Coming Soon….
for those of you who don’t know….I signed a contract with Featherweight Publishing to release my first Young Adult book titled I Call Death Dad. I’m excited about it since it’s a new venture for me…and I’ve always wanted to write a YA. Featherweight Publishing is the Young Adult/Children imprint of MLR Press, so I’ll be working with Laura Baumbach and all her wonderful people.
I don’t have any other information to share with you at the moment, but of course, you all know that as soon as I do, you’ll be the first to know…lol 🙂 Even though I’m leaving for vacation tonight, I’ll be working on my writing. In between having lots of fun.
I’m going to update the links on my sidebar for the last couple of installments of Wolf’s Survival, then those will stay up until I get home in a week and a half. After that, I’ll be taking them down. I plan on subbing WS as soon as I get home as well. Yay!
I’ve sent up some really yummy eye candy for you all to visit next week. Please remember to stop by.
I hope you all have a great weekend and a wonderful week and a half. I’ll see you all when I get back.
7 Responses “Coming Soon….”
Congrats! Will it be an e-book or print or both? I've got two daughters that love reading and I'm always looking for something suitable for them.
Have way too much fun on your vacation and do at least 1 thing you've never done before – even better if it might be a just a little illegal . . . jk – mostly. 😉
Have a WONDERFUL vacation TA….and thanks for always giving us something to look forward to:)
Congrats on the YA book! I hope you have a great time! and remember that you should never look at the clock while on vacation.
Congrats on the YA book! I hope you have a great vacation!
congrats on the YA book! enjoy your vacation, and thanks in advnace for the yummy eye candy. 🙂
Have fun and do something crazy good!! Congrat on the YA book.
I hope you have a wonderful vacation!