Archive for Home Series

Ghost of a Chance is available again….




MLR Press has re-released Ghost of a Chance today. Click here to check it out. It’s just been re-edited, so if Β you already have it, you don’t need to pick it up. πŸ™‚


And I want to thank all of you for making No Going Home, Leaving Home, and A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood all best sellers at ARe. Also, they’re doing great at Amazon as well, which amazes me. πŸ™‚ Β So thank you all again.

I’ll be writing all weekend to get some stories done that need to be turned in next week. πŸ™‚

I hope you all have a great weekend, and for those of you who are mothers, have an awesome Mother’s Day.

Back from RT…



I’m back from RT. I had a marvelous time getting to see all my friends and meeting new ones. πŸ™‚

While I was gone, I had a new release come out. I’d forgotten that Total e-Bound was changing their release day from Monday to Friday. So, A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood came out on Friday and is all ready zooming up the Bestseller chart at ARe. πŸ™‚ Click here to check it out. It’s only .99 cents right now because Total e-Bound is also starting a new program First in a Series, where they’re taking select series and marking the first book in it at .99 cents, so people who haven’t given it a try can pick it up. No Going Home is also only .99 cents. So if any of you have friends who might have hesitated to read NGH before, this might be a good incentive for them to try now. lol

I will have the next installment of Hearts up and ready to read for you tomorrow. πŸ™‚ And for any who might be wondering, no…you didn’t miss any story on Edward from the Home series. I haven’t written one yet, though I’m hoping to do so next year.

Have a great day, everyone. πŸ™‚

Leaving Home is available….




The fourth book in the Home series, Leaving Home, is now available for general release. πŸ™‚ Yay! I’m so excited to have you all (who didn’t get it while it was available for pre-release download) to read Chaz and Peter’s story. πŸ™‚ All your old friends make an appearance. Click here to check it out.

More great news. Home Sweet Home, which is the last book in the series…and I think the most highly anticipated story of the series, is now available for pre-release download. If you’re a VIP, you can buy HSH and read it today…before anyone else is able to. πŸ™‚ It’s Juan and Yancey’s story…and I really hope you love it. click here to check it out.

Oh…and Devon Rhodes and I are having a contest over at Stumbling Over Chaos. (All right, Devon set it all up. I’m just riding on her coat tails…lol) One lucky commenter will win a copy of A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood. πŸ™‚ Yay!

All right. I think that’s all the news I have today. I’m still going to try to get at least tomorrow’s installment done. I don’t want to leave Baxter and Addison hanging in the hallway…lol

I hope you all have a great Monday…and everything. πŸ™‚

New Cover…



This the awesome cover for this year’s GRL anthology, Unconventional in Atlanta. This antho is special because all the stories take place during GRL and they take place at the Melia, where the convention will be held this year. πŸ™‚ So I can’t wait to see if you all love it or not. πŸ™‚

Oh, and the title for my story in the antho has changed. It had been The Occasional Prostitute, and Β now it’s The Last Client. Or it should be once I hear back from the authorities on whether it’s good or not. lol. So the other title will go back on my title list, and I’ll come up with a new story to go with it. Maybe it should be more of a Jack the Ripper type sort, since that’s where I got the idea for it from anyway. Hmm….

And in other big news, Total e-Bound will be changing their release schedule. Starting May 3rd, Total e-Bound will be releasing their books on Fridays instead of Mondays…so you will be able to get Home Sweet Home three days earlier than planned. Yay!

Also, I want to thank you all for making Threadbare Gypsy Souls a bestseller at ARe. I really do appreciate how you all support my blog stories when they get published and are out in the ‘real’ world. πŸ™‚ Β And for the last several I’ve been adding more to them after I finish them up on the blog, so you have something new to look forward to when/if you pick up the full version.

Mom’s doing great. She ended up not being able to have the surgery due to a bad upper respiratory infection. But she’s going to reschedule it for May, and we’ll do it again. So I’m hoping to be able to post like normal this week.

Devon Rhodes and I finished Chasing the King of the Mountains, and turned that in. Now we’re working our German soccer players story. We have a working title, but neither of us are thrilled with it, so that will change before we turn this one in. πŸ™‚ Maybe on Friday, I’ll share my inspiration for my character.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and the sun’s out here so maybe this will be a good Monday. πŸ™‚

Where the Devil Dances available now…



First up is Where the Devil Dances. It’s been re-released by Total e-Bound and is available for general download today. Yay! Click here to check it out.






Next up is Leaving Home, which is now available from Total e-Bound for immediate download if you’re a VIP at TEB. πŸ™‚ Buying it means you get a 10% discount and you get to read it four weeks before it’s available to the general public. Woot! Click here if you’d like to read the blurb again…or download it. Remember, this is book Four in the Home series, and is about Peter, Les’ accountant.





And last but not least (by any means) is A Sticky Wicket in Bollywood. It’s up for pre-order at Total e-Bound. If you pre-order, you get a 15% discount and it’ll be in your inbox the day it gets released. πŸ™‚ Click here to check it out.

I’m sorry about not posting anything last Friday. I hit the ground running, and totally forgot about the blog until I got home late Friday night…lol. I’ll try to do better this Friday. πŸ™‚

I finished edits on Threadbare Gypsy Souls, which comes out next Sunday at Amber Allure. And I’ll be working on edits for Sharp Dressed Man from MLR Press. I don’t have a release date for that one yet. Might not have one until all the stories are edited. They had a good response for the Mixed Tape anthology call, so I’m sure there’ll be a lot of great stories to go with mine.

Devon Rhodes and I are still working hard on Chasing the King of the Mountains, which is the second book in the International Men of Sports series. We’re over halfway done, and hoping to finish it by next week. Yay!

Again, I have several short stories I’m working on. Some for MLR Press, some for Amber Allure, and some for TEB. Hoping to finish them up by the end of April. We’ll see how many I get done by then.

Well, I better get cracking if I want to accomplish anything today. πŸ™‚ Hope you all had a marvelous Easter weekend, and have a great Monday as well.

New Covers…




First of all, sorry about missing last Friday. I lost track of what day it was, and completely forgot about posting anything. πŸ™‚ But here I am today to share with you two new cover. As you can see the first one is Stealing Life, the new version that will be out at Total e-Bound Β July 1st.




And the second cover is for Home Sweet Home, the last book in the Home series. This one will be out in May at Total e-Bound. πŸ™‚

I happen to love both covers very much and I can’t wait to hold them both in my hands in print form.

I’ll be working furiously on Chasing the King of the Mountains this week. It needs to be turned in, plus a couple other stories as well. I have one story that I’ve been writing out long hand, and I’ll need to be typing that in at some point, but maybe closer to the end of the story. Also, the other stories I’ve been working on are all still there…waiting for me to finish them…lol

I hope you have a great day.

Wishing for a Home is out now…




Wishing for a Home is available now at Total e-Bound, if you didn’t get it when it was available before. I did add some to it, but I don’t think there’s a significant amount that anyone would notice. πŸ™‚ You can check it out at Total e-Bound here.

I finished Sharp Dressed Man last week, and submitted it to MLR Press. As soon as I get a release date for it, I’ll let you know. πŸ™‚

I’ve been sick, so after I finished SDM, I haven’t done much, though I did start a new story at 1 My mind wouldn’t let me turn it off, and I wrote the first chapter and part of the second before I forced myself to go back to bed.

I’ll be working on King, Remove the Space Between Us (which is the new title for my Billionaire story), From Yesterday, and the story I started the other night (which doesn’t have a title yet) this week. Hopefully, one or two will be finished by the end of the week. πŸ™‚

Oh, and I registered for GayRomLit. So I’ll be seeing everyone in Atlanta in October. πŸ™‚

It’s raining here, so it’s a good reason to stay inside, curl up on the couch and type away on some stories. πŸ™‚

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Quick Post



this is just a real quick post before I head out for most of the day. πŸ™‚ Just wanted you all to know that a lot of progress is being made on the short story I started a few days ago. So much in fact, that I ended up changing the name…lol. No longer is the title Pray for the Thunder. It’s now Sharp Dressed Man. The title change doesn’t affect the story, so I didn’t have to go back and rewrite anything. Which makes me happy.

Oh, and Chasing the King of the Mountains has been started as well. Devon and I have the prologue done, and I’m working on the first scene in Chapter One. πŸ™‚ Β I also have Final Line Edits for Home Sweet Home to finish today. So I’ll be busy once I get back home…lol

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday Work in Progress..



Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to add anything to my current Work in Progress…the last bit added was the scene I shared with you last Thursday. πŸ™‚ But I’m hoping to change that today…after I get the first set of edits done for Home Sweet Home, and the next installment for the blog story done. Then I’ll start working on The Occasional Prostitute. Yay!

Stealing Life final edits were done last night, and turned into my editor, so those will be finalized. It’ll be a while before it’s up on the coming soon page because it doesn’t come out for general release until July. πŸ™‚ But as soon as it’s up, I’ll let you know. To be honest, nothing’s been added to the story, and some scenes have been deleted, simply because they didn’t really further the story.

Oh, and I’ll be dipping my feet back into the M/F waters again. That’s where I started my publishing career, then I discovered M/M books, and at the time, I found them far Β more interesting. But now, I want to branch out and start writing both. My M/F will be under a different pen name, so when you see TA Chase, you’ll always know it’ll be guys touching guys. πŸ™‚

I’ll reveal my M/F pen name when the contracts for my series are signed and it’s all official. For those of you who still read M/F stories.

I hope you all have a great Wednesday, and I promise to have something new to share with you next week. Oh and I have a new cover to share with you on Friday.

Sorry…have a ton of edits



Hey everyone, I’m sure you’re wondering where the next installment for the blog story is. Well, unfortunately, I didn’t get to it last night. I have a bunch of edits to do on Stealing Life, Home Sweet Home, and finishing up edits on Sticky Wicket. I’m going to try and get them done today, then hopefully I can do the installment. If not, it might not be until Thursday and Friday that you get the next two installments. πŸ™ Sorry.

Also, for Erika S. and anyone else who was wondering, the only one of the first three Home books that has been added to is Wishing for a Home. I had to add about 5-6k to get it long enough to go into print like the other ones. I’m not sure if that’s enough of a difference to be able to tell when you read the new version. I understand anyone who is on a budget for books, so I guess I’d say save your money for Leaving Home and Home Sweet Home. Then if you get a little extra cash, maybe pick up Wishing. πŸ™‚

I hope you all have a great day while I spend mine in editing mode.