Archive for Merging Violently
This is Edward’s story, though it focuses on a band named
Merging Violently. Hunter is the lead guitarist for the band and he’s the one Edward falls in love with. There are four more books in the series and each will feature a secondary character from the
Home series. So it’s kind of a spin-off series. lol.
Here’s the blurb:
Will Hunter’s life ever be more than an endless tour of small gigs?
Hunter Lee is lead guitarist of the alternative rock band, Merging Violently. He and his four friends travel up and down the East Coast, playing small gigs. It’s not what he dreamed of when he founded the band, but it’s a way to make a living. Meeting Edward Monterrose might be the best shot he has at hitting the big time.
Edward Monterrose doesn’t have time for a relationship. He’s too busy with his horses and students. Yet he always makes time for a benefit to raise money for charities he supports. While recovering from an injury, he overhears Hunter playing in the park and asks him to play at the benefit.
The two men come from different worlds yet they discover they have more in common than they thought. Yet will their relationship last when they’re apart for months on end?
I do have some dates for you all. Pre-order is April 19th. Early download is May 3rd and General Release is May 31st. I hope you’re as excited as I am for Edward to finally get his story.
Have a great day.
Filed under: Blurbs,Books.,Covers,Fall into My Kiss,Home Series,Merging Violently,Release Dates | |2 Comments
For those of you who have been wishing and begging for Edward Monterrrose to get his own story….well, the wait is over. Actually that’s not entirely true…lol
I turned in
Fall into My Kiss, which is Book One of the
Merging Violently series. Merging Violently is an alternative rock band. The lead guitarist meets Edward and they fall in love. 🙂
Now, I do believe the pre-order is in March, so you will have to wait a little while longer, but I promise you his story is done and just have to be edited. 🙂 Once I get a cover and a blurb, I’ll post it here for you.
I’m working on a new story, which I think I shared a snippet of already titled
A Coal Miner’s Son. Once that’s done, I’ll be starting Book Two of MV, featuring Lonnie, the lead singer and Cody, Tony’s friend from
Home of his Own. Also, Devon and I are starting the 9th book in the Sports series, so hopefully there will be good news on that front soon as well.
Hope you all have a marvelous Monday.
Filed under: A Coal Miner's Son,Fall into My Kiss,Home of His Own,Home Series,International Men of Sports,Merging Violently,writing | |3 Comments
First of all, if you’re interested
Peace is available at Pride Publishing for early download. Check it out
here. 🙂
Second of all, I’d like to share with you a snippet from one of my current works in progress. This one is
Fall into my Kiss, Book 1 from the
Merging Violently series. This is Edward’s story. 🙂 Hope you like it.
Fall into My Kiss copyright c. 2016 T.A. Chase
“Aren’t you getting a little too old to be falling off your horse?”
Edward Monterrose glanced up from where he’d been staring out the window. He grimaced when the strained muscles in his back protested the movement. “It was an unplanned dismount. Apparently Gypsy thought there was a shark in the Liverpool jump and wasn’t going to risk getting eaten by it. Yet he was willing to use me to distract the monster while he got away.”
His step-brother chuckled and Edward smiled at the happy sound. Ever since Derek had fallen in love with Max Furlo and moved away from Nashville, joy had been seeping into everything Derek did.
“I finally got a chance to listen to your latest album. I think it’s your best yet,” Edward commented as he pushed to his feet to greet Derek.
Derek pulled him into a gentle hug then kissed his cheek. “Thanks. Can’t say I was happy to get a call from Scout, saying you were in the hospital.”
Edward shuffled to his bed and accepted Derek’s help to climb back into it. “I’m sorry, but accidents are a hazard of the job. I was due to have a wreck at some point. It’s been a while since I’ve lost my seat like that.”
“You weren’t expecting Gypsy to freak like that. He’s been doing great since you both worked with Les.” Derek pulled a chair up next then sat. He leaned back, crossing his legs while he studied Edward. “I guess I was imagining the worse, even though Scout said you were going to be fine.”
“I won’t be riding until the doctors clear me, which sucks. I’ll have to withdraw from some of the big competitions and it’ll hurt us in the year end standings.” He shrugged and winced.
Derek motioned to the cast and bandages. “What are your injuries? I didn’t ask Scout, just chartered a plane to get out here as soon as I could. Left Max at the ranch to hold down the fort while I’m gone.
Edward snorted. “Hold down the fort? You make it sound like you’re the one running the place. We all know Max is the reason why the cattle and horse part of your ranch is successful.”
“You make it sound like I’m useless,” Derek muttered as he pouted.
“You’re useless when it comes to ranch work, brother. But you have other redeeming qualities. Your record label seems to be doing rather well.” He shifted on the lumpy mattress, trying to find a spot that wouldn’t cause his body to ache. Being covered with bruises made it difficult to get a comfortable position.
Filed under: Books.,Covers,Fall into My Kiss,Four Horsemen,Merging Violently,Peace,Pride Publishing,Wednesday WiPs | |5 Comments
Yay! I finished and submitted my first story of the year. It’s my short for the GRL anthology.
New Vocations. Not a bad way to start 2016. 🙂 So now I’ll be working on Edward’s story. That is next on my list to be written. Also have kind of a secret project. I don’t want to say anything because I don’t want to jinx it, but I’ll be working on that one as well.
Edward’s story is part of a new series I’m starting about an alternative rock band and the guys they fall in love with. The interesting thing is it’s a spin-off of the
Home series because the other MCs are all secondary characters from the Home series, plus there will be visits from the Home guys. 🙂 As soon as it’s done, I’ll let you know about release dates and stuff.
I hope you all have a great Monday. Stay warm and safe (for those of you hit by snow and bad weather)
Filed under: GayRomLit,Home Series,Merging Violently,New Vocations,writing | |No Comments
This is the cover for my next release, Scarecrows and Devils, which is part of the 77th Precinct PAX at Amber Allure. All five of the stories will be out on May 24th. I really enjoyed writing this one, so I hope you enjoy reading it. 🙂
I’ve been having a lot of problems writing this month. Anubis is pretty much the only story I’ve worked on regularly since the beginning of April. Not sure why, but my muse isn’t talking to me as much as I’d like. So I’m behind on my first Merging Violently book, which is the spin-off series from my Home books. I need to buckle down and get it written, so unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to do any installments for Anubis this week. I’m hoping that once I get into the story, it’ll start flowing and I can get back to my regular routine.
Please bear with me while I work this writing problem out. I promise I’ll get back to posting stuff like I usually do.
Hugs and I hope you have a great week.
Filed under: Amber Allure,Anubis,Covers,Home Series,Merging Violently,Scarecrows and Devils,writing | |4 Comments
I’ve had these covers for a while and have just forgotten to share them here. Sorry about that, but here you go.
The first is from the Semper Fidelis anthology which will be out in February from Totally Bound. It features stories about Marines, Navy and Coast Guard soldiers. 🙂
This second cover is for my story, Always Ready, when it comes out as a single release. Not sure of the date on that. But I do love this cover. My story features a Coast Guard rescue diver and a Bering Sea crab fisherman. 🙂 (And I’ll admit to watching way too many episodes of Deadliest Catch…lmao)
And this third cover goes to my Tarot/Fortune PAX story, Deserves to be Adored. This one will be out probably in February at Amber Allure. When I get more info on it, I’ll let you know. 🙂
I do believe that’s all I have to share with you at the moment.
I want to thank all of you for reading my books and my blog throughout 2014. I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without your support. There’s going to be just as much fun and excitement in 2015, with some sequels coming out that you’ve been waiting impatiently for. lol
Trailing Air, Book 4 in the Preternatural series (Rover’s story) will be out in the spring. I’ll be writing Edward’s story as well this year. He’ll finally get his own happy ending and I hope you all love that. Though his story will be either the second or third book in a new series I’m writing, but it is a spin-off from the Home series. So you’ll be seeing some favorite characters/couples again. And meeting some new characters as well. 🙂
I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year’s.
Filed under: Always Ready,Books.,Covers,Deserved to be Adored,Home Series,Merging Violently,Semper Fidelis,writing | |2 Comments
I’m so happy you’ve chimed in on what you’d like to see next on the blog. 🙂 I’m going to take the weekend and think about them all. By Tuesday, I should have made a decision and written up a little blurb and picked out pics for the guys. I’ll be honest and say that I’m leaning towards either Job’s story from Bitter Creek or maybe a story set in Angel’s world. I haven’t written a historical in a long time and I think that’s what I’m interested in. Since lately I’ve been doing a lot of contemporaries.
And for those of you who have asked for stories set in the Home world to see how the guys are doing. Don’t worry. I have a spin-off series coming out next year. It’s titled Merging Violently, which is the name of the band in this series. It’ll featuring Merging Violently, an up-and-coming rock band that Derek has signed to his new label. They’re at Derek and Max’s ranch to record their first album. There the members of the band meet Cody (Home of his Own), Edward (Wishing for a Home), Matt (Leaving Home) and Scout (Home Sweet Home). So you get to see these secondary characters get their own HEA, but also there will be camos from the guys from the Home books. I promise.
Well, I’m off to run errands then I’ll be home working on Barefoot Dancing. 🙂 Have a great Thursday.
Filed under: Barefoot Dancing,Bitter's Creek Redemption,Home of His Own,Home Series,Home Sweet Home,Leaving Home,Merging Violently,Rags to Riches,Wishing for a Home | |3 Comments