbare Gypsy Souls done, but I’m actually working on them right now. You’ll get two in a row…one on Wednesday and one on Thursday. I promise…lol

Oh…there’s big news at Total e-Bound. I thought I’d let all of you know about it. Here’s the link to the Clandestine Classics…all our favorite classics re-imagined and the lights left on for the love scene. There are two m/m stories…featuring Sherlock Holmes and Watson…and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. πŸ™‚ I’m pretty sure they’ll be a big hit. I think they come out later on this month. Woot!

Have edits to do on Tramps, and working on some other stories. So it’s kind of a working vacation I’m taking. That’s the nice thing about writing for a living…it’s very

Also, for those of you who might be writers and stop by….Amber Quill Press is opening its doors to submissions for a limited time only. This way you don’t have to hope you get invited…you can submit something to them. Go check out their submissions page to see if anything strikes you fancy. πŸ™‚

Hope you all have a great Tuesday…and try to stay cool. it’s hot out everywhere.

Two New Books…




Gypsies is available now from Total e-Bound. Click here to check it out. It’s the first book in a new trilogy called The Beasor Chronicles, and will also be available in print. πŸ™‚

Here’s the blurb:

Book one in The Beasor Chronicles Series

Will the unconditional love of his best friend be enough to help heal Percy after almost being broken mentally and physically?

On Beasor, being a Gypsy gives Percy almost godβ€”like status. His power over nature and animals could allow him to make a good living exploiting people, but he chooses to live with his best friend, Alden, over Alden’s pub in Catalai, the capital of Beasor. Percy loves Alden, but has never been able to tell Alden, afraid the truth would ruin their friendship.

In a fit of jealousy one night, Percy travels through the universes to Earth, and finds himself captured by two humans. As a magical Beasor, silk binds him to their will and Percy finds himself close to breaking in every way as the humans drain his magic.

When Alden rescues Percy, the best friends finally admit to their love, but Percy needs help to replenish his magic and find a way to ease the memories of his captivity. With Alden supporting him every step of the way, Percy fights to heal and become the Gypsy he was once.

Reader Advisory: This book is best read in sequence as part of a series



Angel’s Evolution was re-released on Friday by MLR Press. Click here to check it out. I missed announcing it last week. Sorry about that.

Here’s the blurb:

I’m a monster, but with one kiss, he changes everything I believe.

I’m a monster and I’m imprisoned in a world I hate and fear. As heir to my father’s title, I’m expected to marry, but my secret desires may keep me from fulfilling those expectations. One night, a stranger kisses me. In his touch, I see the possibility of a life beyond my prison. My name? Just call me Angel and this is my evolution.


Thank you for all your support. I’m hoping to get back on track today and get the next installment of Threadbare Gypsy Souls done as well. πŸ™‚

Hope you all had a great weekend.


From Yesterday is rolling along nicely. As soon as I come up with a blurb, I’ll share it with you. πŸ™‚ News on the Coming Soon front. Looks like we’re going to release Where the Devil Dances in February next year. What that means is Leaving Home, Home Sweet Home, and Stealing Life will be pushed back a month. Don’t worry…they’re still coming out next year, but this gives me a little breathing space for the two haven’t been written yet. Just in case they cause me as much trouble as Tramps did. lol

Well, I’ll be writing soon. Need to get the next installment of my blog story done, and hopefully another 3k on FY. Yay! Have a great Monday.