Archive for Chasing the King of the Mountains
Wednesday Work in Progress…

Well it’s not about my WIP…at least not yet. Great news! Chasing the King of the Mountains is a Finalist in the Rainbow Awards. Of course, we’re going up against some very tough competition, so I’m not sure what the outcome will be. I’m still happy that we made it this far. 🙂
I thought I’d share with you another peek into Remove the Space. It’s been a while since I’ve done that and it’s the other story I’m working on along with Blindsided. So here you go. I hope you have a marvelous Wednesday.
Remove the Space copyrighted c. 2013 T.A. Chase
Stretching, Ion rolled onto his side and jumped when his arm made contact with another warm body. He opened his eyes to see Adrien lying next to him. Oh right! Second night together, and some of the best sex I’ve ever had.
Yet seriously, they’d talked about falling in love the first night they slept together, but Ion wasn’t convinced that Adrien would want to keep him around for long. Because really? What did Ion have to offer a man like Adrien?
Oh, Ion wasn’t ashamed of where he came from and the life he had, but he knew that there would be a lot of people who might think he was with Adrien simply because of the man’s money, and the possibility of what he could do for Ion’s career.
He thought about the offer Mr Richardson made him on Friday. Working for Mr Herner as a problem solver at Bellemy International was a dream job for him, and he was willing to be on probation until he graduated. He’d said yes, and Mr Herner said they would talk to Adrien on Monday, so Ion wasn’t going to mention it unless Adrien did.
“You’re thinking too hard for a Sunday morning.”
Ion refocused on the man in bed with him. Adrien was studying him with his bright blue eyes, almost like he knew what Ion was thinking. But instead of saying anything, Adrien slid his hand around to cup the back of Ion’s head, then drew him down to him.
Their lips met, and he let go of all the thoughts in his head. Why dwell on that stuff when he had one of the world’s sexiest men in his bed? Opening his mouth allowed Adrien to sweep his tongue in, and Ion moaned.
His cock twitched as he pressed as close to Adrien as he could without climbing under his skin. When Adrien encircled his waist with his other arm, Ion went with him, not fighting as Adrien encouraged him to lie on top of him. Ion ground their groins together, loving the feel of his lover’s erection rubbing against his.
Adrien bit his bottom lip, then sucked on it to ease the sting. Ion shuddered as he continued to moving, slowly becoming lost in the kiss and embrace. He’d had a bit of a dry spell in the ‘having sex’ part of his life.
Available in Print….

Chasing the King of the Mountains is available in print now. It’s the second of the International Men of Sports series I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes. (As if you didn’t know that already…lol)

Also, Unconventional in Atlanta is out in print. 🙂 So we’ll have both available at GRL in October for those of you who are coming.
And we’ve got approval on more Sports stories, so I really hope you are enjoying them. At the moment, it looks like we have stories scheduled out through 2016. Yes, 2016…lol. A lot of sports and a lot of stories. But of course, things are subject to change, so don’t mark that down in ink just yet. Now those are just the ones we told our editor about. We’ve come up with a few more since then, but we’re going to finish a couple before we add any more…lol.
Well, I have to get writing. I hope you all have a marvelous weekend and enjoy yourselves.
Monday Update…and New Blog Story….
Let me introduce you to Chad, the main character in our next blog story, Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace. 🙂 It was close..only four votes separated the two. But Finding Peace pulled it out in the end at 20 votes…while Why I Love Bodyguards had 16. Thank you all for voting, and I’m going to have to re-read Finding Love to refresh my memory. I’m going to try my darnedest to get you the first installment tomorrow. Just depends on if I have enough time today with the other writing I need to do. If I don’t get that done, then you’ll have a new one on Thursday for sure.
Got good news about some print releases. Chasing the King of the Mountains and Unconventional in Atlanta will be out in print in September, so those of you coming to GRL in October could bring your copies for us to sign. Stealing Life will be out in print in October, probably not in time for GRL, but still you’ll be able to get a print version of that one as well eventually. Yay!
I’m still working on some Tiffany stories, but I do plan on doing some TA stories during August, so I’ll be able to give you updates about those during the month.
Have a great day.
Chasing the King of the Mountains available…

I know I promised there’d be an installment of Hearts today, but I was gone all day and didn’t get back until very late last night. So I’m sorry that it’s not up.
But good news for those of you who didn’t pre-order or grab it during the pre-release time, Chasing the King of the Mountains is available for general release now. Yay! Click here to check it out. It was so much fun to write…and it comes out during the 2013 Tour de France, so you can read it, then watch the coverage of the race and maybe have some understanding about what the commentators are saying. lol. Or maybe not because I did all that research on cricket for Sticky Wicket, and I still don’t understand the game. At First Touch, the 3rd book in the International Sports series, will be available soon for pre-order. And Devon and I are hard at work on book 4, Blindsided.

Also, the second annual GRL convention anthology, Unconventional in Atlanta, is available for pre-release download. You buy it today at a discounted price, you can read it today. 🙂 Check it out here. It’s fun to read because it takes place in Atlanta at the very hotel GRL will be at this year, during GRL. And all the stories have at least one main character who works at the hotel. So the stories are inter-releated and you’ll see characters from the other stories interact with each other throughout the anthology. It was a lot of fun to write.
Finally, I did an interview with Female First (from the UK). If you click here, you can check it out.
I promise next week I’ll be on the ball, and get those installments done on time.
I hope you all have a marvelous and safe 4th of July weekend.
Stealing Life is available again….

For those of you who haven’t read Stealing Life yet, it’s available again at Total e-Bound. Click here to check it out. 🙂 If you have already read it, don’t feel obligated to pick this version up. I didn’t really change much in it and I didn’t add anything, so you could read the old version and still be fine. 🙂 Though this version will be coming out in print at some point in the fall, I believe. Yay! lol

Next to come out will be Chasing the King of the Mountains co-written with Devon Rhodes. It’ll be out next week on the 5th. It’s available now for immediate download and a discount if you’re a member of TEB’s VIP program, which I’m pretty sure just means you have to sign up for their newsletter…lol.

And this is the cover for Part One of Every Shattered Dream, my serial coming out at TEB. Part One comes out on August 23rd, and it’ll be free, though I actually think it’ll be .99 cents at Amazon for some reason only Amazon knows…lol. Click here to check it out. But if you download it from TEB, it’s free. The other four parts will be coming out every two weeks or so. I used the songs Riding With Private Malone by David Ball, and Dress Blues by Jason Isbell as inspiration for this story. I’m really hoping you like it. To be honest, it’s been on my to be written list for a long time, and when the opportunity came up to write the serial, I thought Dream would work out perfectly for it.

Also, for those of you who might still read M/F stories, my paranormal story, Fallen:Detroit, under my other pen name, Tiffany Aaron, is coming out August 23rd as well. Click here to check it out. It’s just on the coming soon page, not up for pre-order or anything like that yet. 🙂 I hope if you do read M/F, you give my Tiffany stories a try…lol. If you don’t read M/F stories anymore, that’s all right. I won’t force you to buy my M/F books…lmao.
So that seems to be all the news I have today. I’m working on Final Line Edits for the other four parts of Every Shattered Dream, and I’m working on Always Ready, my coast guard/crab fisherman story. Plus I’m also working on Blindsided, which is the 4th book in our International Sports series. This one takes place in Australia…yay!…lol. That’s what my busy weekend looks like.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
New Cover reveal…and a little promo for Chasing the King…
first of all, this is the cover for the 3rd book in the International Men of Sports series. Obviously it’s about football (soccer here in America) and it takes place in Germany. To be honest, we were a little vague on what city in Germany. lol…But I love it and I think it’ll look awesome with the rest of the books as well. I can’t wait to see them all in print. 🙂
Second of all….here’s little promo thing that Total e-Bound is putting out to ramp up interest in Chasing the King of the Mountains. Now they’ve been doing it for several other books as well, and I think it’s pretty cool.
I’m sure most of you have already gotten your VIP copy….lmao. 😉 If not, it goes on general release on July 5th. There will more of these little promo pictures coming in the next weeks. 🙂
I signed the contract for Every Shattered Dream, which is going to be a serial at Total e-Bound, and Part One will be out on August 23rd. Now with all the serials, Part One will be free at TEB’s site, but it’ll be 99 cents at Amazon. Not sure why it works that way, but there you have it. After that, I believe the subsequent parts will be either 99 cents or a dollar. Either way, can’t beat it. 🙂 As soon as I get some cover art for you, I’ll post it here, though I have to finish up Part Five this weekend. Then I’ll be working on some short stories for MLR Press and TEB. Maybe even sneak in and finish up a story for Amber Allure as well. Who knows?
I hope you all have a great weekend.
New Cover….

This is the cover for the second International Men of Sports book, Chasing the King of the Mountains. As you might be able to tell, it takes place in France during the Tour de France. Pascal Durant is a pro cyclist riding in his last Tour, and trying to win one of the coveted jerseys. He wants the polka-dot jersey that will proclaim him King of the Mountains. Laurant Desrochers (and I’m sure I’m spelling that wrong…lol) is France’s version of Anderson Cooper, and he’s Pascal’s best friend. Oh, and both of the men are in their 40s.
So, you have sports (though not the usual suspects). You have friends-to-lovers, and you have older men getting together. 🙂 I hope we’ve managed to hit on some topic you’ll be interested in.
This one will be up for pre-order on May 24th, and pre-relase shortly there after. Then the general release is in July, I believe. 🙂
Devon and I are hard at work on the third book, At First Touch, which takes place in Germany and features two teammates on a soccer (football) team. Yay!
Next week, I leave on Tuesday to head to Kansas City for the Romantic Times convention. I will do my level best to post at least the next two installments of Hearts on Tuesday and Thursday. I’m actually going to try and get them written by Monday, so I can schedule them. 🙂 But please don’t get upset if I don’t get them up. If not, the story will resume as usual on the following Tuesday.
I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Wednesday Work in Progress…
Sorry about posting late today. Just couldn’t get motivated this morning. 🙂 But I’m up and I realized I don’t think I shared a snippet of Chasing the King of the Mountain with you. I’m going to remedy that right now. (and if I already shared…here’s an extra peek…lol) This is the second book in the International Men of Sports series…and it’ll be out for general release on July 5th, barring any changes in the schedule. I’ll let you know when you can pre-order and get it pre-release as well.
Chasing the King of the Mountain copyright c. 2013 T.A. Chase & Devon Rhodes
After his shower, Pascal flopped down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling for a moment. Every muscle in his body hurt, especially his calf where he’d got cut the deepest during the Tour last year. He was exhausted, yet he needed to keep training because he had a goal to ride in the next one, and at his age, even competing would be a big deal.
Sighing, he pushed back up onto his feet, then padded over to his closet. He dressed before heading out to his kitchen. His place wasn’t very big, and that was the way he liked it. He lived in the Dordogne countryside in a century old farmhouse. Renovating and modernising the inside had cost a pretty penny, but it was worth it. He didn’t change any of the outside, liking the way it appeared.
There was only one bedroom, which was fine because he rarely had visitors and it had been a long time since he’d had a serious enough relationship that any man would come to live with him.
In the kitchen, he readied his after-workout snack before grabbing his phone. He carried everything out onto the small verandah he’d built off the kitchen. It was a sunny day, and he was going to allow the warmth to soak into his old bones. Once he was settled, he picked up his phone to scroll through his contacts to Laurent’s name.
Pascal rarely watched TV or listened to the radio, and when he was training, he never did. But at the market today, someone had mentioned that Laurent had got engaged to his long-time boyfriend, causing Pascal to realise he hadn’t talked to his friend in a few days.
He’d known Laurent had been heading to Germany to cover the G8 summit, and he hadn’t wanted to bother Laurent when he had something that important to do. Plus Pascal had some soul searching to do, and some major decisions to make.
He wasn’t sure what Laurent would be doing at that moment, but at least he could leave him a message congratulating him. Pascal tapped on Laurent’s name, then waited for the man to answer.
“Bonjour, mon ami,” Laurent answered.
“Bonjour, Laurent. Am I calling at a bad time?” Pascal leant back in his chair, stretching his legs out in front of him. He stared down at the scars criss-crossing his shins.
“No. I’m in a holding pattern until I can get an interview with the American president. So, actually this is the perfect time.” Laurent sounded slightly annoyed.
Pascal grinned, knowing how much Laurent hated waiting around. “Congratulations on your engagement, Laurent. I think you and Jan are perfect for each other.” Not exactly true, but the right thing to say. “Have you chosen a date?”
Laurent snorted. “He just asked me right before I left for Germany. He wasn’t supposed to have announced anything until I got back, but like always, he can’t resist the spotlight.”
He did know how Laurent’s partner longed to be in the middle of a whirlwind of cameras and reporters. Pascal had seen the man in several tabloids throughout the years they’d been dating, yet Laurent rarely appeared with him. There were times when Pascal didn’t understand why Laurent stayed with Jan, but at times he saw the love that was there between them, though Pascal had an unhappy feeling there was more on Laurent’s side than Jan’s side.
It wasn’t his place to say anything, so he kept his mouth shut and supported Laurent when he needed it.
“Yes, he does. Still I hope you would’ve told me when you had a chance to call,” Pascal commented, flexing his feet to stretch his calves.
“Yes, I was planning on it, but I just haven’t had the time until just now, and I was about to dial your number when my phone rang. Great minds think alike, huh?” Laurent sounded like he was smiling.
“Well, I have a great mind to go along with my amazing body, but I’m not sure if you do. I think you’re just all fluff and no substance,” he teased.
“Ass.” Laurent changed the subject. “Have you been out riding?”
Pascal sighed. “Yes, and I’ll be riding in a race in Belgium and the big one in Italy. I’ve been training and it’s harder to recover from the workouts, but I’m still pulling the time I want, and I’ve been thinking…”
There was a moment of silence on the other end, then Laurent cleared his throat. “What have you been thinking about, Pascal?”
“A lot of things. I’m going to be forty-two this year, and to think about riding the Tour at that age is crazy…”
“Are you thinking of coming back for one more Tour?”
Pascal heard the shock in his friend’s voice, but there was also a hint of excitement in there as well.
“Yes. I let my team manager know that I’ll be back for the Tour. I have to join the team in two weeks for my first race of the season.” Pascal rested his elbows in the table, then propped his chin on his hand. “This is probably going to be the hardest season for me since I started competing.”
Sorry. I spent all day working on Chasing the King of the Mountains, so we can sub it in the next day or so. I’m going to try and get the installment for the guys done today, then post it for you all on Wednesday. 🙂