Archive for International Men of Sports

Wednesday Work in Progress…




Well it’s not about my WIP…at least not yet. Great news! Chasing the King of the Mountains is a Finalist in the Rainbow Awards. Of course, we’re going up against some very tough competition, so I’m not sure what the outcome will be. I’m still happy that we made it this far. 🙂

I thought I’d share with you another peek into Remove the Space. It’s been a while since I’ve done that and it’s the other story I’m working on along with Blindsided. So here you go. I hope you have a marvelous Wednesday.

Remove the Space copyrighted c. 2013 T.A. Chase


Stretching, Ion rolled onto his side and jumped when his arm made contact with another warm body. He opened his eyes to see Adrien lying next to him. Oh right! Second night together, and some of the best sex I’ve ever had.

Yet seriously, they’d talked about falling in love the first night they slept together, but Ion wasn’t convinced that Adrien would want to keep him around for long. Because really? What did Ion have to offer a man like Adrien?

Oh, Ion wasn’t ashamed of where he came from and the life he had, but he knew that there would be a lot of people who might think he was with Adrien simply because of the man’s money, and the possibility of what he could do for Ion’s career.

He thought about the offer Mr Richardson made him on Friday. Working for Mr Herner as a problem solver at Bellemy International was a dream job for him, and he was willing to be on probation until he graduated. He’d said yes, and Mr Herner said they would talk to Adrien on Monday, so Ion wasn’t going to mention it unless Adrien did.

“You’re thinking too hard for a Sunday morning.”

Ion refocused on the man in bed with him. Adrien was studying him with his bright blue eyes, almost like he knew what Ion was thinking. But instead of saying anything, Adrien slid his hand around to cup the back of Ion’s head, then drew him down to him.

Their lips met, and he let go of all the thoughts in his head. Why dwell on that stuff when he had one of the world’s sexiest men in his bed? Opening his mouth allowed Adrien to sweep his tongue in, and Ion moaned.

His cock twitched as he pressed as close to Adrien as he could without climbing under his skin. When Adrien encircled his waist with his other arm, Ion went with him, not fighting as Adrien encouraged him to lie on top of him. Ion ground their groins together, loving the feel of his lover’s erection rubbing against his.

Adrien bit his bottom lip, then sucked on it to ease the sting. Ion shuddered as he continued to moving, slowly becoming lost in the kiss and embrace. He’d had a bit of a dry spell in the ‘having sex’ part of his life.

Monday again…




I had to take my dads to the airport, so I didn’t have time to post anything until right now. 🙂 Here is the awesome cover for the 5th Fallen book, New York. By far my favorite of the series (at the moment. I’m sure I’ll change my mind as each of the others are completed…lol) It’s scheduled for a January release. Yay!

Also, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood received an Honorable Mention in the Rainbow Awards contest. Which is marvelous news. We’ll find out the winners tomorrow, I believe.

I’m working on Blindsided, and we’ve made a good start on it. Also, Remove the Space is being worked on and a Christmas story too (that might have to wait until next year to be released…lol It’s a little late to be turning in Christmas stories for this year.) As soon as those are done, I have a couple to finish up for Amber Allure, and my next Fallen book to do.

So I’ll be busy, and during the week of GRL, I might not have much time to write, which is fine. 🙂 I’ll try to make sure I at least get the two installments for Finding Peace done before I leave.

Okay…I have to get writing now. I hope you all have a great Monday.


Wednesday Work in Progress…



Yay! I’m finally going to share something with you…lol. It’s been a while because I was working on New York, which is finished and the contract signed. Woot!

Now I’m working on Blindsided, Book 4 of the International Men of Sports series. This one is rugby in Australia. 🙂 My guy is Liam Holmes, and he’s the rugby player. Devon’s guy is a lifesaver (lifeguard) at one of the local beaches.

So here’s a little excerpt from my part of Blindsided:

copyright 2103 T.A. Chase & Devon Rhodes

Liam raced through his house, grabbing shit from his kitchen table, then sniffing it before stuffing it into his duffle. Once all his practice clothes were packed, he set the bag down by the door before swearing softly to himself.

“Where did I put those damn boots?” He stomped through the rooms, trying to figure out where he’d tossed his boots after his last practice. Retracing his steps, Liam remembered he’d threw them in the corner of his bedroom. He’d been in a hurry to change into his bathers, and head to the beach.

He checked the clock, then went to collect them. After tying the laces together and hanging them around his neck, he bent to pick up his duffle, then headed outside. As he opened the door, two small figures dashed in.

Freezing, he blinked, trying to work out if he actually saw what he thought he saw. A noise caused him to turn, and there, in the middle of his living room, sat two kittens. One black and one orange.

“What the hell are you doing? This isn’t your house.” After walking over, he crouched down in front of them.

The orange kitten nudged his hand to get him to pet it. So he scratched its ears while studying the other one. The black kitten stared back at him like he was the one trespassing in its domain.

A horn honked outside, and he sighed as he herded them into his bathroom. It was the only place besides the bedrooms that had a door, and he didn’t want to leave them in the house while he was gone. He’d decide what to do with them when he got back.

After picking up his kit again, he left his house to see his teammate’s truck idling at the kerb. He waved at him before shutting then locking the door. Liam dashed down the walk to where Leon was.

“Hey mate, how’s it going?” He asked as he tossed his kit and boots in the bed of the vehicle before climbing in.

Leon grunted, but didn’t answer him. Liam wasn’t insulted or anything, since he’d learnt after riding with Leon for a week or so that the man didn’t really like to talk to anyone. It didn’t matter whether it was a new guy or some guy he’d known for the entire five years he’d played for the club.

“I appreciate you driving today. My ride needs new tires and shit before I can drive it.”

“No problem.” Leon put the vehicle in drive, then pulled away from the kerb.

“Do you know any bloke that wants some cats? Two just ran into my house, and I’m not sure they’ll be easy to get rid of.” Liam frowned as he thought about the two invaders.

Leon shook his head, but that didn’t surprise Liam. Leon was the most solitary man Liam had ever met. He’d been excited to find out that Leon only lived a few houses down from him on the block, figuring they would be able to hang out and he’d have a friend in Melbourne. Then he discovered that Leon didn’t socialize with anyone, so it was basically driving to and from the club.

He’d ask some of the other guys who had kids if they’d want a pet. His parents had allowed him to have all the pets he wanted, but playing rugby had taken up so much of his time while growing up that he didn’t think it was fair because he wouldn’t be around that much.

They got to the club, and after they parked, Liam grabbed his stuff out of the back. Then he followed Leon into the stadium where the club played. The locker room was loud as the men laughed and joked while they changed into their practice unis. Liam wandered through the milling crowd to his locker where he tossed his bag in.

He quickly stripped, then pulled on his own practice stuff. After tying his boots, he stomped his feet to adjust them. Looking around, he saw the other guys were gathering around to head out onto the pitch. He fell in next to Teo Maulo, one of the flankers for the club.

“Do you know anyone who wants a cat, mate,” he asked as they walked out onto the pitch.

Teo shot him a quick glance. “Why? You got cats to give away?”

As they started stretching, Liam nodded. “Yeah. Two of them just walked into my house like they owned the place just before Leon showed to pick me up.”

“Leon’s a bit of a piker, but he’s a good bastard,” Teo commented as he motioned to where Leon stood at the edge of the pitch. “Have to say though, I don’t know anyone who wants pets, but I can check with my family.”

Snorting, Liam said, “Thanks. I know you have a big bunch to talk to. I’m sure someone would like them.

Every Shattered Dream Part Three available now…



Every Shattered Dream Part Three came out last Friday. I hope you were able to at least check it out. If not, here’s the link for it. 🙂 and remember it’s only $1 at Total e-Bound, but it’s also available at Amazon as well. 🙂




Also. the next book in my M/F Fallen series, Reno, came out on Friday. 🙂 Here’s the link if anyone is interested. I hope you don’t mind me posting about my MF stuff here. Now you won’t get any more than just a cover and a little ‘hey it’s out’ or I might share the cover for them. Because I know most of you aren’t coming here for my MF stuff. 😉

I finished New York last week, so now I’m going to be working on edits for Fighting Dragons, so we can get that re-released at MLR Press. Also, I’ll be working on Blindsided with Devon, and Remove the Space Between Us, book one in a new series I’m writing for Total e-Bound. So I’ll be busy. Oh plus I’ll be getting ready for GRL as well. No rest for the wicked I guess…lol

I hope you all have a great Monday.

Available in Print….



Chasing the King of the Mountains is available in print now. It’s the second of the International Men of Sports series I’m co-authoring with Devon Rhodes. (As if you didn’t know that already…lol)





Also, Unconventional in Atlanta is out in print. 🙂 So we’ll have both available at GRL in October for those of you who are coming.

And we’ve got approval on more Sports stories, so I really hope you are enjoying them. At the moment, it looks like we have stories scheduled out through 2016. Yes, 2016…lol. A lot of sports and a lot of stories. But of course, things are subject to change, so don’t mark that down in ink just yet. Now those are just the ones we told our editor about. We’ve come up with a few more since then, but we’re going to finish a couple before we add any more…lol.

Well, I have to get writing. I hope you all have a marvelous weekend and enjoy yourselves.

Two New Books out…




First book out today is At First Touch, book 3 of our International Men of Sports series. This one takes place in Germany and is about football (soccer for us Americans…lol)  Click here to check it out.



Then for those of you who downloaded Part One of my serial, Every Shattered Dream, then you’ll be happy to know that Part Two is available now. This one is $1 at both Total e-Bound and Amazon. 🙂 Click here to check this part out. 🙂

And today is a big day because I’m off for my first session with my tattoo artist. I’m sure those of you who follow me on Twitter remember me mentioning this a time or two…lol. It’s going to be a long and painful day, but in the end, it’ll be worth it. Of course, I’ll have a couple more sessions with him. Today is just outlining and shading for the dragon. Next session is all the color…and the third session will be any little touches he wants to add. I told him what I wanted, and trust him to come up with a totally awesome design. He’s a true artist.

So I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and a marvelous weekend.

New in Print…




Home Sweet Home is now out in print. Click here to check it out. 🙂 Which means all of the Home series is in print. Yay! I can’t wait to have them all on my shelf. I just realized something the other day. I have 39 books in print. Well, I guess actually I have 40 books in print with HSH coming out recently. Which is completely awesome, considering I didn’t think I’d have any books in print when I started writing erotic romance years ago. lol.

This week will be focused on finishing up New York, and working on Blindsided with Devon. Need to get that done and in. 🙂 I have plenty of other stories to work on once those are finished. Today will be fallen angels, mortals, and two retired soldiers fighting it out to save a life.

I hope you all have a great Monday.

Book Three of International Sports




At First Touch, Book 3 of the International Men of Sports series by yours truly and Devon Rhodes, is now available for pre-release download. If you’re a VIP member of Total e-Bound, you can get it two weeks before it comes out and at a discount. Also, if you haven’t already pre-ordered it. 🙂 This one takes place in Germany and is about two soccer players. I hope you enjoy it.

I’ll be trying my darnedest this week to finish up New York…and hopefully get some other stories started.

I hope you all had a great weekend. And try to have a good Monday, even if it is the start of another work week.

Monday Update…and New Blog Story….




Let me introduce you to Chad, the main character in our next blog story, Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace. 🙂 It was close..only four votes separated the two. But Finding Peace pulled it out in the end at 20 votes…while Why I Love Bodyguards had 16. Thank you all for voting, and I’m going to have to re-read Finding Love to refresh my memory. I’m going to try my darnedest to get you the first installment tomorrow. Just depends on if I have enough time today with the other writing I need to do. If I don’t get that done, then you’ll have a new one on Thursday for sure.

Got good news about some print releases. Chasing the King of the Mountains and Unconventional in Atlanta will be out in print in September, so those of you coming to GRL in October could bring your copies for us to sign. Stealing Life will be out in print in October, probably not in time for GRL, but still you’ll be able to get a print version of that one as well eventually. Yay!

I’m still working on some Tiffany stories, but I do plan on doing some TA stories during August, so I’ll be able to give you updates about those during the month.

Have a great day.





Great news! Always Ready is done and submitted. Now just comes the waiting part to see if they want it for their anthology or not. If not, I’ll either publish it with them as a stand-alone or see about sending it somewhere else. 🙂 I’m not worried about it. My guys will find a home somewhere…lol

So my M/F pen name has a website now. Please stop by and check it out, even if you don’t read M/F stories any more. 🙂  I plan on posting on that blog Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I don’t have time to post there any more than that…lol. Posting every weekday here, and trying to write takes up a lot of time.

Now I have to start on Fallen: New York, my 5th book in the Fallen series. It’s M/F….so if you want to know more about it, you can stop by Tiffany’s site. But I need to have it done by August 1st, so I’ll be writing like crazy on that. But I’ll also be working on Blindsided, the 4th book in the International Sports series, and Remove the Space Between Us (whose title will probably be shortened when I sub it…lol), the 1st book in my Rags to Riches series. That one is almost halfway done and needs to be turned in by Sept 1st.

I have books scheduled out through December of 2014 with Total e-Bound. Alternating TA and Tiffany books, but I’m sure there’ll be other stories snuck in around the main ones. Plus I’ll have books coming out at MLR Press and Amber Allure when I can. 🙂

I think I’m going to be wrapping Hearts on the Line up this week. Then I’ll work on adding more to it before I submit it to Amber Allure. Hearts is long enough, it’ll be released in print as well so that’s a bonus. I decided I’ll do that since it’s already been out in installments here. If I get a chance to write another serial for Total E-bound, it’ll be new and not something I’ve posted on my blog before.

Well, I have a lot of stuff to do, so I have to get cracking. Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.