Archive for Pimping Books….

Monday again…lol



I’m sure you’ll see this wandering around if you follow many writers because whoever wrote this for Robert DeNiro knew exactly what they were talking about. The were millions of writers out there last night nodding their head in agreement…lol

Well, I didn’t get Losing finished over the weekend, though I’m closer than I was…lol. It’ll be done this week. (keeping my fingers crossed) I did get St Petersburg started and am on track with that word count. Yay! I have to tweak my secret story, but I’m going to do that today so I can get that back to my editor this week.

I’ll be doing the next Bodyguard installment first though. That needs to be done early this afternoon then I can work on whichever one I want.

Oh, the amazingly awesome Amy Lane has a post on her blog today of some upcoming releases to look forward to this month. Check it out here. I’m mentioned twice, but so is Mary Calmes, BA Tortuga, and Rhys Ford. JP Barnaby as well. 🙂 To help you add to your to-be-read pile. 🙂

I hope you all have a great Monday.

They Walk Among Us is available now…



I posted some places yesterday, but in case you didn’t hear, They Walk Among Us is now available at Amber Allure. Click here to go check it out. 🙂 Or you can browse my website to see what else is coming out soon.

Anyway this weekend was a great writing weekend. I did two real-time writing sessions with Devon Rhodes (which meant I stayed up really late since she’s like three hours behind me…lol) but we achieve two 10k+ days in a row, and our book is now over 34k. Which is awesome because it means we’re actually going to be bumping the word count up to 50k+, and our book will be out in print. Since it’s the first in a series of six books, that means all of them will be in print as well. Woot!

I really can’t wait for you to meet my cricket player…and Devon’s Bollywood actor. I think they’re wonderful together. 🙂

Also, I got a good amount written on Home Sweet Home as well, and it’s moving along at a good pace. Hoping this week will get me even more words.

Well, it snowed last night and the world outside is snowy/icy. Might be a good day to stay inside and write, but I do have some errands to run. So I’m going to write for a little while, then head out into the cold world (lol) to get what I need.

Have a marvelous Monday, everyone.

Cock & Bull Blog Tour



Stop by Devon Rhodes’ blog today. She’s hosting Sara York. We’re on the last two days of the blog tour. Woot! Click here to go check out what Sara has to say about her upcoming release. Thanks. 🙂


Hunk Day, anyone?

This guy reminds me of one of my characters in one of the zillion stories I’m workig on. He’s an undercover officer with the A.S.P.C.A. (my character, not this guy..though I guess he could be..lmao..don’t know.)

Okay, today started out much better than yesterday. That’s always a plus…lol. I have my flash drive, so I can sneak in writing time at work. 😉 Though I might sneak in some reading time. I downloaded Jordan Castillo Price’s newest book, Hemovore (out yesterday at Samhain) and I meant to read it last night, but friends and dinner distracted me. But I will get it read tonight, if not sooner.

Oh, plus Dana Marie Bell has a new one out as well… Dare to Believe…that looks awesome. That’s on my list to grab and read this weekend.

Writing is going well. My brain doesn’t seem to want to focus on one particular story, so I’m working on a bunch of them, hoping one will grab me and force me to finish it. We’ll see what happens over the next month or so. Maybe once summer is done, I’ll knuckle down and get at least one story finished…lol

Hope you all have a great day.

Wednesday Pimping…

I know I usually do my pimping on Friday, but since I don’t have anything exciting to tell you today and because I read this book last night…I thought I’d pimp Anne Cain’s Pawprints 2: Second Nature.

It has an adorable cover. 🙂 A good story with its cute moments, but also some serious issues to deal with as well. I’m hoping we’ll get more Pawprints books, especially a story for Alex and Bray. Hint…Hint.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Pimping Friday…

It’s been a long time since I’ve pimped some books. So there’s a few of them I’ll post here.

Oh and good news, The Vanguard will be released next Monday. Mark Feb. 25th on your calendars. Remember, it was a blog story here, but when I ended it on the blog, it was around 25-30k and I added enough new stuff to bring it up over 50k. 🙂 So there’s a lot of new story to go with it.

I didn’t have time to grab the covers for these books, but I’ll give you the blurbs and the links for them. 🙂

Celia Kyle has a new book out at Liquid Silver called Battered Not Broken.

Blurb: Gillian Locke has been beaten, battered, and bruised, but her ex-boyfriend still hasn’t managed to break her. When she left Kyle for the last time, she knew the only way she’d ever be back in his grasp is over her dead body. When her car breaks down at the top of a mountain in the middle of a snowstorm, she thinks nature will take care of her death for him. On the run, the last thing she expects is to be offered shelter by three gorgeous men who can’t seem to get enough of her.

The Bearclaw brothers are descendants of the ancient Anikota tribe of Indians. Their beast spirit and blessing from the Maker allows them the ability to sense the one who would complete their soul. Being triplets, they always expected their mate to be one woman they’d share. With the Maker’s blessing, they’ll be able to ease past Gillian’s defenses before her past threatens to end their future.

Molten Silver: m/m/m/f sexin’. The men are brothers, so there’s no lovin’ between them, but plenty showered on the heroine. Violence against the heroine from the bad guy. And did I mention hot m/m/m/f sexin?

I Take Thee by Red Garnier is available at Liquid Silver as well.

Blurb: I take thee, in sickness and in health, ‘till death do us part…
It was only last year that Marcus and Marly Forrester spoke their wedding vows. Now a year into their marriage, there’s trouble in paradise. More trouble than Marcus would like. Apparently his wife is in heat. Like a lion, a tiger, a beast.

She’s pained, she’s suffering, and Marcus can do little about it except…mate. With her. As often as she wants it, as hard as she wants it.

Doctor’s orders, in fact.

But Marcus is no porn-star, no super hero. Hell, he’s just a man, determined to keep his woman happy. And he’ll do anything for Marly. Including hiring on the assistance of a third party…

Contents: This book contains graphic language, situations readers may find objectionable, anal sex and ménage a trois.

Lights, Cameras….Monsters by Lila Dubois at Samhain Publishing.

Blurb: When monsters need a makeover, they head for the one place that can make it happen. Hollywood.

Book 1, Monsters in Hollywood series.

Luke is desperate to save his people. A lifetime of sneaking in to human houses and watching movies has convinced him that if he can make a great movie about monsters, humanity will change its opinion of them. With his friends at his side, all in shiny new human bodies, Luke heads for Tinsel Town.

A rising Hollywood producer, all-business Lena knows a good story when she sees it. Luke? He’s just another amateur who wants to get famous. But Luke’s too gorgeous to pass up. And there’s something vulnerable about him that leads her to throw caution to the wind and invite him to dinner.

One night of incredible sex later, Lena wakes up next to the surprise of her life. She’s sleeping next to a monster. Literally.

Appearances aside, she finds herself wanting to help Luke save his people. But they’ve got more to worry about than just human prejudice.

Some of the monsters would rather stay in the closet—and to make them all stay there, they’re willing to kill.

Warning, this title contains the following: multiple orgasms, spanking, misuse of kitchen utensils and sex with monsters.


Those are just three that I wanted to tell you about. If anyone else has read anything really good, please don’t be afraid to comment. I love to hear about books others liked. 🙂

Have a great Friday.

Pimping Friday….

I’m behind on pimping books. Forever has been out for a couple weeks now, but I didn’t pimp it. That’s my fault. This is a wonderful book. I really enjoyed it. It’s a sequel to Shayla’s first LSB book, Thirty Days, which is another awesome book. The covers are cool as well.

Shayla has several books out, not just with Liquid Silver Books. Stop by her site to see what’s new in her world. 🙂

Hope you all have a great day.

Pimping Saturday….

All the boys from the band are back along with their lovers in Jet Mykles’ newest Loose-Id release, Genesis. I like this cover. 🙂 Stop by Loose-Id to check it out.

Have a great day.

Pimping Friday….

The first one is Amanda Young’s Pyromancer. I admit I haven’t read it yet, but the cover’s yummy. 🙂

Stop over to Loose-Id to check it out and stop by Amanda’s site to see what else she has going.

The next book is One Good Hand by Rowan McBride. I read this book when it was available at a different publisher. I love the cover…done by the marvelous Anne Cain of course. 🙂

Stop by Loose-Id to check this one out as well. Check out Rowan’s site to see what else is going on in his world.

I hope you all have a great Friday. 🙂

Pimping Books…

Our first pimpage today is for the wonderful marvelous and enormously talented Miss Lila Dubois. The second book in her Zinah’s series, Savage, was released earlier this week at Liquid Silver. Check out the blurb and excerpt there.
This is hot, hot and more hot.

Also, check out Lila’s website to see what else she’s working on. 🙂

Next we have Anne Cain’s newest story, Pawprints, released this week from Loose-Id.

I enjoyed this story. Cute, but serious at the same time. Plus I love this cover. 🙂
Check out Anne’s site to see what else she has coming out soon.

And I missed pimping this one. Silly me. 🙂 Red Garnier’s newest Liquid Silver Book, Stroke of Midnight. It’s hot, sexy and has two women and a man in the middle.
Check out Red’s site to see all the new books she has coming out.

So I’ve posted a collection of stories. There should be something for everyone in these. 🙂 Awesome covers all of them and equally talented authors. Hope everyone has a great Friday.