Archive for Home Sweet Home

Good News….



Okay…I finished Reserved for Him last night, and subbed it today. Yay! Another story crossed off my list. Also, I finished and subbed Threadbare Gypsy Souls. Threadbare will be out April 7th. Along with two other stories for sure, and maybe one more. 🙂 So April there will be an abundance of T.A. Chase stories coming out.

One will be a re-release with nothing new added, just a different cover, so you can skip it if you want…lol.

I’ll be starting the project I’m working on with Devon Rhodes, and also Home Sweet Home will be started today. Woot!

Sorry I was late posting this. I’ve been staying at my mother’s this week to help her during her recovery from knee surgery. She’s been doing really good, so I’m going home tonight. Unfortunately, I have a funeral to go to tomorrow. 🙁 But she has a bunch of friends just chomping at the bit to come and help her…lol. So I don’t have to worry about her being by herself.

I hope you all have a great day.

Wednesday Work in Progress…



All right. So I’m only about 4-5k away from finishing Reserved for Him. I’m sure it’ll be done today and submitted. Yay! Then I’ll be starting Home Sweet Home, and India. Oh, and my GRL story. 🙂 But hey, at least I can cross one more story off my list.

Today, I thought I’d share an excerpt from Reserved for Him. This is the only peek at it you get…lol…since it’ll be done today.

I hope you all have a great day, and enjoy the glimpse of Ion and Adrien.

Excerpt: Reserved for Him (copyright c. 2013 T.A. Chase)

He rubbed his sweaty palms on his pants, then checked his reflection in the mirror by the door one last time. Ion opened the door with a smile, but his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw Adrien standing in front of him.

Seeing the man in suits all day at the office had told Ion Adrien had a sense of style and loved tailored clothing. Obviously Adrien stepped it up a notch when it came to going out on a date. The dark blue silky dress shirt he wore clung to him like a second skin. Adrien’s black slacks emphasised his muscled thighs, and Ion couldn’t wait to see what it did to Adrien’s backside. The man oozed sex and charisma from every pore.

“I’m going to have to fight everyone off you with a stick,” Ion mumbled.

After Adrien strolled in, he swept Ion into his arms and kissed him. Ion forgot every worry and nervous thought he might have had as soon as Adrien’s lips touched his. He buried his fingers in Adrien’s hair, holding tight while Adrien overwhelmed him.

The only thought in Ion’s brain was how soon could he get Adrien into his bed, and was he hungry enough for food to leave his apartment. It wasn’t until his lungs burnt from lack of oxygen that he decided to take a step back.

Adrien didn’t let him break their embrace. He rested his forehead against Ion’s, and they slowed their breathing together.

“I want you, Ion. More than I’ve ever wanted another man before, and that’s saying something.”

A small jolt of jealousy hit Ion, but he knew it was stupid to feel that way. Adrien was a mature male with money and power. Of course, he was going to have a lot of lovers before Ion. A tiny voice in Ion’s head said that he wouldn’t be having any other lovers after Ion if Ion had any say in it.

“I want you as well, Adrien,” Ion admitted, not seeing the harm in confessing the obvious.

Adrien took a step back, leaving his hands at Ion’s hips. “But I want us to have dinner together, and get to know each other better before we jump into bed. I think we’re looking for the same thing here, and it isn’t a quick roll in the hay.”

Ion shook his head. “It might seem odd, because I’m not that old, but I’m tired of the club scene and hook-ups. Maybe it’s because I have big plans for myself, and it doesn’t seem like a lot of the guys I run into are interested in that.”

“Maybe you just needed an older man to see the possibilities with you.” Adrien dove in for a quick peck, then he gestured towards the door. “We should be going. Our reservations are for eight o’clock and we don’t want to be late.”

Ion grabbed his jacket, and all the rest of his things.

Tuesday….a little better



Okay…so I finished Leaving Home yesterday. Got that into my editor, and we’ll be starting edits on it very soon. As soon as it comes up for pre-order/VIP sales, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂

I also did the last set of edits on Where the Devil Dances and Dreaming of Dragons, and got them to their respective editors as well. I started working on Reserved for Him, a short story for a TeB anthology. I’m hoping to get it done in the next couple of days. I’ll be starting Home Sweet Home (Yancey/Juan) and a project I’m working on with Devon Rhodes tentatively titled India (just until we get the okay to use the title we want…lol) Oh, and my short story for the newest GRL anthology needs to be done soon as well.

As you can see I have a lot on my plate, but I’m hoping to get some of them done quicker than others. The two short stories should be easy to whip out, if I don’t go crazy first from the pressure…lol

I hope you all have a great Tuesday.

Last Day of 2012….




Not sure if I shared this with you before, but this is a picture my husband took while he was at the Olympics this year. Since Federer is my favorite tennis player, I thought I’d share it. I think for this match, my husband was at Centre Court, three rows off the actual court. Pretty nice, huh?

I can’t believe today is the last day of 2012. Crazy. Where the heck did this year go? When I look back on it, it wasn’t the best year of my life for personal reasons, but it wasn’t the worse year. I can deal with the personal crap, and move on. 🙂

I’ve had a few new books out this year, along with some re-releases. I still have a few re-releases coming out in 2013, but there will be more new books out. I promise…the biggest ones will be the last two Home books, Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. You’ve all been so patient waiting for them, and I hope they live up to your expectations.

I’m hoping to get Rover’s story done in 2013, along with the next Diner story and the third Why I Love book. Maybe even do the next Earth Warrior as well. Plus I’m working on a special project with an awesome writer, but I’m not going to say anything more than that right now. 🙂

I hope you all have a safe New Year’s Eve, and I hope 2012 has been kind to you.

End of the month already?

I’ll be sharing a new cover next Monday. 🙂 Yay!

Well, I have to fill in the middle part of my steampunk story, and I’m hoping to get it done today, but I’m not sure if I can. If not, I’ll have to ask for an extension…just a short As soon as The Whore of New Slum is done, I’ll be starting the next Home book-Leaving Home (Peter’s story) and a short story titled Reserved for Him. The short story goes to Total e-Bound as well. So I have a bunch of new stories coming out next year at TeB as well as a few old stories being re-released.

I hope you all have a great weekend. 🙂 I’ll be writing my fingers to the bone. (Not really, but I’ll be writing as much as possible…lol)


From Yesterday is rolling along nicely. As soon as I come up with a blurb, I’ll share it with you. 🙂 News on the Coming Soon front. Looks like we’re going to release Where the Devil Dances in February next year. What that means is Leaving Home, Home Sweet Home, and Stealing Life will be pushed back a month. Don’t worry…they’re still coming out next year, but this gives me a little breathing space for the two haven’t been written yet. Just in case they cause me as much trouble as Tramps did. lol

Well, I’ll be writing soon. Need to get the next installment of my blog story done, and hopefully another 3k on FY. Yay! Have a great Monday.

Last Monday in February


Since it’s so close to the end of the month, I thought I’d let you all know what my news is. If you’ve gone to ARe, or really any of the 3rd party sellers-or to Liquid Silver Books website to look for any of my books published by them, you won’t find them. After four great years being published with them and working with them, I decided to take the rights back to all my books. The only two left with LSB at the moment are Where the Devil Dances, and Two for One. Because both of those are published with other authors, I had to wait the full 90 days before I could get those back. Which is fine with me.

Again, I want to emphasize that my decision had nothing to do with Liquid Silver Books. They’re great people, and I loved working with them. I just decided it was time to move my books somewhere else. The purpose behind it is to consolidate my publishers and make it a little less of a search for you, the readers, to find my books. If I have them at three or four publishers instead of six or seven, it’d be quicker…lol.

And the good news is Total e-Bound has decided to pick up the Home series and Stealing Life so far. The other books are under review with them. 🙂  So at the moment, I have release dates for them, barring any unforeseen problem.  No Going Home will be re-released Oct. 15th, Home of His Own-Dec. 31st. Wishing for a Home-Jan 28th.  Also, I have release dates for the last two books in the series, Leaving Home will be out Feb. 25th and Home Sweet Home will be out March 25th. Stealing Life will be out April 22nd. The other news is all of the Home books will be released in print as well. I added more to Wishing to get it up to the right word count for print. So that’s awesome news.

Now I know you’re all probably grumbling about having to wait until next year for the last two books in the series, but at least you have actual dates to mark on your calendar to look forward to. 🙂 There are six more LSB books that TeB will be taking a look at to see if they want them or not. If not, I do have other options to publishing them, so they will be re-released at some point.

I did a pre-release schedule from Total e-Bound that goes through April of 2013. That makes me happy, and it’s a schedule I can keep without pulling my hair out…lol. I finished From Slavery to Freedom on Friday, and sent it off to my beta reader. Once she’s done, and tells me everything I need to fix, I’ll get it in to my editor at TeB. FStF is scheduled to be released on July 31st. Woot! I’m working on The Deepest Cut at the moment, trying to get it finished as well. We’ll see how far I can get on that before I have to start the second book in The Beasor Chronicles trilogy.

There are plans to take back some other books back from another publisher of mine, but until it actually happens, I’m keeping as silent as I can about that. 🙂 Again, I’m taking my rights back for no other reason than it’s time to move on. It’s been fun working with all my different publishers. Simply time to gather my little ducklings into fewer baskets.

I hope you all have a great day.

The end is near

of the week and War, the second Horsemen book. Woot! I’ll definitely have it finished by Sunday, which was my goal all along. It’ll be around 52k, which means it’ll be going into print at Total e-Bound. 🙂 I’m making sure all of the Horsemen books are long enough to go into print. That way each book has it’s own cover and everything. 🙂 Also, there’ll be a fifth book, not really part of the series, but there’s a reoccurring character in each story that needs his own, so I talked to my editor, and she said send her a synopsis and we’ll see what we can do. I really hope everyone likes the Horsemen series. They’ve been interesting to write.

Cynthia, you asked about Yancey and Juan from the Home series. Well, I know I’ve said this before and it hasn’t happened, but I really do plan on writing about them soon. My schedule is filled for the rest of this year and I don’t plan on adding any other books into it. Couldn’t even if I wanted to…lol…that’s how packed it is. But I’ve written out a schedule for myself listing each book I want to write for each month and the last two Home books are scheduled in for next year. Leaving Home, Peter’s story, I’m going to have finished by April, and Home Sweet Home, Yancey and Juan’s story, I’m going to have done by June. I’m hoping that will mean they’ll both be out next year as well. I’m not sure what kind of release schedule Liquid Silver is running on right now. I’m sticking to that schedule if it kills me…lol

What’s my schedule look like, you might ask. Well, it’s a 24×36 dry erase board and I have 2011 thru 2018 written on there. Yep, I have stories planned out to 2018. Titles are listed under each year with the month I plan on having them finished by. I have six stories left to write this year. Two of them are really short Christmas stories, so they shouldn’t be too hard to knock out. The other four are Love’s Baggage, Bandit’s story from Preternatural series. Famine and Death from the Horsemen series. And Trailing Air, Rover’s story from the Preternatural series. So I’m hoping to have both series pretty much wrapped up by the end of the year. Sure, there’ll be one more in the Preternatural series, and that’s Jess/Pavel’s story, but I’m going to fit that in next year. And the spin-off book for the Horsemen series, but that one will be a stand alone. You won’t need to read the first four to understand what’s happening in this one.

I thought you might be interested in what I’ve got planned out in the next couple of months. Next year there will also be new stories coming out. I have two new series planned at Total e-Bound. I think you’ll enjoy both of them. At least I hope so. 🙂

Well I’ve babbled enough to everyone. Back to my ‘office’ to finish up War and fill out the cover art/blurb forms for War, and the other two Horsemen books. Might as well get those done, so all I have to do is write the books…lol.

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.