New Cover….



This is the cover for the second International Men of Sports book, Chasing the King of the Mountains. As you might be able to tell, it takes place in France during the Tour de France. Pascal Durant is a pro cyclist riding in his last Tour, and trying to win one of the coveted jerseys. He wants the polka-dot jersey that will proclaim him King of the Mountains. Laurant Desrochers (and I’m sure I’m spelling that wrong…lol) is France’s version of Anderson Cooper, and he’s Pascal’s best friend. Oh, and both of the men are in their 40s.

So, you have sports (though not the usual suspects). You have friends-to-lovers, and you have older men getting together. ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope we’ve managed to hit on some topic you’ll be interested in.

This one will be up for pre-order on May 24th, and pre-relase shortly there after. Then the general release is in July, I believe. ๐Ÿ™‚

Devon and I are hard at work on the third book, At First Touch, which takes place in Germany and features two teammates on a soccer (football) team. Yay!

Next week, I leave on Tuesday to head to Kansas City for the Romantic Times convention. I will do my level best to post at least the next two installments of Hearts on Tuesday and Thursday. I’m actually going to try and get them written by Monday, so I can schedule them. ๐Ÿ™‚ But please don’t get upset if I don’t get them up. If not, the story will resume as usual on the following Tuesday.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

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