Happy Hump Day…

First of all, thank you for participating in the Cock & Bull Blog Tour. The winners were drawn last night and here they are:
Grand Prize: Maya, from her comment on Megan Slayer’s blog
2nd: Diana A, from JP Barnaby’s blog
3rd: Tiffany, from Kit Sands’ blog
2nd: Diana A, from JP Barnaby’s blog
3rd: Tiffany, from Kit Sands’ blog
Marie will be contacting the winners and sending them their prizes. 🙂
Second of all, I’ve been doing a lot of writing lately, and I’m actually very happy where my stories are at the moment. I’m managing to work on two stories at the same time, and it’s working for me. 🙂 I’ll definitely be finishing Gypsies by the end of the month, and The Deepest Cut will be closed to finished by then as well. Once Gypsies done, I’ll be working on From Slavery to Freedom, which is the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness, and once The Deepest Cut is done, I’ll be working on a short story to go in an anthology for Total e-Bound. I’m keeping that one a secret for now. Once it’s done, and happening for sure, I’ll let everyone know what it’s all about. 🙂
Well, I have to get going. Have a very busy day. Hope you all are safe and warm wherever you are.