Archive for I Call Death Dad
New Blog Story
Hello everyone…today is the day you get to suggest what I should write about next.  lol Since I just finished up a historical, we’ll have to take that genre off the list for this one. But any other one is open. 🙂 Let me know what you’d like to see.
Also, I’ll be chatting with Will Prater and Jeff Adams on Writers Online Network (radio show) about my YA book, I Call Death Dad, plus my other YA books (Upcoming and planned) Please if you get a chance, listen in. If you can’t make it, then I believe it’ll be available online afterwards, so you can catch up. 🙂 Here’s the link: YAY! YA with T.A. Chase Hopefully I won’t sound foolish. lol
Have a great day. Stay safe and warm. 🙂
I Call Death Dad available

When Death’s your dad, you never look at life the same way again.
Okay, figuring out you’re gay is hard enough, right? I mean I’ve barely admitted the truth to myself. Forget about telling anyone else about liking guys. I thought it would be the most difficult thing I had to deal with, until my dad showed up to claim me for the summer.
Did I mention I hadn’t seen him for more than twenty minutes each birthday? Seriously, he couldn’t be bothered to visit me any other time, yet now he expects me to welcome him with open arms.
Well, did I mention he’s Death? And his plans for me will change my life.
I hope you all have a great day. I’m going to curl up on the couch again and try to kick this cold. Have a great weekend as well.
It’s done….

Not Shades of Dreams….lol. But my YA, I Call Death Dad, is finished. I sent it to a CP to look over and then it’ll be on to the publisher. Woot!
Now I’ll be working on a couple different stories until one really catches my attention. One is Dreams…which I’ve decided to pull…though what will happen is there will be installments up until the 19th. I already have those written and scheduled. I just don’t want to take the time to pull them down. So, you’ll still be getting Rocky and Stephan for a couple more weeks. I plan on working on their story to finish it up and sub it. I also have two stories I need to finish by Dec. 1 for Amber Allure. I’ll be writing on them as well. We’ll see how well that goes…lol.
Thank you for letting me know what you think. It always helps to get a second opinion. Now I have to figure out the next blog story…or at least get two blurbs ready for you to pick one. 🙂
I hope you have a great Monday.
Wicked Wednesday…

Revealing the Past made it to #4 on the Amber Allure Best Seller list for July. Woot! My streak of #1 might be broken, but I’ll take a #4 any day…lol. Thank you for that. 🙂
Writing is going well. I’m seeing the end of my YA story. Hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the week. Then I set up a dart board with names of several stories and see which one the dart lands on…lol. I know there are ones that I positively need to finish. I’ll make a decision after I send Death in.
I hope your Wednesday is fun and exciting.
New Cover….

I thought I’d share the newest cover with everyone. This is for Wolf’s Survival (obviously…lol) coming out Sept. 26th from Amber Allure. I like it.
Oh, and on Friday, I’ll share the cover for Out of Light into Darkness with everyone. Woo-hoo! It looks good and is one of three books I’ll have out in August.
Writing is going well. I’m in the home stretch of I Call Death Dad and will have to figure out which story to work on after I finish it up. I love trying to decide which of my guys to listen to for a while. 😉
I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
Coming Soon….

for those of you who don’t know….I signed a contract with Featherweight Publishing to release my first Young Adult book titled I Call Death Dad. I’m excited about it since it’s a new venture for me…and I’ve always wanted to write a YA. Featherweight Publishing is the Young Adult/Children imprint of MLR Press, so I’ll be working with Laura Baumbach and all her wonderful people.
I don’t have any other information to share with you at the moment, but of course, you all know that as soon as I do, you’ll be the first to know…lol 🙂 Even though I’m leaving for vacation tonight, I’ll be working on my writing. In between having lots of fun.
I’m going to update the links on my sidebar for the last couple of installments of Wolf’s Survival, then those will stay up until I get home in a week and a half. After that, I’ll be taking them down. I plan on subbing WS as soon as I get home as well. Yay!
I’ve sent up some really yummy eye candy for you all to visit next week. Please remember to stop by.
I hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful week and a half. I’ll see you all when I get back.