Archive for Featherweight Publishing
New Cover…

Here’s the cover for the second book in The Beasor Chronicles, Tramps. I really like these covers and can’t wait to see the last one. 🙂 Tramps comes out in September. But it’ll be up for pre-order soon…and I’ll let everyone know.

Also, my newest young adult short story, Pursuing Hope, is available now at Featherweight Press. It’s a f/f story about a girl looking for a date to her prom. There’s no angst or anything like that. Since it’s my first f/f story, I thought I’d keep it simple…lol.
Here’s the link to it…check it out if you’d like.
I hope everyone is having a great day…and have a marvelous weekend.
Wow….April is just around the corner. Where did the first three months of this year go? I can’t believe it.
I’ll be doing edits on my Young Adult f/f short story releasing in May from Featherweight Press. Woot! I can’t wait for people to read it. Pursing Hope is a cute story, not much angst at all. 😀
I’ve lost 10 lbs so far since starting my diet/exercise plan in February. Yay! It’s been fun actually. I try to work out every day, and my diet isn’t that hard to follow. Mostly just eating better, and not as much junk. Lots of ice water and no sugar. We’ll see how well I do when I head to Chicago for the Romantic Times convention in a week or so. lol
Well, I hope you have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Monday is here…

So a new week is here, and I’m trying decide if I want to sit at my desk and write, or curl up in my recliner in the living room with my laptop. Guess it really doesn’t long as I write. 😀
It looks like my two YA stories will be out in May and June. Yay! Pursing Hope, my first f/f YA, will be coming out in May, and The Deepest Cut will be out in June. When I get exact dates, I’ll let everyone know, and also the dates are always subject to change…lol. Â I’m at 41k for DC, and it’ll be over 60k when I finish, which is nice. I think it needs to be that long to tell Charlie’s story. He’s got some issues, but he makes it through and gets a boyfriend in the end.
The adult story I’m working on, From Slavery to Freedom, is the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness, and is about Malachai, Andor’s demon bodyguard. I hope you all like it. It’s a little hard in the beginning because Doll, Malachai’s love interest, is in a very bad place. But Malachai, Andor and Sven help save him. I’ll let you know more about it when I get closer to being done with it.
Well, I better get to writing. I hope you have a great day.
Holy February…

I can’t believe January is already gone. Seems like I was just figuring out my New Year’s resolutions. (which I didn’t actually make because I never keep
But looking back over the last month, it was a good one. I finished two stories. To be honest, one doesn’t really count because I wrote most of it the last week of December, and subbed it on the second of January. Pursuing Hope was my first try at a f/f story, and it’s a Young Adult one as well. I sent it off to my editor at Featherweight Publishing, and yesterday, they let me know they wanted it. Yay! It’s not very angsty or anything like that. It’s about a girl looking for a date to prom. She just happens to be a lesbian.
I sent my edits in for Famine, so it’ll be out on the 20th of this month. Also, Bring Him Gold will be out on the 12th. I have two print books coming out this month as well. War and The Longest Stride will be available at some point this month. Woot!
Gypsies went off to my editor at Total e-Bound, and I started working on a short story for them as well. I’ll still be working on it because it’s like halfway done, but I need to start From Slavery to Freedom, the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness today. So for a little while, I’ll be working on three books, until I get the really short story done. 😀
Well, at the end of this month, I’ll also have some big news. Nothing bad, so don’t worry about that. Just a few changes happening. All of it will be good (at least I hope you’ll think so.)
Have a great day, everyone.
Coming Soon….

for those of you who don’t know….I signed a contract with Featherweight Publishing to release my first Young Adult book titled I Call Death Dad. I’m excited about it since it’s a new venture for me…and I’ve always wanted to write a YA. Featherweight Publishing is the Young Adult/Children imprint of MLR Press, so I’ll be working with Laura Baumbach and all her wonderful people.
I don’t have any other information to share with you at the moment, but of course, you all know that as soon as I do, you’ll be the first to know…lol 🙂 Even though I’m leaving for vacation tonight, I’ll be working on my writing. In between having lots of fun.
I’m going to update the links on my sidebar for the last couple of installments of Wolf’s Survival, then those will stay up until I get home in a week and a half. After that, I’ll be taking them down. I plan on subbing WS as soon as I get home as well. Yay!
I’ve sent up some really yummy eye candy for you all to visit next week. Please remember to stop by.
I hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful week and a half. I’ll see you all when I get back.