Monday again…

I had to take my dads to the airport, so I didn’t have time to post anything until right now. 🙂 Here is the awesome cover for the 5th Fallen book, New York. By far my favorite of the series (at the moment. I’m sure I’ll change my mind as each of the others are completed…lol) It’s scheduled for a January release. Yay!
Also, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood received an Honorable Mention in the Rainbow Awards contest. Which is marvelous news. We’ll find out the winners tomorrow, I believe.
I’m working on Blindsided, and we’ve made a good start on it. Also, Remove the Space is being worked on and a Christmas story too (that might have to wait until next year to be released…lol It’s a little late to be turning in Christmas stories for this year.) As soon as those are done, I have a couple to finish up for Amber Allure, and my next Fallen book to do.
So I’ll be busy, and during the week of GRL, I might not have much time to write, which is fine. 🙂 I’ll try to make sure I at least get the two installments for Finding Peace done before I leave.
Okay…I have to get writing now. I hope you all have a great Monday.
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