Last Day of 2012….




Not sure if I shared this with you before, but this is a picture my husband took while he was at the Olympics this year. Since Federer is my favorite tennis player, I thought I’d share it. I think for this match, my husband was at Centre Court, three rows off the actual court. Pretty nice, huh?

I can’t believe today is the last day of 2012. Crazy. Where the heck did this year go? When I look back on it, it wasn’t the best year of my life for personal reasons, but it wasn’t the worse year. I can deal with the personal crap, and move on. 🙂

I’ve had a few new books out this year, along with some re-releases. I still have a few re-releases coming out in 2013, but there will be more new books out. I promise…the biggest ones will be the last two Home books, Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. You’ve all been so patient waiting for them, and I hope they live up to your expectations.

I’m hoping to get Rover’s story done in 2013, along with the next Diner story and the third Why I Love book. Maybe even do the next Earth Warrior as well. Plus I’m working on a special project with an awesome writer, but I’m not going to say anything more than that right now. 🙂

I hope you all have a safe New Year’s Eve, and I hope 2012 has been kind to you.

3 Responses “Last Day of 2012….”

  1. Bethie says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, T.A.!!! May it be one full of wonder, even more creativity, and many blessings in your life!

  2. josexpressions says:

    Congrats on all you have achieved this year, T.A., and all the best for 2013! 🙂

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