Archive for Shades of Dreams

Snowy Thursday

Of course, it’s snowing on the one day I plan to leave the house…lol. Having lunch with my mom and then going to have dinner with one of the ladies I used to work with. Yay!

Shades of Dreams was the #1 best seller at Amber Allure for December. Thank all of you who bought it.

I sent in a partial to my YA publisher this morning, so I’ll be waiting to hear on that. Deepest Cut is a very emotional book, but I think everyone will fall in love with Charlie. ๐Ÿ™‚

Voice for the Silent is set to come out on Sunday. I’ll try to remember to post the blurb and an excerpt tomorrow for everyone.

Well, I have to go get ready to start my day. I hope you all have a great Thursday.

Shades Of Dreams available now….

Shades of Dreams is available now at Amber Allure. You all might remember that I started it as a blog story before taking it off to finish and try to get out a little sooner than if I kept it on the blog. ๐Ÿ™‚ Well, here they are, Stephan and Rocky in all their glory.


Stephan Colby is on top of the world. Heโ€™s the lead singer of one of the hottest new rock bands, and his best friend is in the band to share the success as well. In addition, Stephanโ€™s madly in love. Yet Fate has a cruel way of kicking a man in the teeth, and when Stephanโ€™s world crashes down around him, he turns to his Rock, his bandmate, the one man who has always been there for him.

Rocky Sanicily has always had Stephanโ€™s back, and theyโ€™ve been through a lot together. Rocky has also been in love with Stephan for many years, but has never found the courage to admit it. When Stephan suddenly loses the most important thing in his life, however, Rocky must do everything in his power to keep Stephan from giving up. If he succeeds, will he be able to finally tell Stephan how he feels? And if so, will it bring the friends closer together, or tear apart their relationship forever?

New Cover….

Here’s the cover for Shades of Dreams which will be out Dec. 12th. I got the release date wrong…lol. And like I said, Shades and Be The Air For You will be out in print (together) in mid-January, I believe. ๐Ÿ™‚ Woo-hoo!

Someone asked me the other day about The Vanguard and one line there about the Prince’s blood having something strange in it, and then it was never addressed in the rest of the book. That’s my fault. It’s one of the plot ideas that either got away from me or I changed my mind about having in there and forgot to take it out. Sorry about that.

There was another question I wanted to answer, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it was. Sorry, and as soon as I do, I’ll make sure to give my answer. I’ve been fighting a cold/sinus infection for the past week or so. I keep hoping it’ll go away soon, but it seems to want to stick around. At times, my brain is barely functioning…lol. And this morning is one of them.

I plan on doing a lot of writing this weekend, in between other obligations. So maybe I can get Voice for the Silent halfway or even all the way done by Sunday night. Wish me luck.

Have a great Friday and a marvelous weekend, everyone.

Wicked Wednesday…

okay…so this picture isn’t particularly wicked, but there’s just something about it I like. ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe it’s how young and innocent he looks, even though you know underneath he’s not…lol. Or at least you’d like to imagine he’s not.

I finished Shades of Dreams and submitted it to Amber Allure. It’ll be out on Dec. 5th. Early Christmas present for everyone. ๐Ÿ™‚ Also, the print version which will feature Be the Air for You as well, will be out in the middle of January and will be titled Air and Dreams (that might change, though my publisher didn’t say anything negative when I told him what I wanted to call the print antho.)

Now I’m focusing on Falling in Love…Again and Destroying Belief. Both are moving along quite well. Yay!

That’s all I have to say for today…lol. Have a great Wednesday, everyone.

I’m so close….

to finishing Shades of Dreams, I can taste it. I’m only about another 2-3k away. Have to finish up the chapter I’m on right now, then write the epilogue. Woo-hoo! That means it should be done today or tomorrow at the latest. As soon as I get a date for a release, I’ll let you know.

Someone asked the other day where I was going to sub it, and the answer is Amber Allure. I already talked to Trace, the publisher, and we’re planning to put both Be The Air For You and Shades together in one print anthology. That way you can get both my rocker stories in one. ๐Ÿ™‚

Once Shades is done, I’ll be focusing on the two stories I want done by Dec. 1. But I also have a story I’ve been working on in my journal that I carry with me everywhere. I write in it when I get an idea or scene and don’t want to lose it. Or if I’m waiting in line somewhere…lol. I’ve lost track of how many journals I actually have. It has to be over 8o now.

Anyway, back from my tangent, I posted a little scene a long time ago on my blog called Kissed by Gods. I’ve refined the title to Kissed by God, and I’m expanding it. I’m not sure how many words I have so far, since it’s all long hand and not typed in. I thought maybe this weekend I’d sit down and type in what I have written to see how much further I have to go on the story. ๐Ÿ™‚ I really like the story line and the two characters. One of which is a recovering heroin addict, hence the title. “Kissed by God” is a term used by addicts to describe the high they get from the drug.

Well, I think I’ve babbled enough today. I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful safe weekend.

Wicked Wednesday

Well, I was far busier this weekend than I planned. I didn’t get a lot done, but I made up for it yesterday. Added another 3k to Shades of Dreams, which is coming along. I’m hoping to have it finished by the middle of Sept. Once that happens, I’ll let you know when the release date for it is.

Aside from my blog story, I’ve been working exclusively on Shades. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you to everyone who left a comment on my post for last Friday. I really am floored by your support. And for those of you who are disappointed, thank you for posting as well. You have every right to feel that way and to say something about it.

I hope you all have a great Wednesday.

Another Friday….

8 more hours or so before the weekend officially starts. Ugh! I don’t want to be here. I want to be home enjoying the last days of summer…lol. Okay, enjoying the last days of summer has nothing really to do with the fact that I don’t want to be at work today. ๐Ÿ˜€

Got a bunch written on Shades yesterday, so I’m happy about that. It’ll be at least 40k, if not more. That means it’ll go into print. Woo-hoo! Maybe I should see about adding Be the Air for You to it…make it an anthology with rockers. That way you can have both stories in one. Hmm…might have to think on that.

Well, I don’t have anything else to talk about. I hope you all have a great time today and this weekend.

Wicked Wednesday

I’m loving this whole series of photos. If you go to and check them out. They aren’t work safe, and neither are most of the pictures on the site. Just so you know.

Okay…I’m making great progress on Shades. I’m hoping to be done by the beginning of Sept. If I can do that, there’s the possibility of it coming out in Oct. If not Oct., then Nov. at the latest.

Please, give Stephan a chance. That’s all I’m asking. The poor guy isn’t having the best time of it at the moment, but he isn’t a complete dick. Maybe I made Rocky too perfect. I have plans for Lee, Hal, and Stone. None of which include Rocky or Stephan. Those two guys were meant for each other. In a way, it’s like an older man falling in love with a younger guy, but letting the younger guy spread his wings a little and grow up before committing to him. At least, that’s how I see it.

Hope everyone has a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday Kisses….

Thank goodness, it’s the weekend…or almost. I can’t wait to get home tonight and veg for two days. Though that doesn’t mean I won’t be writing.

I’m working on three stories at the moment (like I said) One is Shades of Dreams, trying to get it done asap for everyone. The second one is Destroying Belief, a regency that takes place in Venice during Carnival. And the third is Falling in Love…Again, a reunion story. FiLA and DB need to be in by Dec. 1…which is why I chose to work on them first, but I admit, I’m working a little bit on a bunch of different stories. Sometimes my mind won’t settle on one, so I make it happy by skipping around. It makes finishing stories a little slower, but I still manage to get them one…lol

Someone asked why Amazon has Book one and book three of my Home series, but not book two. Well, it takes a while for books to get uploaded from the Mobi site onto Amazon. That’s the only reason I can think of….though I’m not sure why the third one is on there already. Sorry about that.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Out in Print….

Yep…Anarchy in Blood is available in print now. Woo-hoo!

I had a good weekend of writing. Added a good bit to Shades of Dreams and have another scene dancing around my head that I need to write down before I forget. You’ll get the last two installments of the story this week on the blog. The last installment you get to meet Stephan. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’m planning on writing up the blurb for the next blog story some time this week. When I get time…lol

Well, I hope you have a great Monday…and just think four more days to the weekend. ๐Ÿ˜€