Archive for Home Series
New Cover….

Good news….
For those of you who have been wishing and begging for Edward Monterrrose to get his own story….well, the wait is over. Actually that’s not entirely true…lol I turned in Fall into My Kiss, which is Book One of the Merging Violently series. Merging Violently is an alternative rock band. The lead guitarist meets Edward and they fall in love. 🙂 Now, I do believe the pre-order is in March, so you will have to wait a little while longer, but I promise you his story is done and just have to be edited. 🙂 Once I get a cover and a blurb, I’ll post it here for you. I’m working on a new story, which I think I shared a snippet of already titled A Coal Miner’s Son. Once that’s done, I’ll be starting Book Two of MV, featuring Lonnie, the lead singer and Cody, Tony’s friend from Home of his Own. Also, Devon and I are starting the 9th book in the Sports series, so hopefully there will be good news on that front soon as well. Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.First book of the year done….

New cover…

This is the cover for my next release, Scarecrows and Devils, which is part of the 77th Precinct PAX at Amber Allure. All five of the stories will be out on May 24th. I really enjoyed writing this one, so I hope you enjoy reading it. 🙂
I’ve been having a lot of problems writing this month. Anubis is pretty much the only story I’ve worked on regularly since the beginning of April. Not sure why, but my muse isn’t talking to me as much as I’d like. So I’m behind on my first Merging Violently book, which is the spin-off series from my Home books. I need to buckle down and get it written, so unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to do any installments for Anubis this week. I’m hoping that once I get into the story, it’ll start flowing and I can get back to my regular routine.
Please bear with me while I work this writing problem out. I promise I’ll get back to posting stuff like I usually do.
Hugs and I hope you have a great week.
New Covers…
I’ve had these covers for a while and have just forgotten to share them here. Sorry about that, but here you go.
The first is from the Semper Fidelis anthology which will be out in February from Totally Bound. It features stories about Marines, Navy and Coast Guard soldiers. 🙂

This second cover is for my story, Always Ready, when it comes out as a single release. Not sure of the date on that. But I do love this cover. My story features a Coast Guard rescue diver and a Bering Sea crab fisherman. 🙂 (And I’ll admit to watching way too many episodes of Deadliest Catch…lmao)

And this third cover goes to my Tarot/Fortune PAX story, Deserves to be Adored. This one will be out probably in February at Amber Allure. When I get more info on it, I’ll let you know. 🙂

I do believe that’s all I have to share with you at the moment.
I want to thank all of you for reading my books and my blog throughout 2014. I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without your support. There’s going to be just as much fun and excitement in 2015, with some sequels coming out that you’ve been waiting impatiently for. lol
Trailing Air, Book 4 in the Preternatural series (Rover’s story) will be out in the spring. I’ll be writing Edward’s story as well this year. He’ll finally get his own happy ending and I hope you all love that. Though his story will be either the second or third book in a new series I’m writing, but it is a spin-off from the Home series. So you’ll be seeing some favorite characters/couples again. And meeting some new characters as well. 🙂
I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year’s.
Every Shattered Dream Part Five….

The last part of my serial for Totally Bound came out last Friday. Every Shattered Dream Part Five…I hope you were all able to grab it and see how the story ends for Logan and Dawson. 🙂 And Kenny…lol. You can check it out here.

Also, as some of you might have noticed Total e-Bound got a face lift and became Totally Bound. Yay! Their new website is gorgeous. One of the things they offer are box sets of different genre of books. No Going Home is in the Lassoes & Lust box set along with Carol Lynne, Amber Kell, Bailey Bradford, and Talia Carmichael. It’s to give people a chance to sample some of the cowboy stories they have out. 🙂 I think it’s a wonderful idea. Makes me want to go out and buy it, even though I already have copies of my book…lol Click here to check it out.
Well, I have a marvelous time at GRL. Got to see a lot of friends and people I consider family. 🙂 But now that I’m home and unpacked, it’s time to buckle down and get some stories written. First I have to run to the grocery store since there’s no human food in the house…lol. Only food for the cats.
I hope you all have an awesome day.
New in Print…

Home Sweet Home is now out in print. Click here to check it out. 🙂 Which means all of the Home series is in print. Yay! I can’t wait to have them all on my shelf. I just realized something the other day. I have 39 books in print. Well, I guess actually I have 40 books in print with HSH coming out recently. Which is completely awesome, considering I didn’t think I’d have any books in print when I started writing erotic romance years ago. lol.
This week will be focused on finishing up New York, and working on Blindsided with Devon. Need to get that done and in. 🙂 I have plenty of other stories to work on once those are finished. Today will be fallen angels, mortals, and two retired soldiers fighting it out to save a life.
I hope you all have a great Monday.
Happy Memorial Day….
Please take the time today to say thank you to all the men and women who have served or are serving in our military. Because of their willingness to put themselves in front of a bullet or over a bomb, we can live the life we have today. 🙂 Also, take the time to thank that serviceman/woman’s family because they are on the front lines just as much as their spouse/significant other is.
I forgot to post anything last Friday and I’m sorry about that. I also didn’t remember until later that Home Sweet Home is now available for general release at Total e-Bound. 🙂 Yay! Yancey and Juan’s story is finally here…lol. Click here to check it out. More awesome news is that it’s a bestseller already at ARe. Thank you so much to all of you who have bought it. I hope you enjoy it.
I have to get going. It’s a busy day and I need to get a bunch of writing done. 🙂 I hope you all have a safe and marvelous Memorial Day.
Look at what I Got….
Leaving Home was a best seller on both Amazon and ARe. Yay! And Total e-Bound made this banner for me.
I wanted to let you all know that I might not be able to get Hearts installments done this week. I have two deadlines that I need to hit, so I have to focus on them until they’re finished. But I promise next week, I should be back to my normal schedule. 🙂
Have a great Monday, everyone. 🙂