All I Can Say….

Thank God, it’s Friday. Feeling like crap, but I hate calling in sick on a Friday. Not sure why. Probably because I don’t want anyone to think that I’m trying to get a jump on the weekend. Not today. I might leave early though, depending on whether or not the medicine I took works. πŸ™

To be honest, I have nothing exciting to talk about. My mind is mush at the moment, so I hope you enjoy the picture. There’s just something about it that I love.

Have a great Friday and a good weekend, everyone.

7 Responses “All I Can Say….”

  1. Teresa says:

    Hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care and try to rest this weekend.

  2. Jambrea says:

    Take care. I've had a sucky day today, not the same, but a bad day. lol Hope you feel better and have an okay weekend. πŸ™‚

  3. chrysalis1975 says:

    Take care of yourself, TA, and I hope you're feeling better now!! If not, I hope you take the weekend to catch up on some rest and get stronger πŸ˜€


    Tame (chrysalis1975)

  4. jodecarlson says:

    feel better!!!!!

  5. Dezaree says:

    Sorry you aren't feeling well. I am exhausted from the heat and humidity we are having here in the south. I thought yesterday about calling in sick today but couldn't do it. They gave me the "DAY OFF" and boy am I enjoying celebrating my birthday in my cool home. Maybe your day will be short and you can go home and get better.

  6. Jen says:

    Go home and let C to take good care of you. All of us have that need once in a while – especially when we're sick!

    Hope you feel better, TA – I look forward to our last week of SoD with a bitter sweet sorrow knowing there will be a wait for the print version.

    Lots of love always (and not the creepy type – well not much! lol).

  7. Cinderella says:

    Please take care of yourself! Have a restful weekend. Step away from the laptop and paper and just relax.

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