Archive for Deepest Cut
Manic Monday….

For those of you who buy books at All Romance Ebooks, Losing Sight is available there now. Yay! Still not up at Amazon. Not sure why. But I’ll let you know. π
I turned in a YA over the weekend, The Deepest Cut, and when I know anything about release dates and such, I’ll let you all know as well. It was going to be one big book, but I decided to split it into two smaller books. So the second book will be The Deepest Hope and I plan on working on it in Sept.
I have to change the title of my Amber Allure PAX contribution from Search & Rescue. Haven’t come up with a new title yet, but I should probably have one before I turn it in later this week…lol. π That’s what I’ll be working on along with the three installments of Shuffle that I promised you. There will be one up tomorrow.
Well, I hope you all have a good Monday. I have to go for a run then come back and start writing. π
Last Monday in February

Since it’s so close to the end of the month, I thought I’d let you all know what my news is. If you’ve gone to ARe, or really any of the 3rd party sellers-or to Liquid Silver Books website to look for any of my books published by them, you won’t find them. After four great years being published with them and working with them, I decided to take the rights back to all my books. The only two left with LSB at the moment are Where the Devil Dances, and Two for One. Because both of those are published with other authors, I had to wait the full 90 days before I could get those back. Which is fine with me.
Again, I want to emphasize that my decision had nothing to do with Liquid Silver Books. They’re great people, and I loved working with them. I just decided it was time to move my books somewhere else. The purpose behind it is to consolidate my publishers and make it a little less of a search for you, the readers, to find my books. If I have them at three or four publishers instead of six or seven, it’d be quicker…lol.
And the good news is Total e-Bound has decided to pick up the Home series and Stealing Life so far. The other books are under review with them. π Β So at the moment, I have release dates for them, barring any unforeseen problem. Β No Going Home will be re-released Oct. 15th, Home of His Own-Dec. 31st. Wishing for a Home-Jan 28th. Β Also, I have release dates for the last two books in the series, Leaving Home will be out Feb. 25th and Home Sweet Home will be out March 25th. Stealing Life will be out April 22nd. The other news is all of the Home books will be released in print as well. I added more to Wishing to get it up to the right word count for print. So that’s awesome news.
Now I know you’re all probably grumbling about having to wait until next year for the last two books in the series, but at least you have actual dates to mark on your calendar to look forward to. π There are six more LSB books that TeB will be taking a look at to see if they want them or not. If not, I do have other options to publishing them, so they will be re-released at some point.
I did a pre-release schedule from Total e-Bound that goes through April of 2013. That makes me happy, and it’s a schedule I can keep without pulling my hair out…lol. I finished From Slavery to Freedom on Friday, and sent it off to my beta reader. Once she’s done, and tells me everything I need to fix, I’ll get it in to my editor at TeB. FStF is scheduled to be released on July 31st. Woot! I’m working on The Deepest Cut at the moment, trying to get it finished as well. We’ll see how far I can get on that before I have to start the second book in The Beasor Chronicles trilogy.
There are plans to take back some other books back from another publisher of mine, but until it actually happens, I’m keeping as silent as I can about that. π Again, I’m taking my rights back for no other reason than it’s time to move on. It’s been fun working with all my different publishers. Simply time to gather my little ducklings into fewer baskets.
I hope you all have a great day.
Embraced in Gold Cover

This is the cover for the print version of Embrace My Reflection and Bring Him Gold. Isn’t it so pretty? It will be out some time in March.
Also, Bring Him Gold came out yesterday for those of you who haven’t heard. π A happy Valentine’s Day story giving us a glimpse into what’s happening with Ronnie and Lucius. Click here to check it out.
I have three sets of edits to do this week, so the next installment of They Walk Among Us might not be available until Wednesday. I really want to get all the edits out of the way, so I can focus on finishing From Slavery to Freedom, work on The Deepest Cut, and two other stories I’d really like to get started and finished asap as well. π It’s a tall order, but Slavery, DC, and one of the other stories are all halfway done, it’s simply a matter of filling in spots or writing the last few chapters. Only From Yesterday will be started from scratch. We’ll have to see. The new one I added to my schedule needs to be in by the beginning of May, so I might move it to work on in March along with Tramps.
Well, I guess I better get to editing. Yay! I hope you all have a great Monday. π
First Week Gone…

The first full week of February is pretty much over with, and wow…I’m thinking this entire year is going to fly by. Of course, I just keep my head down and write, so I tend to lose track of the days…lol.
But at least my writing is going well. I got another 5k done yesterday, and I’m over halfway done with From Slavery to Freedom. I’m going to slowly start wrapping it up. I’m hoping it’ll be done by the middle of next week. If that happens, then I can finish up The Deepest Cut, and maybe even start working on the next two stories in line. π
I have an errand to run first thing this morning, then when it’s done, I’ll be coming home and writing the rest of the day. Woot! See how much I can get done.
I hope you all have a fabulous Friday and an awesome weekend.
Monday is here…

So a new week is here, and I’m trying decide if I want to sit at my desk and write, or curl up in my recliner in the living room with my laptop. Guess it really doesn’t long as I write. π
It looks like my two YA stories will be out in May and June. Yay! Pursing Hope, my first f/f YA, will be coming out in May, and The Deepest Cut will be out in June. When I get exact dates, I’ll let everyone know, and also the dates are always subject to change…lol. Β I’m at 41k for DC, and it’ll be over 60k when I finish, which is nice. I think it needs to be that long to tell Charlie’s story. He’s got some issues, but he makes it through and gets a boyfriend in the end.
The adult story I’m working on, From Slavery to Freedom, is the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness, and is about Malachai, Andor’s demon bodyguard. I hope you all like it. It’s a little hard in the beginning because Doll, Malachai’s love interest, is in a very bad place. But Malachai, Andor and Sven help save him. I’ll let you know more about it when I get closer to being done with it.
Well, I better get to writing. I hope you have a great day.
Busy weekend

Well, I’m hoping to finish up the additional stuff I had to add to an older story to make it long enough to go into print. If I do, then I’ll go back to working on The Deepest Cut. I have until the end of the month to wrap this older story up. Once Feb. 1st comes around, I have to start on the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness and another short story. π
I’m having lunch tomorrow with some friends, but I do plan on doing as much writing over the weekend as I can.
Hope you have an awesome Friday, and great weekend, everyone.
Frigid Friday

Happy Hump Day…

2nd: Diana A, from JP Barnaby’s blog
3rd: Tiffany, from Kit Sands’ blog
Another Day..Another Chapter….