Snowy Friday

Darn it…I was hoping my boss would close for the day, so I didn’t have to navigate the bad roads and crazy drivers who believe that four wheel drive and a truck makes them invincible. *shakes head* Idiots. Those are the ones I tend to wave at as I drive past and they’re stuck in a ditch…lol. (I might be a little vindictive.)

Writing is going well. Getting stuff accomplished, but nothing’s close to be finished yet. I’m getting there though. Hopefully, I’ll get a good amount done this weekend. 🙂 Just have to figure out which one to work on.

Have a great Friday and a safe weekend. Stay warm.

5 Responses “Snowy Friday”

  1. chrysalis1975 says:

    lovely eye candy! Your books are so delicious, especially Here Be Dragons (my absolute FAVORITE!!)—glad you're getting writing done, because I can't wait for more 🙂 Take care—Tame

  2. Jambrea says:

    I was hoping my son's school would close. We only got a 2 hour delay!

    Love the eye candy! Thanks!

    Have a great Friday and a wonderfully productive weekend. 🙂

  3. Melissa Bradley says:

    I know what you mean about those drivers. I have lots of names for them that cannot be written

    Stay warm and have a great weekend.

  4. Jen says:

    Sorry about the snow – and here I am complaining that it is in the fifties . . . Florida has spoiled my thin blood self! lol

    Good luck with your writing and I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Yvonne says:

    Damn that EDJ! Don't they understand that you are an artiste and need your creative time! lol

    No matter what you are working on, you know we're anxious to read it.

    Have a great weekend.


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