Archive for Leaving Home
Look at what I Got….
Leaving Home was a best seller on both Amazon and ARe. Yay! And Total e-Bound made this banner for me.
I wanted to let you all know that I might not be able to get Hearts installments done this week. I have two deadlines that I need to hit, so I have to focus on them until they’re finished. But I promise next week, I should be back to my normal schedule. 🙂
Have a great Monday, everyone. 🙂
Ghost of a Chance is available again….

MLR Press has re-released Ghost of a Chance today. Click here to check it out. It’s just been re-edited, so if you already have it, you don’t need to pick it up. 🙂
And I want to thank all of you for making No Going Home, Leaving Home, and A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood all best sellers at ARe. Also, they’re doing great at Amazon as well, which amazes me. 🙂 So thank you all again.
I’ll be writing all weekend to get some stories done that need to be turned in next week. 🙂
I hope you all have a great weekend, and for those of you who are mothers, have an awesome Mother’s Day.
Leaving Home is available….

The fourth book in the Home series, Leaving Home, is now available for general release. 🙂 Yay! I’m so excited to have you all (who didn’t get it while it was available for pre-release download) to read Chaz and Peter’s story. 🙂 All your old friends make an appearance. Click here to check it out.
More great news. Home Sweet Home, which is the last book in the series…and I think the most highly anticipated story of the series, is now available for pre-release download. If you’re a VIP, you can buy HSH and read it today…before anyone else is able to. 🙂 It’s Juan and Yancey’s story…and I really hope you love it. click here to check it out.
Oh…and Devon Rhodes and I are having a contest over at Stumbling Over Chaos. (All right, Devon set it all up. I’m just riding on her coat tails…lol) One lucky commenter will win a copy of A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood. 🙂 Yay!
All right. I think that’s all the news I have today. I’m still going to try to get at least tomorrow’s installment done. I don’t want to leave Baxter and Addison hanging in the hallway…lol
I hope you all have a great Monday…and everything. 🙂
Sorry…have a ton of edits
Hey everyone, I’m sure you’re wondering where the next installment for the blog story is. Well, unfortunately, I didn’t get to it last night. I have a bunch of edits to do on Stealing Life, Home Sweet Home, and finishing up edits on Sticky Wicket. I’m going to try and get them done today, then hopefully I can do the installment. If not, it might not be until Thursday and Friday that you get the next two installments. 🙁 Sorry.
Also, for Erika S. and anyone else who was wondering, the only one of the first three Home books that has been added to is Wishing for a Home. I had to add about 5-6k to get it long enough to go into print like the other ones. I’m not sure if that’s enough of a difference to be able to tell when you read the new version. I understand anyone who is on a budget for books, so I guess I’d say save your money for Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. Then if you get a little extra cash, maybe pick up Wishing. 🙂
I hope you all have a great day while I spend mine in editing mode.
New Cover-Leaving Home
Isn’t this so yummy? I love this cover. 🙂 And it’s going to look awesome with the other books on my shelf when I get the print version.
I just finished final line edits on Leaving Home, so it’ll be up for pre-order at some point. I’ll make sure to let you all know when it’s up.
I’m working on Home Sweet Home and A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood this weekend. Hoping to get a lot finished. 😀 At least on HSH. I have a partner who has to do her part on ASWiB…lol So together, we’ll get a lot done, I’m sure.
Well, it’s snowing here, giving me the perfect excuse not to go anywhere and just focus on advancing my stories. I hope you all are safe and warm wherever you are. Also, have an awesome weekend.
Cover for The Whore of New Slum

Here’s the cover for my steampunk story, The Whore of New Slum, which comes out Feb. 17th from Amber Allure. 🙂 I love this cover. I just wish it was long enough to go into print. Maybe I’ll have to write another story about Wendall and Abdur, so they can be put together and released in print. I’ll have to see how everyone likes them.
I finished the edits on They Walk Among Us, which will be out on Jan. 27th, and I’ll be doing my first set of edits on Leaving Home today. Then I’ll continue working on Home Sweet Home, and hope I make some more progress on it.
I hope you all have a great Friday…and a marvelous weekend.
Tuesday….a little better

Okay…so I finished Leaving Home yesterday. Got that into my editor, and we’ll be starting edits on it very soon. As soon as it comes up for pre-order/VIP sales, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂
I also did the last set of edits on Where the Devil Dances and Dreaming of Dragons, and got them to their respective editors as well. I started working on Reserved for Him, a short story for a TeB anthology. I’m hoping to get it done in the next couple of days. I’ll be starting Home Sweet Home (Yancey/Juan) and a project I’m working on with Devon Rhodes tentatively titled India (just until we get the okay to use the title we want…lol) Oh, and my short story for the newest GRL anthology needs to be done soon as well.
As you can see I have a lot on my plate, but I’m hoping to get some of them done quicker than others. The two short stories should be easy to whip out, if I don’t go crazy first from the pressure…lol
I hope you all have a great Tuesday.