Archive for Understanding the Past

The Subtlety of Understanding is out


The Subtlety of Understanding has been re-released by MLR Press today. It’s a combination of Understanding Forgiveness and Understanding the Past. Also, it’ll be out in print in two week or so. Yay!

Now that they are at a different publisher, I’m planning on writing more in the series. There were a few couples whose stories were left unresolved, so their stories will be added to my schedule. 🙂

And for those who are wondering about the Home series, don’t worry. They will be re-released as well, starting in October of this year. And the last two Home books will be out in Feb. and Mar. of next year. The awesome news about that is all the Home books will be in print as well. 🙂 Just so you know, there won’t be anything new in No Going Home. Home of his Own won’t have the little short story at the end, but it’ll be released as a free book later on. Wishing for a Home has been added to, so it’s now long enough to go into print.

I hope you all have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

More good news

As of December 17th, my two books with Aspen Mountain Press have reverted back to me because of breach of contract. The two books are Understanding Forgiveness and Understanding the Past. I took them down off my blog side bar awhile ago.

I’m happy to say they’ll be re-released by MLR Press some time next year under a new title, The Subtlety of Understanding. We’ve combined both books into one bigger one. It’ll get a new cover, and will be out in print as well as ebook form. I’ll keep you updated on whether anything else gets added or changed, in case you’re interested in picking up the re-release.

Writing went okay this past weekend. Didn’t get as actually writing done as I wanted, but I did edit The Longest Stride, so that’s good. I’m thinking Replacing Memories will be done this week as well. It might be a little longer than I planned, but that’s not all bad. 😀

Well, I hope you have a great Monday, and remember Christmas is only six days away. Yikes!

Understanding the Past ….

Understanding the Past
is available at Aspen Mountain Press now. 🙂 Stop by and don’t forget if you haven’t read the first story, Understanding Forgiveness, it’s available in Shifting Perspectives..also available at Aspen Mountain.

I have to resize the cover to fit on my sidebar, which is why there’s a coming soon placement holder there at the moment…lol. But I plan on doing that over the weekend. 🙂

And if you’re looking for the next installment of Wolf’s Survival…scroll down. It’s the next post down.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Understanding the Past cover….

Here’s the cover for Understanding the Past….and the new release date is June 11th. Yep, that’s this Friday. Woo-hoo! Can’t wait. 🙂

Other than that news, not much to report on….lol. Just wet and kind of dreary here. I’m going to be really busy all day, so I’m not even going to be able to sneak in any writing time. 🙁 Oh well, I’m doing all right on the stories I’m working on. It’s all good.

Have a great Wednesday, everyone.

Happy Hunk Day

Well, it’s the last day of the work week for me. Woot! Can’t wait until it’s over then I have a four day weekend. I’m not going to want to come back to work next week. 🙂

Some good news. Dracul’s Blood, the book I wrote with Carol Lynne, was contracted by Total e-Bound and is scheduled for a June release. (Of course, like every release date, it’s subject to Also, Understanding the Past has been contracted by Aspen Mountain Press. I don’t have a date on that one yet. One more….Soothe the Burn (a sci-fi/futuristic story) has been contracted by Amber Allure for a February release. That’s four books coming out so far next year. Since Fighting Dragons will be out next year as well.

I haven’t heard anything about His Heart’s Home from Liquid Silver, but that’s all right. I didn’t expect to hear back from them yet.

I’m working on a couple stories right now…like always. I can’t write just one. 🙂 Also, I plan on revamping my website over the weekend. I’m hoping to get most of it set up, but it might be down for a day or two while I fine tune everything.

I hope you all have a great Wednesday…and a safe trip if you’re traveling today.


okay…so I picked out the picture I wanted to post today and then completelyforgot to post anything…lol. I was sitting here wondering why no one had commented yet, when suddenly I went…’It’s because you didn’t post anything, dummie!’ Ugh!

My mind must be fried from having to come back to work. Everything went well with getting my teeth out, though now I have a nice bruise on my jaw. Looks like someone punched me. 🙂

Well, I finished my first set of edits for With This Ring. Yay! And I submitted Understanding the Past. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything about it. I have accomplished a lot today for all that I don’t want to be at

Bastet will start tomorrow and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I think I’ll enjoy writing it.

I promise to post a lot sooner tomorrow. 🙂 Have a great rest of the day.

Last Day of Work…

which I’m not entirely sure is a good thing, considering why today is my last day of work…oh well. On to better things…lol. Isn’t this painting amazing? Stop by Moxy Hart’s website to check out his other stuff. I’m sure not all of it is safe for work, so you might want to wait until you get home to check it out. 🙂

Let’s see…I’m going to try and get Kellan’s bio and pic ready tonight to post on it’s own tomorrow. That way you don’t miss meeting him and I don’t have to worry about anything when I get home, except sleeping.

Good news…Nick of Time got all the way up to #2 on ARe’s best seller list. It’s at #4 today, but Death or Life has joined it on the list at #9. This is the second time I’ve had two books on the ARe best sellers list. Woo-hoo!

For those of you who haven’t caught up on Understanding the Past, you have until Sunday to read it. After Sunday, I’m pulling the links from the blog. 🙂 That way we have a clean slate for Bastet. (And I haven’t been able to find a way to pronounce Bastet..though if anyone else can, they’re more than welcome to post in the comments.) I assume it would be Bast-et or something like that.

I hope you all have a great day.


Unfortunately, I’m going to have to postpone the next installment of Understanding the Past again. Partly, it’s my fault. I was having too much fun last night and didn’t get the installment written. The other part is the fact that when I got into work today, they called an emergency meeting. Big doings going on around here. Not sure what’s happening, but I guess I’ll find out.

So if I get a chance, I’ll write and post the installment. If not, it’ll be up tomorrow, I promise.

I hope you all had a great weekend and try to have a wonderful Tuesday.


Sorry, everyone. I had an emergency last night (not me or C..a friend…lots of, so I wasn’t able to get the next installment written up. And I have meetings all this morning. Ugh!

I will try and get the installment up sometime today, but it’ll depend on how long my meetings run. If not today, I’ll definitely get it posted tomorrow for you. 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and sorry that real life got in the way…lol.

It’s a Conspiracy….

Heck, with Monday being the worse day of the week…I’m thinking Tuesday is going to be my First, I leave my thumb drive with Understanding the Past on it at home. Woo-hoo! That’s great. So I thought I could just write the next installment here at work since I didn’t get a chance to write it last night.

Big Fat No. My computer doesn’t want to run Word for me…ugh! Something’s telling me I should have just stayed home. 🙂

I’m going to do my best to get it posted for you all today, but if my computer decides not to cooperate, I’ll make sure to get the next part up for you tomorrow.

It’s a conspiracy (which I probably spelled wrong…lol. That’s the kind of day it’s been.)

Hope you all have a great day.