Last Monday in February

Since it’s so close to the end of the month, I thought I’d let you all know what my news is. If you’ve gone to ARe, or really any of the 3rd party sellers-or to Liquid Silver Books website to look for any of my books published by them, you won’t find them. After four great years being published with them and working with them, I decided to take the rights back to all my books. The only two left with LSB at the moment are Where the Devil Dances, and Two for One. Because both of those are published with other authors, I had to wait the full 90 days before I could get those back. Which is fine with me.
Again, I want to emphasize that my decision had nothing to do with Liquid Silver Books. They’re great people, and I loved working with them. I just decided it was time to move my books somewhere else. The purpose behind it is to consolidate my publishers and make it a little less of a search for you, the readers, to find my books. If I have them at three or four publishers instead of six or seven, it’d be quicker…lol.
And the good news is Total e-Bound has decided to pick up the Home series and Stealing Life so far. The other books are under review with them. π Β So at the moment, I have release dates for them, barring any unforeseen problem. Β No Going Home will be re-released Oct. 15th, Home of His Own-Dec. 31st. Wishing for a Home-Jan 28th. Β Also, I have release dates for the last two books in the series, Leaving Home will be out Feb. 25th and Home Sweet Home will be out March 25th. Stealing Life will be out April 22nd. The other news is all of the Home books will be released in print as well. I added more to Wishing to get it up to the right word count for print. So that’s awesome news.
Now I know you’re all probably grumbling about having to wait until next year for the last two books in the series, but at least you have actual dates to mark on your calendar to look forward to. π There are six more LSB books that TeB will be taking a look at to see if they want them or not. If not, I do have other options to publishing them, so they will be re-released at some point.
I did a pre-release schedule from Total e-Bound that goes through April of 2013. That makes me happy, and it’s a schedule I can keep without pulling my hair out…lol. I finished From Slavery to Freedom on Friday, and sent it off to my beta reader. Once she’s done, and tells me everything I need to fix, I’ll get it in to my editor at TeB. FStF is scheduled to be released on July 31st. Woot! I’m working on The Deepest Cut at the moment, trying to get it finished as well. We’ll see how far I can get on that before I have to start the second book in The Beasor Chronicles trilogy.
There are plans to take back some other books back from another publisher of mine, but until it actually happens, I’m keeping as silent as I can about that. π Again, I’m taking my rights back for no other reason than it’s time to move on. It’s been fun working with all my different publishers. Simply time to gather my little ducklings into fewer baskets.
I hope you all have a great day.
8 Responses “Last Monday in February”
Talk about timing, i just finished re-reading No Going Home so now I have even more reason to re-read the others in the series!!!
Such hardship – LOL!
I’m glad to hear TEB want to publish the books, very cool publisher!
Thanks for the heads up!
Haven’t read the Home series yet so I’ll wait for the re-pub and then get them. Yay, more TA books that I’ll get to add to the books-I’ve-read list.
Nope, Yvonne. I never really thought I’d end up with this many books out, and so many other books on the schedule to come out. It’s pretty amazing all together. π
Did you EVER think, when you first published Angel, that it would get this BIG?
Watching your canon of work grow has been a pleasure.
Can’t wait to update my calendar with the new dates. ;D
There aren’t any changes to NGH. The only change to HoHO is that the short story at the end of it won’t be on the TeB version. We’re going to end up using that as a free story to help promote the series. The only one with true changes is Wishing. π
I am so excited to know there are two more books coming in the Home series. π Just want to be sure there are no changes to NGH or HoHO other than switching publishers…gotta know my buying strategy before I go shopping. π
I know, but I need to get the first three re-leased before I can release the last two. They will be written this spring. just not out to buy until next year. π
so exciting about your last two home books..i have been waiting for them. this next year will be SO Hard because i will be wanting to know if they are out YET lol