Embraced in Gold Cover

This is the cover for the print version of Embrace My Reflection and Bring Him Gold. Isn’t it so pretty? It will be out some time in March.
Also, Bring Him Gold came out yesterday for those of you who haven’t heard. 🙂 A happy Valentine’s Day story giving us a glimpse into what’s happening with Ronnie and Lucius. Click here to check it out.
I have three sets of edits to do this week, so the next installment of They Walk Among Us might not be available until Wednesday. I really want to get all the edits out of the way, so I can focus on finishing From Slavery to Freedom, work on The Deepest Cut, and two other stories I’d really like to get started and finished asap as well. 🙂 It’s a tall order, but Slavery, DC, and one of the other stories are all halfway done, it’s simply a matter of filling in spots or writing the last few chapters. Only From Yesterday will be started from scratch. We’ll have to see. The new one I added to my schedule needs to be in by the beginning of May, so I might move it to work on in March along with Tramps.
Well, I guess I better get to editing. Yay! I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
4 Responses “Embraced in Gold Cover”
Thanks, everyone.
Yes, I do plan on doing a couple sequels. Dante/Mikey, and Tomas/Andrew will have their stories told. 🙂
Had to reread the Embrace My Relection so I was on the loop again with Bring Him Gold. I kind of sensing a sequel coming with Dante’s story, please tell me I’m right ? =)
It is always so inspiring to see/read/”withlive” the strugles of these characters and how it all makes them stronger. Makes ones tiny little life to put in perspective.
Great book! Thanks TA.
Sounds like you are a busy bee in the near future. Loving all the books coming, need to go get “Bring him gold”
Nice cover! I loved Bring Him Gold. 🙂