Archive for The Longest Stride
I can’t believe January is already gone. Seems like I was just figuring out my New Year’s resolutions. (which I didn’t actually make because I never keep
But looking back over the last month, it was a good one. I finished two stories. To be honest, one doesn’t really count because I wrote most of it the last week of December, and subbed it on the second of January. Pursuing Hope was my first try at a f/f story, and it’s a Young Adult one as well. I sent it off to my editor at Featherweight Publishing, and yesterday, they let me know they wanted it. Yay! It’s not very angsty or anything like that. It’s about a girl looking for a date to prom. She just happens to be a lesbian.
I sent my edits in for Famine, so it’ll be out on the 20th of this month. Also, Bring Him Gold will be out on the 12th. I have two print books coming out this month as well. War and The Longest Stride will be available at some point this month. Woot!
Gypsies went off to my editor at Total e-Bound, and I started working on a short story for them as well. I’ll still be working on it because it’s like halfway done, but I need to start From Slavery to Freedom, the sequel to Out of Light into Darkness today. So for a little while, I’ll be working on three books, until I get the really short story done. 😀
Well, at the end of this month, I’ll also have some big news. Nothing bad, so don’t worry about that. Just a few changes happening. All of it will be good (at least I hope you’ll think so.)
Have a great day, everyone.
Filed under: Beasor Chronicles,Bring Him Gold,Eye Candy,Famine,Featherweight Publishing,Four Horsemen,From Slavery to Freedom,Gypsies,Out of Light into Darkness,Pursuing Hope,The Longest Stride,Uncategorized,writing,Young Adult | |2 Comments

This is the awesome cover to The Longest Stride, my first release of the new year. 🙂 I think it’s perfect for the book, which comes out January 22nd. It will also go into print some time in Feb.
I’m working on a short YA story titled Pursuing Hope. It’s quite a departure for me because it’s a lesbian story. I got the idea on Christmas Eve, and it hasn’t let me go, so I’ve been working on it every day since. I’m hoping it’ll turn out all right. Like I said, it’s something different for me, but I had to write it. We’ll see if Featherweight will want it when I’m done. If not, I might publish it on my own. Who knows?
The other books are coming along as well. I’m trying to refrain from starting any new books until I get some of the ones already on my schedule done. 🙂 It’s working pretty well, except for the YA story…lol. When I get PH done, I’ll get back into the swing of Gypsies to get that done.
I hope you have an exciting Wednesday.
Filed under: Covers,Gypsies,Pursuing Hope,Release Dates,The Longest Stride,Young Adult | |No Comments

As of December 17th, my two books with Aspen Mountain Press have reverted back to me because of breach of contract. The two books are Understanding Forgiveness and Understanding the Past. I took them down off my blog side bar awhile ago.
I’m happy to say they’ll be re-released by MLR Press some time next year under a new title, The Subtlety of Understanding. We’ve combined both books into one bigger one. It’ll get a new cover, and will be out in print as well as ebook form. I’ll keep you updated on whether anything else gets added or changed, in case you’re interested in picking up the re-release.
Writing went okay this past weekend. Didn’t get as actually writing done as I wanted, but I did edit The Longest Stride, so that’s good. I’m thinking Replacing Memories will be done this week as well. It might be a little longer than I planned, but that’s not all bad. 😀
Well, I hope you have a great Monday, and remember Christmas is only six days away. Yikes!
Filed under: Eye Candy,MLR Press,Replacing Memories,The Longest Stride,The Subtlety of Understanding,Understanding Forgiveness,Understanding the Past | |3 Comments

Thank you to all who have served, are serving today, and will be serving some day. Happy Veteran’s Day, and I will have a moment of silence for you all at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day on the eleventh month.
Good news as well. The Longest Stride will be out on January 22nd. I added another 10k to the story. It’ll also be coming out in paperback around the end of February. Woot!
I hope you all have a great day…and a wonderful weekend.
Filed under: Release Dates,The Longest Stride,writing | |4 Comments
Middle of the week and I’m busy writing away. 😀 Thank God, huh? I’m editing Borderline, writing Love’s Baggage (Bandit’s story), and the next installment of The Longest Stride. Whew!
My fingers are going to go numb.
I hope you all have a great day.
Filed under: Borderline,Eye Candy,Love's Baggage,The Longest Stride | |2 Comments
I ran out of time last night to finish up the next installment of The Longest Stride…and I’m away from my computer this morning, so I can’t finish it until later. But it’ll be up for you all to read tomorrow. Sorry.
Have a good Tuesday.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Free story,The Longest Stride | |2 Comments

I had fun at the zoo yesterday, but ended up coming home with a migraine. Ugh! I hate them. So instead of writing up the next installment for Longest Stride, I went to bed. I’m feeling better this morning, and you’ll be able to get your next installment tomorrow, I promise. 🙂
I just heard from Total e-Bound and War will be contracted. Woot! Great news. It’ll be out Dec. 26th. and I’ll share the blurb with you all on Monday. 🙂 I plan on working on Bandit’s story today, so hopefully I’ll be way ahead of schedule by the weekend.
Have a great Thursday, everyone.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Four Horsemen,The Longest Stride,Total e-Bound,War,writing | |3 Comments

Well, I don’t know if it was a computer malfunction or operator error (lol), but when I got ready to post the new installment of TLS, it was nowhere to be found. So it’s going to be late getting posted, but I’m going to work hard on figuring out what happened to it. 🙂
Have patience and I hope you have a great morning.
Filed under: Eye Candy,Free story,The Longest Stride | |1 Comment

Good morning! I wanted to let you all know Chuck Davidson from Why I Love Geeks is up for ARe’s Hottest Hero contest. Voting in Round 1 is opened now and runs through July 6th. 🙂 Run over there and check all 32 heroes out. There are quite a few awesome heroes listed.
here to check it out.
Also, scroll down for today’s installment of The Longest Stride. 🙂
Have a great and safe 4th of July weekend.
Filed under: Contests,Covers,The Longest Stride,Why I Love Geeks | |4 Comments

By the time I had a moment to myself, I was so tired, I couldn’t even think straight. So I didn’t get a chance to get the next installment for Longest Stride done. But I’m working on it first thing this morning. You’ll have a new installment tomorrow for sure. 🙂
I hope you all had a good Wednesday and have an awesome Thursday.
Filed under: Eye Candy,The Longest Stride,writing | |3 Comments
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