Archive for Excerpts
Wednesday’s Work in Progress

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a WiP excerpt. I thought I’d do one with the newest book I’m working on. I’m really enjoying it…and hopefully you will when you get a chance to read it. I don’t have a release date or anything for it yet. It’s not contracted or anything, but it’s the sequel to Mountains to Climb. So you’ll get to see how Jensen and Toby are doing, now that Jensen has returned and Toby has welcomed him back.
This book is titled Climbing the Savage Mountain (K2 is nicknamed the Savage Mountain and Jensen climbs it in the story).
Climbing the Savage Mountain copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
“Why Everest?” Toby asked. “Whenever I hear people talk about something on their bucket list—or the ultimate dream—a lot of them say climbing Everest. What makes Everest such a goal?”
Jensen scrubbed his hand over his hair as he tried to think about how to explain how he felt whenever he thought about Everest. “I don’t know about other people, though for most of them, Everest might seem like the biggest insurmountable obstacle they can think of. And to be able to say they got to the summit ends up putting them in a rare class of people who have faced a challenge and defeated it.”
Toby nodded. “I guess that makes sense, but why do you want to climb it? I know that it’s only number two on your list. K2 is the one you really want to conquer. Why not focus on that one instead of risking everything on Everest?”
Jensen met Toby’s gaze and said, “If I can summit Everest, I have no doubt that I’ll get to the summit of K2.”
“So Everest is just a litmus test as to your ability to climb big mountains? What happens if you end up getting injured while trying it? Will that convince you that you can’t do it or will it strengthen your resolve to try again?” Toby clenched his hands.
He winced at the pressure Toby was exerting on his fingers. Jensen cupped Toby’s face in his free hand.
“Nothing will happen to me on this trip. I promise.”
Toby jerked away from him then shot to his feet. He started pacing while Jensen watched. “Don’t promise me something like that, Jensen. You’re a good climber. I know that. Hell, Cat and Jigger tell me that all the time. You’re a natural. One of the best they’ve seen in years. I know that means jack shit when you’re up on that God forsaken piece of rock and a storm rolls.”
Jensen opened his mouth then snapped it shut when Toby whirled on him. He saw the fear in Toby’s eyes and he went to him, wrapping his arms around his lover to hold him close. He pressed his mouth to Toby’s ear and whispered, “I promise to never make light of your fears. I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t realize how scared you were about me going.”
“It’s not just Everest, Jensen,” Toby confessed. “It’s every time you walk out that door on a trip. I’m left here, wondering if you’re going to come home. So far you’ve done it, but what if something keeps you from coming back to me?”
As much as he wanted to say that the only way he wouldn’t be coming back to Toby was if he were dead, Jensen knew it wasn’t the right thing to say. It certainly wouldn’t reassure Toby at all.
“I know you’re afraid I’ll decide to keep wandering.” He stepped back to stare down at Toby. “I can make you this vow, Toby, and this one I do have control over. I will always come back to you. I wasn’t strong enough to face you when I ran away before. I didn’t trust in how much you cared for me. We both know I should’ve come to you and tell you about my addictions and my problems.”
“Damn straight you should’ve. How can I help you when I don’t know what’s wrong?” Toby encircled Jensen’s waist, resting his head on Jensen’s chest.
Jensen kissed the top of Toby’s head. “Do you really feel like talking about my trip right now? Why don’t we go for a run then we get back, we can take a shower?”
Tension eased from Toby’s shoulders and Jensen realized it was just a reprieve from the complications of him going away. Yet he didn’t want to talk about it right then. He wanted to spend time with the man he loved and soak up all the good times, so he had something to cling to when he was on the side of Everest, praying to God to keep him safe.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress

This little excerpt is from Search & Rescue, a story I’m writing for an Amber Allure PAX. It’s due by Sept. 1st, so it will definitely be out some time later this year. 🙂
Search & Rescue copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
An insistent ringing broke through Keaton’s dream and he groaned as he rolled over, not even opening his eyes as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand.
“Goodwin,” he growled into the phone.
“I need you and Kaiser at the airport asap. There was an earthquake in Colombia and they need search and rescue there to look for survivors.” His boss, Connor St. Lawrence, ordered him.
“Yes, sir. We’ll be there in thirty minutes.”
After hanging up, Keaton tossed his phone on the bed then jumped out from under the covers. Kaiser sat in the doorway, staring at him expectantly.
“Yes, we’re going. I have to get dressed. Go get your leash.”
Kaiser barked once before dashing from the room. Keaton smiled at how eager his companion was. They hadn’t been gone on a mission for several months and they were both getting a little antsy. He tugged on his jeans and a long sleeve T-shirt before putting on socks.
As he stalked from his bedroom, he scooped up his phone. He sent a quick text to Grace to let her know what was going on and have her come feed the rest of his animals while he was gone.
Downstairs, Kaiser sat next to the door, leash in his mouth. Keaton chuckled as he took Kaiser’s harness down from where he hung it after their last training session. He stuffed it into the backpack he’d taken from the front hallway closet. The backpack held two dog dishes, treats, and toys Kaiser loved playing with. After grabbing his to-go duffle that held several changes of clothes, their passports, and toothbrushes. Everything he would need for an extended stay. The search and rescue group Keaton worked with would provide food and water for them.
He took the leash from Kaiser, but didn’t worry about hooking it to Kaiser’s collar. He’d stay with Keaton until ordered otherwise. They went outside to the truck and Keaton motioned for Kaiser to jump in the back. The dog settled on the seat, his bright gold eyes studying Keaton, trying to figure out what was going on by the small changes in Keaton’s expression or voice.
“Don’t worry, boy. It’s not time yet.” He patted Kaiser on the head before tossing their bags onto the floor.
After he slid behind the steering wheel, he started the engine then backed it out of the driveway. His phone rang as he turned in the direction of the airport.
“Where are you going and for how long?” Grace, his sister, asked.
“Colombia. Connor said there’s been an earthquake. I don’t know anything else about it. So I have no idea how long we’ll be gone. You know where all the food is. Can you take Josie back to your place? She’s about to give birth and I’d like you to keep an eye on her. This is her first litter.”
“Of course. Can I have one of her pups?” Grace chuckled, though Keaton knew she was worried about him.
“It depends on how many she has. I’ve got a waiting list for them, but we’ll see. If there’s enough, you can have one of this litter. Camilia is pregnant as well. I’m hoping I’ll be back before she gives birth.” He rubbed his eyes, running on adrenaline at the moment. He’d crash once they were up in the air. It was one of those nights when he was glad he had Bluetooth because he wasn’t awake enough to handle his phone and drive.
“Awesome. I’m not surprised you have people waiting for Josie’s pups. She’s one of the best search and rescue dogs I’ve seen in years.”
A hint of pride swelled in his chest. “Thanks. If I can, I’ll call you when we land. Maybe Connor has an idea about when we’ll be back, but since I don’t know how bad the earthquake was, I can’t begin to guess.”
Grace sighed. “No problem, brother dear. The kids and I have your back. You know they’ll spoil Josie rotten. Take care and call me when you can. Love you.”
“Love you more.” He ended the call.
Kaiser stuck his head over the back of the seat then licked his ear. Keaton chuckled, but didn’t say anything. He got some music going on his radio and just tried not to think too much about what waited for them in Colombia. He and Kaiser were one of the best search and rescue teams around. All the teams in the group he was part of were considered some of the highest trained and most successful in the country.
He kept his attention on the road, which was deserted at that time of night except for the semis hauling loads across the country. This wasn’t the first time they’d been called out late while the rest of the world slept. There was always a rush to get out of the house and on their way to whatever the most recent disaster was. Both he and Kaiser loved the searching part of their job. Keaton wasn’t so thrilled about the times when they arrived too late, and he’d seen Kaiser mourn as well.
“We ready for this, Kaiser?” He spoke aloud.
The dog gave a soft woof from where he laid on the backseat.
“It’s our first time back since the accident,” he muttered, rubbing his hand over the scar on his left wrist. He didn’t know what would happen if he got trapped again, but he couldn’t turn down a mission. Not if it meant helping save lives.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…

It’s been a while since I shared one of these, but I thought I’d post a little snippet from A Grand Prix Romance, book 7 of the International Men of Sports series. 🙂 It’s what I’m working on right now and Devon and I hope to have it finished by the end of the week. Yay!
Hope you like it.
A Grand Prix Romance copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase and Devon Rhodes
A fleeting thought raced through Johann’s mind. What would happen if Paolo wanted to stay around after the race was over? Could he deal with that? No one else had ever wished to see more of Johann. He rolled his eyes. Sure there had been some who wanted more than Johann had been willing to give them. He’d never been able to imagine himself settling down with a woman, and those were the ones who tended to cling.
“Johann,” Paolo called his name.
Blinking, he shot a glance over at Paolo. “Were you asking me something?”
Paolo snorted. “I hope you’ve been paying better attention to the road than you have to me.”
“I could drive this with my eyes closed,” Johann bragged as he slowed down just a little.
“I’m sure you could, but there are mere mortals who use this road, and they’re the ones I don’t trust.”
He could flatter Johann all he wanted, but Johann knew Paolo wasn’t as confident about Johann’s driving skills when it was dark out and Johann was distracted. He didn’t blame him because the winding mountainous roads of Monaco really weren’t the places to not pay attention to the pavement in front of them.
“What did you want to ask me?” He brought the conversation back to whatever Paolo had been trying to ask him.
“Your friend doesn’t care if you use his place?”
Something told Johann that wasn’t the original question. He wasn’t going to push. “No. He had to go out of the country for a business emergency. Usually he’s around during Grand Prix week and he hangs out with me down in the city.”
The road leading to the house came up on his left and he slowed even more so he could make the turn. Johann drove along until he pulled in front of the stone home. He turned the car off and they sat there for a moment, staring at the facade of the building.
“Is your friend Prince Albert?” Paolo asked.
Laughing, Johann climbed out of the Maserati. “No. It’s a little ostentatious, isn’t it? It’s an ancestral home.”
After leading the way up to the large wooden doors inset with brilliant stain glass, he smiled at the older man who held one of them opened for them.
“Thanks, Jacques. I appreciate you being willing to let us in.” Johann motioned towards Paolo. “This is my friend, Paolo.”
“Sirs.” Jacques inclined his head to both of them as he accepted their jackets and Johann’s keys. “Master Benton informed us you would be coming tonight. Dinner is ready in the small dining room. I’ve opened the merlot you were fond of the last time you visited.”
“Marvellous.” He grabbed Paolo’s hand then dragged him down the hall. “Benton’s cook is as good as any five star chef I’ve ever met. You’re going to die when you taste his food.” He greeted the young lady standing by the door. “Hey Milly.”
“Monsieur Wetl, it is good to see you again. When you are finished with dinner, don’t worry about the dishes. We’ll take care of them.” She stepped out of the way to allow Johann and Paolo to enter the room.
The small dining room was aptly named. It held an oak table that seated only four at one time. It was covered with an antique lace tablecloth and set with light blue china plates. Crystal glasses and sterling silverware completed the elegant look of the dinner setting. A gorgeous teardrop crystal chandelier hung over the table, but it had been wired for electricity, letting them dim the lightning slightly to bathe the red roses in the centre in shadows.
Johann hoped Paolo didn’t think it was cheesy. He had a romantic streak and liked to treat his lovers to special moments. He didn’t get a chance to do it very often, and he admitted it was his own fault since he had a tendency to let them walk away. Yet he readily admitted that most of the problem was his because he hadn’t hung on to them. There was always another race in another country that he had to win.
He held out a chair for Paolo who cast him a speculative glance before sitting. After taking his own seat, Johan picked up the bottle of wine to pour out a glass for each of them. Right before he put any in Paolo’s glass, he paused.
“Do you like merlot?” He hadn’t thought about the fact that Paolo just might like red wine–or wine in general.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress….

Since I’m working on Saint Petersburg, the last of my Fallen books, I thought I’d share a snippet of a story that is on my list to write, but hasn’t been claimed by a publisher yet. It’ll sit there until I decide which one to give it to, then I’ll move it up the list. 🙂
Guilt’s Not So Loud copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase (I’ll be changing the name of one of the characters obviously…lol)
People were watching him. He knew it, but couldn’t bring himself to care. All he thought about was how to get his drunk ass up the front steps of his house and inside without losing all the contents of his stomach. Of course, it didn’t really matter because as soon as he went inside, he’d throw up anyway. He saw that as a sign that he needed more to drink.
His head dropped forward and he ignored the tears dripping from his cheeks. Nothing mattered any more. He didn’t understand why he kept getting up in the morning. He should just stay in bed until he died. It was fitting after what he’d done. No one would miss him. He didn’t have any friends. They had all been Melissa’s and with her gone, none of them came around to see him.
“All right, Gerry. Let’s get you inside.”
Looking up, he blinked his blurry eyes to see Burke, one of his neighbors, standing next to him.
“Why?” Gerry’s laugh grated out of him. “Don’t want the neighborhood looking bad with the drunk in the front yard.”
“You’re scaring the women and children, man.”
Burke crouched next to him, and rested his hand on Gerry’s shoulder. Gerry snorted and wiped his face.
“It doesn’t matter. None of it matters anymore. They’re gone, Burke, and I can’t get them back.”
“I know, Gerry, but you have to get a grip. All this drinking is just killing you.”
“Maybe that’s what I want. Maybe I want to die too.” He stared down at his shaking hands. “Maybe it’s my punishment.”
“Punishment for what? You weren’t driving the car that killed them. Heck, you weren’t even there when they died.”
Gerry winced, not wanting to remember the night Melissa and Rudy, their little boy, died. “I should’ve been, but Melissa and me had a fight. She was going to her mother’s for the night. It’s my punishment for not loving her enough.”
He whispered the last part, sort of hoping Burke didn’t hear it. It was the first time he voiced his thoughts out loud for the outside world to hear. He doubted anyone would understand what he meant. They would offer platitudes and patronize him, but he knew what he knew. And it was that he hadn’t loved Melissa enough to keep her safe.
But Christ, he would have done anything, even died, for his son, and that was the guilt eating him alive every night. It wasn’t Melissa he was mourning, it was Rudy.
“Maybe you’re right. Maybe your family’s death is God’s way of punishing you for not loving them enough, but I’m not sure that’s true. I don’t know much about God. He might be a vindictive bastard.”
Again, Gerry blinked at Burke, trying to make sense of what the man was saying.
“Come on. You need to get inside and to the nearest bathroom before you empty the contents of your stomach. I’m not going to be the one cleaning that shit up.”
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…

I thought I’d share another excerpt from Losing Sight of the Target. 🙂 I’m actually working on St Petersburg, the last book in my M/F Fallen series. Need to get that done. Have two sets of edits to go through as well. It’ll be a busy next couple of days, but I’ll push through it…lol
So here you go:
Losing Sight of the Target copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
They got in line and grabbed some breakfast. Nate gestured to a table where some of the other skiing team sat. Justin nodded to them as he took a seat.
“Hey man, who’d you fuck last night?”
He jerked his head up and stared at Rob, one of the cross-country skiers. “What do you mean?”
“Dude, your room’s right next to mine.” He grinned. “Heard your bed bang against the wall a couple times last night.”
His cheeks on fire, Justin dropped his gaze to his plate. “Umm…”
“Leave him alone, Rob. Not everyone is a complete man whore like you and sleeps with anyone who’ll have him. Plus he’s a gentleman and doesn’t kiss and tell.” Nate punched Rob in the arm.
Justin appreciated Nate stepping in. He’d never told anyone that he trained with that he was gay. Mostly because it simply never came up. It wasn’t like he was hiding it or anything like that. If someone had asked him point blank about it, he’d have said something.
“Fine, but just let me know if I’m going to be hearing any more of that because I’ll put on my headphones.” Rob winked at him.
“Like you weren’t doing the same damn thing,” Peter, Rob’s roommate, said as he joined them. “I walked in on him last night. Who were you fucking? Oh yeah. One of the German snowboarders. I had to leave.”
“That bad,” Justin joked, trying to get over his embarrassment.
“Oh she was hot, but I couldn’t stand there looking at his blindingly white ass for another minute.” Peter ducked the slap Rob aimed for his head.
The joking and laughter continued while Justin finished eating. When he and Nate were both done, they threw away their trash then went to meet up with their coach in the gym.
After a few hours, Justin returned to his room to change into his outdoors ski clothes. He was excited to get outside in the fresh air and stretch his legs. He wasn’t the type of guy who liked to spend too much time inside. Going over to his dresser to grab his gloves and sunglasses, he noticed a flash of sliver hanging from the mirror. He removed the chain and brought it over to the window so he could examine it. It wasn’t there when I left to go to breakfast. How did he get in here again?
The pendant was of a rifle layered on top of a pair of skis forged out of silver like his bracelet. He ran his fingers over it, loving how the roughness of the edges and raised lines told him what it was without him having to look at it. Justin took off the tag attached to it and read it.
“Good luck. Love, C”
He tugged the note away before he put the necklace on. Arranging everything so it rested on his chest under his shirt, he touched it one more time before heading out. He needed to keep his head on his events and not the mysterious man who kept appearing then disappearing after fucking Justin stupid.
“What took you so long?” Nate yelled from where he stood next to a bus that was going to transport them to where the cross-country and biathlon events were going to take place.
“Sorry.” Justin wasn’t about to spill his guts to Nate, not about Caesar anyway. Something told him Caesar didn’t want anyone to know he was around, not that anyone would know who Caesar was. At least Justin didn’t think Caesar was famous or anything like that. Oh hell! What the fuck do I know about the man? He’s a contract negotiator or something like that. He comes and goes like a ghost. And I really like him.
How could he like Caesar when he didn’t know the man? All they’d done was have sex and talk a little bit. It wasn’t like they’d dated for months. Two nights together didn’t constitute a relationship, though it did feel like Caesar was courting him by sending gifts.
“Hey Justin.”
He looked up to see Nate staring at him. “What?”
“Get your head out of your ass and pay attention. The next two weeks are going to be the most important in your life, do you understand? If you want any shot at medaling, you need to focus.” Nate frowned. “I know there’s something going on with you. I can tell by how Norman looks at you, but you have to push it out of your mind.”
“Actually I wasn’t even thinking about that,” Justin admitted. “I was trying to figure something out in my head, but you’re right. I have to forget about it all and live in the moment. That’s the only way I’m going to achieve what I want.”
They settled into their seats with some of the other people heading up into the mountains. Justin nodded at one of the Norwegian biathletes he’d competed against in the world championship events. The man nodded back before slipping his earbuds in.
Wednesday Work in Progress…

Today’s WiP is Footsteps of My Father, Book 3 in the Rags to Riches series. This book features Patrick, Ion’s best friend, and Winston, the head of the London office for Bellamy International. Adrien, Patrick’s boss and Ion’s fiance, thinks Winston is getting a little too serious and believes Patrick is just the right guy to show him how to loosen up. What none of them expected was for Winston and Patrick to fall in love and all the difficulties that would entail.
Here’s a little excerpt from Footsteps:
Footsteps of My Father copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
“We can order take out and have it delivered,” Patrick murmured, nuzzling Winston’s jaw.
“Sounds good to me.”
Winston tilted his head back and Patrick bit the edge of Winston’s chin then licked a line along his throat to where his pulse stuttered in the tender triangle of skin. He sucked on it a little and Winston shuddered.
Patrick leant back to get enough room and undid Winston’s tie. After pushing it out of the way, he unbuttoned the man’s shirt, baring Winston’s chest. Whimpering, Patrick caressed the light blanket of hair covering Winston’s pecs and nipples. He rearranged his own body so he could put his lips on those copper pieces of flesh. He pinched the right one between his teeth then tugged.
“Oh shit!” Winston arched his back off the seat, almost knocking Patrick off his lap.
“Hold on to me. I don’t want to fall on the floor and hurt myself. I’d never hear the end of that,” he warned.
He wasn’t sure if Winston heard him but he grunted when Winston grabbed two handfuls of his butt to yank him closer. Patrick kept working Winston’s nipples; one after the other until both were red and more than likely aching.
When Winston fumbled with his belt, Patrick sucked his stomach in so Winston could get his fingers in to get Patrick’s pants open. He shivered at Winston’s touch on the small of his back right above his crease. Then Winston pressed his fingers to Patrick’s lips and he took them in, getting them as wet as he could.
His lover’s chest called to him again, so he let Winston go before focusing back on those hard nubs. He played with them, twisting them a little to draw moans from Winston. Patrick jumped when Winston rubbed his wet fingers over his hole.
Taking a deep breath, he tried to relax while pushing back. Patrick bit his bottom lip to keep quiet as Winston invaded his inner channel with his fingers. Soon he rested his head on Winston’s shoulder while rocking onto them. Winston twisted and nailed Patrick’s gland. It was like electricity shot through him and Patrick moaned.
“Touch yourself,” Winston ordered.
Shifting as best he could without dislodging Winston, Patrick got his hand around his cock then started stroking.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…NSFW

I have three different works in progress at the moment, but I’m only going to share one with you. lol
This one is Losing Sight of the Target, and it’s about Justin, who is a biathlete, on his way to the Olympics, but he’s received some bad news that will affect his future. Caesar is the guy he runs into at the hotel bar. 🙂 It’s for Amber Allure’s Winter Games PAX, which will be out at some point this year…lol. Not sure when. I only know when my deadline is.
Losing Sight of the Target copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase
Caesar Gikas rotated his shoulders, releasing the tension in them before he raised his hands to knock on Justin’s door. His meeting had run a little longer than he planned and it had been more difficult as well. Yet the thought of coming back to Justin’s room was what got him through.
Hesitating, he wondered about it. Was this the right thing to do? Justin had gotten bad news and Caesar had a feeling like he was taking advantage of the younger man. He should’ve never approached Justin while in the bar waiting for his contact to text him. But there’d been something so sad and angry about him that Caesar couldn’t pass up because he saw a little bit of himself in Justin’s expression.
Why was he worried about Justin? It wasn’t like they were starting a relationship or anything, and Justin had consented to him returning. Hell, the man didn’t have to send him his room number if he’d changed his mind.
Shaking his head, Caesar knocked on the door. He stuck his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. He’d stopped at his room to change before he’d come over. He’d also stuffed a couple condoms and single-use packets of lube. Caesar didn’t know if Justin had supplies or not, and he wanted to fuck Justin, so he’d brought his own.
His jaw dropped when Justin opened the door. Standing in front of him, Justin wore only a pair of black boxer-briefs.
“Jesus, Justin. You’re gorgeous.” Caesar pushed in, forcing Justin to give way.
The man’s blond hair was cut short on the sides and left longer on top to curl. His face was thin with high cheekbones and a strong jaw. Startlingly dark eyelashes framed Justin’s bright green eyes.
Caesar trailed his gaze over the rest of Justin’s body. It was obvious Justin worked out a lot and was an athlete. Well-muscled chest and rock hard abs made Caesar’s fingers itch with him wanting to trace the curves. He couldn’t wait to run his tongue along the vee cut of his hips and waist. The cotton fabric of his briefs covered Justin’s thick thighs.
After kicking the door shut, Caesar snaked out his hands to grip Justin’s hips and yanked him tight against him. He brought his head down to crush his lips to Justin’s. Sweeping his tongue into Justin’s mouth, he tasted mint and a unique flavor that had to be Justin’s alone. At some point before Caesar got there, Justin had taken the time to brush his teeth.
That made Caesar feel like he was important to Justin, which he knew deep inside was foolish since they’d just met, but he still liked the thought. He slid his hands down to grab handfuls of Justin’s tight ass, encouraging him to jump.
Justin wrapped his legs around Caesar’s waist and he carried his soon-to-be lover over to the bed where he fell forward. He twisted at the last moment so he was the one on the bottom. He didn’t want to hurt Justin.
He bit Justin’s bottom lip then sucked on it to ease the sting. Caesar pushed his hips up to rock his groin into Justin’s. Justin moaned as he scrambled his hands over Caesar’s chest. Maybe he was trying to get a hold of Caesar’s shirt to get it off him. After sitting up for a second, he stripped his T-shirt away then tossed it to the floor.
“You’re so hot,” Justin muttered as he ran his hand through the hair covering Caesar’s chest.
He knew what he looked like and had heard more than his fair share of compliments since he was a teenager. None of them had mattered in the least except for what his looks could get him. Yet hearing that from Justin touched a small part of him that he’d thought he’d hidden away.
After working his hands under the waistband of Justin’s briefs, he flexed his fingers to dig into that firm flesh. “I think you’re wearing too much clothing,” he joked.
Justin jumped off him then stripped. When he went to climb back on, Caesar urged him to kneel over his chest and place his knees in his armpits. Justin grinned once he figured out what Caesar wanted. Wiggling forward just a little bit more, Justin took a hold of his cock.
Caesar opened his mouth and Justin rested the head of his dick in Caesar’s mouth. After he wrapped his lips around it, Caesar ran his tongue over the spongy glans, licking up the pre-cum leaking from Justin’s slit. He curled his fingers into Justin’s ass then encouraged him to start moving.
The first thrust in, Caesar relaxed his throat to take him all the way in. He hit the back of Caesar’s throat and cut off his breathing for a moment. Before he started to panic, Justin slid out enough to let him take some air in. Caesar filled his lungs and pinched Justin’s butt.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…NSFW

Today’s Work In Progress is Brazil…book 6 in the International Men of Sports series. We haven’t come up with a title yet, but it’ll come to us eventually. 🙂
This one is going to be hotter than the first five…not necessarily the characters themselves, but they have sex in the first chapter. 😉 which is faster than our other guys have done it. lol Here’s a little sexting between Diego and Pablo.
Here’s a sexy snippet for you all.
Brazil copyright c. 2014 T.A. Chase & Devon Rhodes.
If I was there, I’d wrap my hand around you and stroke you hard. Because I wouldn’t let you do it by yourself.
Groaning, Pablo dropped the phone then undid his pants as fast as he could. Lifting his hips, he shucked his jeans and red briefs down then kicked them away. Now his cock was full and aching, and he didn’t waste any time in getting the lotion out.
A naughty idea occurred to him, so he slicked up his hand and gave his erection several hard pulls, just like Diego had described. When he was at his full arousal, he pulled up his T-shirt past his nipples, wiping some of the excess lotion off on the fabric in the process, then opened his camera function and aimed. He snapped a selfie looking down his abs at his erection, then sent it to Diego in lieu of typing a reply. Once it had sent, he loosely held the phone in his right hand while he continued to pump his cock with the left.
Santa sé mierda! Warn a guy before you send a pic like that.
Pablo grinned, enjoying the reaction. He had no idea what Diego was doing–for all he knew he could be in a business meeting or something. The thought of some random paper-pusher glancing over and getting an eyeful of his dick pic got him hot.
You do have a gorgeous cock, queridos. I remember how it felt fucking my mouth.
“Fuck yeah.” Pablo worked his hand along his dick, knowing it wasn’t going to take much more to get him there. He didn’t want to stop and type anything at this point, so he just pictured Diego in his head, his heated expression as he’d looked down at him in the alley, his absolutely stacked physique.
Are you jerking off now?
He banged his head on his pillow a few times then let go of his protesting cock. “I seriously need speech to text.” He sat up and ripped his shirt the rest of the way off then used it to clean his hand.
Wednesday Work in Progress…

Okay, so this snippet is from Close the Distance, which is Book 2 of the Rags to Riches series. This book starts the day after Remove the Empty Spaces ends. Now RtES is available for pre-order right now and will be available for early download on Friday and general release on the 31st. As soon as I get the information on Close the Distance, I’ll let you all know when it’ll be available. Of course, I need to finish it first which I plan on doing today and tomorrow. 🙂
Here you go:
Close the Distance copyright 2014 T.A. Chase
Excerpt: (NSFW)
“Do we have everything?”
Ion turned to look at Adrien as he wandered through their suite of rooms. “I think so, but if we don’t, it’s not like your mom can send them back to the city for us.”
Adrien frowned. “You’re right. I just feel like I’m forgetting something.”
Reaching out, Ion snagged Adrien then pulled him close, encircling his waist. He tugged on the blue silk tie his lover wore. “I told you not to get dressed up to meet my parents.”
“What do you mean?” Adrien glanced down at his white linen dress shirt, silk tie, and tailored black pants. “This isn’t dressed up.”
For him, no it wasn’t dressed up. Not when the man wore thousand dollar suits to the office every day. For Ion’s family, a tie like that was for church, weddings and funerals. He trailed his fingers through the curls at the nape of Adrien’s neck before taking the tie in hand to remove it.
“Trust me. You don’t need a tie for dinner.” He tossed it onto the bed then pressed open-mouthed kisses along Adrien’s jaw. “I’d suggest you change your whole outfit, but I don’t think you’d feel comfortable in anything else.”
“I do have jeans and T-shirts, Ion,” Adrien commented as he tipped his head, giving Ion more access to his neck. “I thought I’d try to make a good impression on them during our first meeting.”
Ion hummed, not interested in talking about his parents any more. He brought their lips together while he started to unbutton Adrien’s shirt. Once he got it off, Ion let it drop to the floor then bent to lick one of the copper flat nipples lightly covered with hair.
Adrien cradled the back of his head, keeping him close. “We don’t have time for this. Not if we want to get to your parents’ before dinner.”
“I’m not worried about that. We can go next Sunday or the week after that,” he murmured, easing from one nipple to the other, sucking on it and using a little teeth. Ion worried at the nub of flesh and drew a moan from Adrien.
He encouraged Adrien to ease back, and step by step, he moved them to the edge of the bed then he shoved. Laughing, he watched as Adrien tilted until he fell on the mattress.
“What the hell?” Adrien braced his hands on the comforter as he stared up at Ion.
“I’m feeling a little hungry,” Ion muttered before dropping to his knees. He unbuckled Adrien’s belt, fumbled with his zipper to get those crazy expensive slacks open.
He tugged the fabric down while Adrien lifted his hips and his cock sprang out, hard and curved over his abs. Licking his lips, Ion studied the well-formed erection in front of him. Thicker and a little longer than his. The head was fleshy and purple and was a little shiny from the pre-cum leaking from it already.
It rose from a trimmed nest of dark curls and his balls hung heavy beneath it. Ion reached out to take them in hand. He fondled then rolled them in his fingers. Leaning in, he sucked one than the other. There was a salty taste to his skin along with the lingering scent of the soap they’d used earlier in the shower.
He pressed his tongue against the lightly furred sac before letting it slip from his mouth. Adrien gripped his head then directed his mouth to the tip of his shaft. Ion willingly opened, taking him without hesitation. He loved how he felt lying on his tongue.
When Adrien hit the back of his throat, Ion swallowed, massaging his length. His lover moaned and he smiled around the dick in his mouth. He loved knowing he draw those sounds out and make Adrien lose control. After slipping his finger in beside Adrien’s cock, he got it wet then rubbed it over Adrien’s hole.
“Your mouth,” Adrien murmured. “I love the way it feels. Almost as good as your ass.”
Ion pushed just the tip of his finger inside and Adrien moaned. Arching, Adrien thrust into his mouth then impaled himself. It was what he wanted, his lover taking what he needed.
They had done away with condoms for blow jobs over the weekend, and when they got back to the city, they were going to get tested. Once their negative results came back, he would finally get to feel what fucking bareback was like. Well he’d get a chance to remember what it felt like. His first couple of times having sex had been non-condom times, and he’d been lucky not to catch anything.
One of his close friends had got HIV, and it shook Ion to his core. That was when he promised himself that he was never going to believe he was invincible again. He always carried condoms in his wallet.
But now loving Adrien meant he could get rid of them and experience the amazing sensation of Adrien spilling inside him. A little tug on his hair brought his mind back to what he was doing and not on what was going to happen in the future. Ion went back to bobbing up and down, applying as much pressure as he could to draw another groan from Adrien.
Two fingers inside Adrien and Ion twisted them to nail his gland. He gagged slightly when Adrian shoved his cock a little deeper than was comfortable for Ion. But he didn’t back off, working Adrien as best he could until he got a tap on the cheek, letting him know Adrien was close.
He upped the pressure and movement until Adrien tensed under him, and his mouth was flooded with salty bitterness. Drinking it down, Ion tried to get all of it but some trickled from the corner of his lips.
When Adrien began to soften, Ion licked him clean then let him slide out. Adrien pulled him up before encouraging him to lean forward. Adrien lapped at the cum on Ion’s chin while working Ion’s jeans open.
“Oh fuck me,” Ion whispered as the smooth skin of Adrien’s hand surrounded his heated flesh.
He was primed, so it only took three hard tugs and he climaxed, coating Adrien’s hand and his own pants. Working his cock, Adrien didn’t let up until Ion was so sensitive, he had to get away from his lover. After rolling to one side, Ion stared up at the ceiling while he tried to get his breathing under control.
Wednesday’s Work in Progress…NSFW

My Work in Progress this week is titled Close the Distance. It’s book 2 in the Rags to Riches series. In Book 1, Remove the Empty Spaces, we meet Ion and Adrien. RtES will be up for pre-order in January. Anyway, Close the Distance is a continuation of their story. In fact, it’ll be picking up the very next day from where RtES left off.
I started it on Monday so I’m not too far into it, but since I want to get it done before Christmas next week, I’ll be working as much as possible on it. Though I did want to share a NSFW snippet of it with you. Hope you like Ion and Adrien.
Close the Distance copyright 2013 T.A. Chase
He tugged the fabric down while Adrien lifted his hips and his cock sprang out, hard and curved over his abs. Licking his lips, Ion studied the well-formed erection in front of him. Thicker and a little longer than his. The head was fleshy and purple and was a little shiny from the pre-cum leaking from it already.
It rose from a trimmed nest of dark curls and his balls hung heavy beneath it. Ion reached out to take them in hand. He fondled then rolled them in his fingers. Leaning in, he sucked one than the other. There was a salty taste to his skin along with the lingering scent of the soap they’d used earlier in the shower.
He pressed his tongue against the lightly furred sac before letting it slip from his mouth. Adrien gripped his head then directed his mouth to the tip of his shaft. Ion willingly opened, taking him without hesitation. He loved how he felt lying on his tongue.
When Adrien hit the back of his throat, Ion swallowed, massaging his length. His lover moaned and he smiled around the dick in his mouth. He loved knowing he draw those sounds out and make Adrien lose control. After slipping his finger in beside Adrien’s cock, he got it wet then rubbed it over Adrien’s hole.
“Your mouth,” Adrien murmured. “I love the way it feels. Almost as good as your ass.”
Ion pushed just the tip of his finger inside and Adrien moaned. Arching, Adrien thrust into his mouth then impaled himself. It was what he wanted, his lover taking what he needed.
They had done away with condoms for blow jobs over the weekend, and when they got back to the city, they were going to get tested. Once their negative results came back, he would finally get to feel what fucking bareback was like. Well he’d get a chance to remember what it felt like. His first couple of times having sex had been non-condom times, and he’d been lucky not to catch anything.
One of his close friends had got HIV, and it shook Ion to his core. That was when he promised himself that he was never going to believe he was invincible again. He always carried condoms in his wallet.
But now loving Adrien meant he could get rid of them and experience the amazing sensation of Adrien spilling inside him. A little tug on his hair brought his mind back to what he was doing and not on what was going to happen in the future. Ion went back to bobbing up and down, applying as much pressure as he could to draw another groan from Adrien.
Two fingers inside Adrien and Ion twisted them to nail his gland. He gagged slightly when Adrian shoved his cock a little deeper than was comfortable for Ion. But he didn’t back off, working Adrien as best he could until he got a tap on the cheek, letting him know Adrien was close.
He upped the pressure and movement until Adrien tensed under him, and his mouth was flooded with salty bitterness. Drinking it down, Ion tried to get all of it but some trickled from the corner of his lips.
When Adrien began to soften, Ion licked him clean then let him slide out. Adrien pulled him up before encouraging him to lean forward. Adrien lapped at the cum on Ion’s chin while working Ion’s jeans open.
“Oh fuck me,” Ion whispered as the smooth skin of Adrien’s hand surrounded his heated flesh.
He was primed, so it only took three hard tugs and he climaxed, coating Adrien’s hand and his own pants. Working his cock, Adrien didn’t let up until Ion was so sensitive, he had to get away from his lover. After rolling to one side, Ion stared up at the ceiling while he tried to get his breathing under control.
“Do you think we’ll be able to get to your parents’ on time?” Adrien asked a few minutes later.