Archive for International Men of Sports
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…
Okay…so I’ll take the blame for not having a new part for On Love’s Wings. I got caught up in working on something else and lost track of time. But there will be one on Thursday for you. 🙂 I thought I’d share a very small snippet from Without Fault, Book Nine of the International Men of Sports series I’m writing with the lovely Devon Rhodes. Remember I said very small…lol But I’m posting it to prove to you that it has been started. Can’t give you a time table on when it’ll be done. We’re going to try and get it finished as soon as possible though. Here you go. Without Fault copyright c. 2016 T.A. Chase & Devon Rhodes “Percival Hamish Adcock, you get your bloody arse in this house right now.” Percy winced as his mum screeched like a fishwife from the back verandah. What had he forgotten to do now? “I bloody well meant it, young man,” she shouted again. “Don’t you have phones in the stables?” Rebecca asked teasingly. He turned to face his favorite cousin. Heck, she was pretty much his favorite human in the whole world. Her bright smile lit up her face and he couldn’t help but return the expression. “I had intercoms installed for this very reason,” he informed her. “Yet she insists on standing out there screaming like a banshee every time she wants me for something.” “Ah…Auntie Amelia loves you, Percy. She just likes to ruffle your feathers once in a while.” “She likes to treat me as though I were still twelve years old,” he muttered.Good news….
For those of you who have been wishing and begging for Edward Monterrrose to get his own story….well, the wait is over. Actually that’s not entirely true…lol I turned in Fall into My Kiss, which is Book One of the Merging Violently series. Merging Violently is an alternative rock band. The lead guitarist meets Edward and they fall in love. 🙂 Now, I do believe the pre-order is in March, so you will have to wait a little while longer, but I promise you his story is done and just have to be edited. 🙂 Once I get a cover and a blurb, I’ll post it here for you. I’m working on a new story, which I think I shared a snippet of already titled A Coal Miner’s Son. Once that’s done, I’ll be starting Book Two of MV, featuring Lonnie, the lead singer and Cody, Tony’s friend from Home of his Own. Also, Devon and I are starting the 9th book in the Sports series, so hopefully there will be good news on that front soon as well. Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.New Book and New Cover…
An Ace in the Tiebreak, Book 8 in the International Men of Sports series, is available now at all 3rd party sellers. (ARe and Amazon) You can check it out here.
Also, I got the cover for Borderline, which is a re-release at Totally Bound. I love this cover, plus there will be two more books in the Delarosa Secrets series coming next year. 🙂 Borderline will be out in February.
I finished Deserves to be Adored, which is a story for a Amber Allure PAX. It should be out early next year. I’m working on a St. Patrick’s Day story for MLR Press. 🙂 After that, I’ll be working on Trailing Air, Rover’s story. Yes, finally….lol
Next week I’m going to be in Chicago for GRL. I’m going to try and get the two blog installments up and scheduled before I go. If I don’t, I’m sorry. 🙂
I hope you all have a great weekend.
A Grand Prix Romance available…

A Grand Prix Romance, Book 7 of our International Men of Sports, is available at all 3rd party retailers now. 🙂
It features Paolo from At First Touch, plus you get to visit some of the other guys as well. 🙂
Also, I’d like to show you the cover for my short story that is part of a new imprint at Totally Bound. It’s called What’s His Passion?. My short story is titled Mountains to Climb and will be out on July 11th. All the stories featured in WHP will be m/m and also at least one character will have something he’s passionate about. My guy, Jensen, is addicted to mountain climbing. (wouldn’t have guessed it by the title, right? lol) There will be a full length novel some time next year featuring Jensen and Toby again. Plus I have a few other ideas I want to explore that would fit into the theme of the imprint.
Here’s my cover for Mountains to Climb:

And here is the cover for the anthology for What’s His Passion. The first six launch books will be available in one print book. 🙂

Aren’t they gorgeous?
I hope you all have fun this weekend. I’ll be working on finishing up Book 5 in the Rags to Riches series, Walking in the Rain. 🙂
Hey there…
Sorry I didn’t post an installment today. I wanted to finish Anywhere Tequila Flows by today, so I had to work on that all day. I got it done and turned it. Yay! So today, I’ll write both of this week’s installments and get them scheduled. You’ll have some more Bodyguards tomorrow and Thursday.
Also, I’d like to share the cover for the newest International Men of Sports series, A Grand Prix Romance. Isn’t it pretty?

And here’s the cover for the last Fallen book, Saint Petersburg, if you’re interested. lol 🙂

I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday.
Good Morning….

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend. 🙂
I wanted to let you all know that Following His Footsteps, Book 3 in the Rags to Riches series, is up for pre-order at Totally Bound. Check it out here.

Also, the next book in my m/f Fallen series, London, is available for early download. Check it out here.
This week I have to finish Anywhere Tequila Flow, Book 4 in Rags to Riches, and get started on Eye of the Hurricane, which is my next Tiffany book (about a lady pirate). Devon and I will be starting the eighth book in our Sports series, An Ace in the Tiebreak (title subject to change…lol) with a Swiss tennis player and the chef hired to get him back to his winning form. 🙂
Plus if any of you live in Chicago, I’ll be at the Chicago Northern RWA Chapter Spring Fling this weekend. Here’s the information on it. There’ll be a book signing on Saturday that is open to the public. If you can make it that would be awesome.
I think that’s it for now. I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…

It’s been a while since I shared one of these, but I thought I’d post a little snippet from A Grand Prix Romance, book 7 of the International Men of Sports series. 🙂 It’s what I’m working on right now and Devon and I hope to have it finished by the end of the week. Yay!
Hope you like it.
A Grand Prix Romance copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase and Devon Rhodes
A fleeting thought raced through Johann’s mind. What would happen if Paolo wanted to stay around after the race was over? Could he deal with that? No one else had ever wished to see more of Johann. He rolled his eyes. Sure there had been some who wanted more than Johann had been willing to give them. He’d never been able to imagine himself settling down with a woman, and those were the ones who tended to cling.
“Johann,” Paolo called his name.
Blinking, he shot a glance over at Paolo. “Were you asking me something?”
Paolo snorted. “I hope you’ve been paying better attention to the road than you have to me.”
“I could drive this with my eyes closed,” Johann bragged as he slowed down just a little.
“I’m sure you could, but there are mere mortals who use this road, and they’re the ones I don’t trust.”
He could flatter Johann all he wanted, but Johann knew Paolo wasn’t as confident about Johann’s driving skills when it was dark out and Johann was distracted. He didn’t blame him because the winding mountainous roads of Monaco really weren’t the places to not pay attention to the pavement in front of them.
“What did you want to ask me?” He brought the conversation back to whatever Paolo had been trying to ask him.
“Your friend doesn’t care if you use his place?”
Something told Johann that wasn’t the original question. He wasn’t going to push. “No. He had to go out of the country for a business emergency. Usually he’s around during Grand Prix week and he hangs out with me down in the city.”
The road leading to the house came up on his left and he slowed even more so he could make the turn. Johann drove along until he pulled in front of the stone home. He turned the car off and they sat there for a moment, staring at the facade of the building.
“Is your friend Prince Albert?” Paolo asked.
Laughing, Johann climbed out of the Maserati. “No. It’s a little ostentatious, isn’t it? It’s an ancestral home.”
After leading the way up to the large wooden doors inset with brilliant stain glass, he smiled at the older man who held one of them opened for them.
“Thanks, Jacques. I appreciate you being willing to let us in.” Johann motioned towards Paolo. “This is my friend, Paolo.”
“Sirs.” Jacques inclined his head to both of them as he accepted their jackets and Johann’s keys. “Master Benton informed us you would be coming tonight. Dinner is ready in the small dining room. I’ve opened the merlot you were fond of the last time you visited.”
“Marvellous.” He grabbed Paolo’s hand then dragged him down the hall. “Benton’s cook is as good as any five star chef I’ve ever met. You’re going to die when you taste his food.” He greeted the young lady standing by the door. “Hey Milly.”
“Monsieur Wetl, it is good to see you again. When you are finished with dinner, don’t worry about the dishes. We’ll take care of them.” She stepped out of the way to allow Johann and Paolo to enter the room.
The small dining room was aptly named. It held an oak table that seated only four at one time. It was covered with an antique lace tablecloth and set with light blue china plates. Crystal glasses and sterling silverware completed the elegant look of the dinner setting. A gorgeous teardrop crystal chandelier hung over the table, but it had been wired for electricity, letting them dim the lightning slightly to bathe the red roses in the centre in shadows.
Johann hoped Paolo didn’t think it was cheesy. He had a romantic streak and liked to treat his lovers to special moments. He didn’t get a chance to do it very often, and he admitted it was his own fault since he had a tendency to let them walk away. Yet he readily admitted that most of the problem was his because he hadn’t hung on to them. There was always another race in another country that he had to win.
He held out a chair for Paolo who cast him a speculative glance before sitting. After taking his own seat, Johan picked up the bottle of wine to pour out a glass for each of them. Right before he put any in Paolo’s glass, he paused.
“Do you like merlot?” He hadn’t thought about the fact that Paolo just might like red wine–or wine in general.
hey there….

As you can see, I didn’t get another installment of Bodyguards done for today, but there will definitely be one tomorrow. And hopefully one on Friday. 🙂
I wanted to let you know (if you’re interested) that Hearts on the Line is available in print at Amazon. 🙂 Click here to check it out.

Also, Burning Up the Ice is available in print as well. Click here to check this one out. (I have to say I love the white cover on this book. It really stands out on my bookshelf.)
Oh and in case you didn’t know….

Close the Distance is available for early download. This is the second book in the Rags to Riches series and picks up right where Remove the Empty Spaces left off. Click here to check it out.

And Serving Love at Carnival is available for early download as well. 🙂 Click here to check this one out.
Okay…so I signed the contracts for Saint Petersburg and a special project that as soon as I know I can say something I will. I have to double check to find out if it’s top secret until the publisher reveals it, or if I can say anything…lol. Don’t want to get into trouble, but I think you’ll like it.
Well, that’s all the news that fits to print today. I hope you all have a great Wednesday. 🙂
New Cover and book…

First of all, Finding Peace is out now. Yay! Click here to check it out. Also, it’s on sale. 😉 I did add more to it at the end after I took it down from the blog.
Second, I got the cover art for From Yesterday, Book 3 in the Rupert’s Legacy series. I love it. 🙂

Isn’t it pretty? This one was supposed to be out April 7th, but we pushed it back closer to the end of April. But it will be out next month.
Third, I finished Saint Petersburg, which is Book 8 (and the last book) in the Fallen series. This one is about Lucifer. He plays a part in a few of the other books, so I had to give him his own story. This series has taken me ten years to finish..lmao. It was the first series I ever wrote when I started writing and got published. Then I took a detour into writing m/m romance. But when I decided to write both, I figured I’d get the Fallen books done. Yay!
Now I’m going to be working on A Grand Prix Romance, which is Book 7 of the International Men series. Plus going to do my best to get you all three installments of Bodyguards. If I don’t quite make three, you’ll definitely get the usual two. 🙂
Once Grand Prix is done, I’ll be finishing up Losing Sight of the Target and starting Anywhere Tequila Flows, Book 4 of the Rags to Riches series and work on a special project. 🙂
All right. I hope you all are safe and warm this snowy Monday. (I was really hoping we were done with snow, but guess not.)
New Cover….

This is the cover to Patrick’s story from Rags to Riches. 🙂 I think the release date for this is in May, but I have to double check…lol.

Burning Up the Ice, Book 5 in the International series, is now available at all 3rd party sellers as well as Totally Bound. 🙂 Click here to check it out.

And Serving Love at Carnival is available for early download as well. Click here to see that. 🙂
Okay…I think that’s all my news for today. Plan on doing a lot of writing this weekend to see if I can’t get some stories done and turned in. 🙂
I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay warm and safe.