Archive for Deepest Hope
Manic Monday….

For those of you who buy books at All Romance Ebooks, Losing Sight is available there now. Yay! Still not up at Amazon. Not sure why. But I’ll let you know. 🙂
I turned in a YA over the weekend, The Deepest Cut, and when I know anything about release dates and such, I’ll let you all know as well. It was going to be one big book, but I decided to split it into two smaller books. So the second book will be The Deepest Hope and I plan on working on it in Sept.
I have to change the title of my Amber Allure PAX contribution from Search & Rescue. Haven’t come up with a new title yet, but I should probably have one before I turn it in later this week…lol. 🙂 That’s what I’ll be working on along with the three installments of Shuffle that I promised you. There will be one up tomorrow.
Well, I hope you all have a good Monday. I have to go for a run then come back and start writing. 🙂