
His Heart’s Home is done, for the most part. Just have to go back over for a quick edit and write up the synopsis. Then it’s off to Liquid Silver. Woo-hoo!

Now I’m working on Not Seeing is Believing. It’s a ‘friends-to-lovers’ story about a blind vampire and the shifter he falls in love with. After that, I’ll be working on a few different ones, just to keep my interest…lol.

Oh everyone might be glad to know that I’ve done some work on Mars’ Assassin. It’s the story of Mars and Lord from Death or Life. The other night I didn’t get much sleep because for some reason I couldn’t get those two out of my head. So I’ve been writing down what they seem to want to tell me at the moment. We’ll see how long that lasts. šŸ™‚

I hope everyone has a good Wednesday.

9 Responses “Done”

  1. Blaidd-Drwg says:

    Good news about Mars! I can't wait! You just made my day šŸ™‚

  2. melanie says:

    I am so happy to hear about HHH. Do you know when Liquid Silver will publish it? I am waiting eagerly here. Also thrilled about Mars and Lord. Those two are fascinating characters and can't wait to read more about them. Especially Mars. What a tough life he must have had.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hey TA–SO happy that Mars and Lord are talking to you, I was very intrigued by them….My computer is blooey again, so I have to sign is annon…again….stupid viruses…OH! and I am lovin Bastet really, really!


  4. Rhonda says:

    TA, thanks for the yummy eye candy, love cowboys!

    Congrats on finishing HHH, I cannot wait for this one. Also, looking forward to Mars and Lord.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  5. Melissa Bradley says:

    Yay you!! A blind vampire and a shifter, I am so intrigued. Glad to hear you got some work done on MA, I am looking forward to reading it. Loved DoL. Hope the rest of the week goes well. Take care.

  6. Jambrea says:

    Great news all around! Woohoo!

    Have a great Wed. TA!

  7. Yvonne says:

    The eyecandy…the eyecandy *pant,pant* is soooo nice today. I may have to take up horse back riding. Or is it cowboy tending? lol
    Congrats on completing HHH.
    Mars & Lord-YES. I can't wait to meet them again.

  8. Jen says:

    Hey! I missed you guys! My computer went kaplooey – and aside from my freakish mind sweeper obsession I missed my fave blogs most!

    Okay – I got caught up with your blog and all I can say is:

    TA – CONGRATS BIG TIME! And hurray, His Heart's Home is almost in my greedy little palms! šŸ™‚

    Also – Bastet's story is so intriguing! I can't wait until tomorrow!

  9. Max says:

    Hey T.A:
    Great about writing about Mars and Lord, Can't wait to read it!!
    Congrats on His Heart is Home

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