Winter can be over…

any time now. I’m tired of it and the cold. Of course, I hate cold weather anyway, so I get annoyed by it very easily…lol. Just really hate driving in it.

Working on various stories…and made some good progress on them. It’s always nice to see a story reaching the end, though it’s sad to say good-bye to the characters because I fall in love with each other (a little) as I bring them into being.

Well, it’s time to start my day job….so I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Monday. Hopefully, you’re warm wherever you are.

5 Responses “Winter can be over…”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I'm so sick of driving in this weather, it seems to hit first thing in the morning or right before I leave to go home.

    Theresa A

  2. Blaidd-Drwg says:

    Hmmmm it's not so bad. I just don't like exremes. Too hot or too cold is just not fun

  3. lyne says:

    i feel the same way. i love the snow as long as i never have to go out in it. otherwise i would prefer to never see the stuff. i live in south central missouri and right now everything in covered in a couple of inches of snow, ice, and its cold as hell. hurry up spring. lyne

  4. Jen says:

    This winter has been fierce everywhere! Make an extra batch of cocoa and have a good day! 😉

  5. Jambrea says:

    Stay warm TA! I know I'm trying to, but its hard with this weather. lol

    Have a great Monday. 🙂

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