Out in Print….

Yep…Anarchy in Blood is available in print now. Woo-hoo!

I had a good weekend of writing. Added a good bit to Shades of Dreams and have another scene dancing around my head that I need to write down before I forget. You’ll get the last two installments of the story this week on the blog. The last installment you get to meet Stephan. πŸ™‚

I’m planning on writing up the blurb for the next blog story some time this week. When I get time…lol

Well, I hope you have a great Monday…and just think four more days to the weekend. πŸ˜€

4 Responses “Out in Print….”

  1. Teresa says:

    Congrats on the print! Now I can get both books, plus a few others. I'm glad you had a good writing weekend. So looking forward to getting SoD, which I hope will be soon. Yup, I'm in the greedy club with Jen, lol.

    I know I'm ready for the next four days..which are my weekend finally, lol. Hope everyone has a great Monday.

  2. Jen says:

    I am always happy for you when good news comes your way – and I'm really glad you feel better – but . . . you are skipping over the most important thing.

    When will we have SoD in our greedy little palms? I say we cause I just hate to think that I'm the only greedy one out here! πŸ™‚

    Seriously, TA – congrats on the prints, can't wait to order mine (even though I have to wait at least until payday). lol

  3. Cinderella says:

    Congrats on the print!
    Can't wait for SoD to be out.
    Looking forward to the next "funny" story. Have an excellent week. You could take a vacation day for friday and have only three days til the weekend and then have a three day weekend. LOL

  4. Jambrea says:

    Woohoo! I looked on the coming soon pages at TeB and saw book two should be out in print soon as well. I'm going to get them together along with Carol's new CV book. Woot. Free shipping baby. ROFL!

    I'm very happy to see you had a good writing weekend.

    Have a great day and I"m already counting down to Friday. lol I do that EVERY Monday. πŸ™‚

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