Good Morning….

I hope everyone had a marvelous weekend. 🙂
I wanted to let you all know that Following His Footsteps, Book 3 in the Rags to Riches series, is up for pre-order at Totally Bound. Check it out here.

Also, the next book in my m/f Fallen series, London, is available for early download. Check it out here.
This week I have to finish Anywhere Tequila Flow, Book 4 in Rags to Riches, and get started on Eye of the Hurricane, which is my next Tiffany book (about a lady pirate). Devon and I will be starting the eighth book in our Sports series, An Ace in the Tiebreak (title subject to change…lol) with a Swiss tennis player and the chef hired to get him back to his winning form. 🙂
Plus if any of you live in Chicago, I’ll be at the Chicago Northern RWA Chapter Spring Fling this weekend. Here’s the information on it. There’ll be a book signing on Saturday that is open to the public. If you can make it that would be awesome.
I think that’s it for now. I hope you all have a great Monday. 🙂
3 Responses “Good Morning….”
already ordered Following His Footsteps, just waiting for May 2!
Brilliant off to get
awesome 🙂