Archive for Photos
Invasion of the tiny frogs…
Some of you who follow me on Twitter and Facebook might have seen this picture last night. This is one of a herd of teeny tiny frogs that I found on my patio. When I opened the blinds this morning, they were there again. Maybe they were having a meeting or something. Not sure what they were talking about, but most of them are gone now. I had to put the flower petal next to one…just so you’d understand how little they are. 🙂
This past weekend, I did edits on Part 1-4 of Every Shattered Dream and worked on finishing up Part 5. I still have a little under 5k to with it, but it will be done by Wednesday. Yay! Then I can work on a short story or two, plus the 4th International Sports book. This one takes place in Australia, and features a rugby player and a lifeguard. 🙂 It’s titled Blindsided. Yes, our titles do seem to be getting shorter…lol. But the stories are still great. 🙂
Well, I’m going to start writing for the day. I hope you all have a great Monday.
Monday again…
Check out what I saw from my kitchen in my backyard….not really. And not that any of you really thought there’d be penguins in my backyard. Though that would have been totally awesome…lol. It did snow last night though, and I’m not very happy about it. I’m hoping the roads are good, so I can go up and visit my mom today. Didn’t get up there yesterday because I had a headache.
Okay…to update you on my writing. Home Sweet Home is going well. Not as far along as I’d like, but still I’m sure I can get it done by the end of the month. 🙂 The Occasional Prostitute (my contribution to the 2013 GRL antho) is coming along as well.
Also, Devon Rhodes and I have started our book. We’re writing a series of six stories about men and international sports. So the sports aren’t going to be your usual basketball, baseball, or anything like that. A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood is the first in the series, and it’s about cricket and is set in India. Hopefully when it comes out, you’ll all love it. 🙂
Plus Ninja Cupcakes is out for general release at Total e-Bound, and Home of his Own is up for VIP download. If anyone is interested in them, or for some reason, doesn’t have them yet. Wishing for a Home has hit the coming soon page at TeB and No Going Home is available in print starting today.
Oh…and my marvelous editor at MLR Press, Kris Jacen, has an interview at Top2Bottom Review. Please take a minute to stop by and read it. She talks about how busy an editor’s life really is. In my opinion, editors have the tough job out there. At times, I think writing is hard, but really I’m just putting down on ‘paper’ the daydreams in my head. Kris has to make sure those daydreams make sense. 🙂
Almost forgot the link. Click here.
Well, I have a lot of work to do…and not enough hours in the day to do it. I hope you all have an awesome Monday.
From my trip to Paris. Got overwhelmed with real life stuff, so didn’t have time to finish today’s installment. it’ll be up tomorrow.
I hope you have a great day…and keep the people on the East Coast in your thoughts and prayers. Some are still without power, and thousands are without homes.
To everyone who voted. No matter who you voted for, at least you practiced one of the rights that makes America great. You got to help chose who leads our country for the next four years.
Also, thank you to Maryland and Maine. You helped move this country forward in the right direction, giving everyone equal rights to marry who they want and to not be treated as second class citizens. Now I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Washington and Minnesota will go along the same path.
I’m going to be doing some writing later on today. I’m going to volunteer at my local museum for a couple hours, helping decorate for their big Holiday party. 🙂
Have a great day, everyone.

Here’s a picture from lunch on Wednesday before GRL started. 🙂 Starting from the left, the lovely ladies are…Devon Rhodes, Stephani Hecht, me, Jackie Nacht, and VJ Summers. We had lots of fun. It was awesome getting to see old friends, and making new ones. 🙂
Sorry it took so long to post something today. Slept late and wanted to get unpacked before I did anything else. But everything is put away or thrown in the laundry pile…lol. Now I can sit and write. (hopefully) Have to get back into the swing of things.
I hope you all had a great weekend, and please have a marvelous Monday.
Beginning of a fun week
Probably wondering why I posted this picture. I just thought it was so cute. My DH took it a year or two ago at our local Ren Faire. 🙂
Well, today is taken up with packing for GRL, and getting a few last minute items. I’ve done all my edits and gotten them sent back to my editors. So hopefully, I won’t have anything come up while I’m at GRL. I’m keeping my fingers crossed…lol
Some people have been experiencing slow load times for my site..or they can’t get it to load at all. I don’t really know what to tell you because I don’t have that problem with my computers. Not sure what’s causing it. 🙁 I’m sorry.
Have a great day and make sure to stop by tomorrow. I actually get Tuesday’s blog story post done. 🙂
Holiday Friday
This guy is a guard at Clarence House, which is where Prince Charles and Lady Camilla live. Also Prince William and Kate are living there at the moment before they move somewhere
There wasn’t any way we were going to get close to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards, so the tour guide we were with took us to Clarence House instead…where part of the whole ceremony starts. 🙂 It was neat to see them all march by.
This weekend is a holiday weekend here, but I plan on writing as much as possible. Need to get back on track after taking a month off.
I hope you have a great day and safe weekend.
Wonderful Wednesday
I actually have much closer pictures of the Olympic Rings on Tower Bridge, but I thought I’d share this one first. 🙂
I’m heading off to a quiet place so I can get some writing done. I have edits to do on The Vanguard so it can be re-released. And I have to start Thieves, which is the last book in the Beasor Chronicles. I’m hoping to get another short story I’m working on done as well. No rest for the wicked I guess. This is what I get for being gone an entire month…lol
I hope everyone is safe, especially those in the path of Hurricane Isaac. Take care and have a great day. 🙂
Back in Country
This was spray painted on the side of the embankment for the Seine River in Paris. I thought it was a great thought. 🙂
My trip was marvelous and I had lots of fun in London, Paris, and Scotland. I thought I’d share some photos over the next couple of weeks. 🙂
Don’t worry though. Threadbare Gypsy Souls will continue tomorrow with the next installment. I still have to write it, but it’ll be there. I promise. In between doing the laundry and trying to get the rest of my life sorted out, I’ll be working on it…lol.
I missed everyone. I hope you had a great August, and I can’t believe we’re already staring down September. Where the hell did the summer go?
Have a great day, everyone. It’s good to be home.