New Cover….




This is the cover for Nowhere Diner: Finding Peace. (as if you couldn’t tell by reading it…lol) It’ll be out in ebook format on March 23rd, then out in print in mid-April or so. 🙂 I did add some new stuff to the end of the story.

I subbed Footsteps of My Father yesterday. It’s Book 3 of the Rags to Riches series and I’ll share the dates with you all when I get them.

I’m starting the last Fallen book, St Petersburg, which is Lucifer’s story. Because he’s not evil. He’s simply misunderstood…lol. 🙂 Still working on Losing Sight of the Target and just started A Grand Prix Romance (Monaco) with Devon. So I have a full plate still. One of those ‘no rest for the wicked’ things.

I hope you are having a great President’s Day. For those of you with the day off, enjoy. And those of you who have to go work…I’m sorry. Be safe and warm out there.

2 Responses “New Cover….”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Love it

  2. you sound realllly busy – which is good, right? 🙂 Looking forward to Finding Peace (and tomorrow’s blog!!!!)

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