Wicked Wednesday…

Revealing the Past made it to #4 on the Amber Allure Best Seller list for July. Woot! My streak of #1 might be broken, but I’ll take a #4 any day…lol. Thank you for that. šŸ™‚

Writing is going well. I’m seeing the end of my YA story. Hopefully it’ll be done by the end of the week. Then I set up a dart board with names of several stories and see which one the dart lands on…lol. I know there are ones that I positively need to finish. I’ll make a decision after I send Death in.

I hope your Wednesday is fun and exciting.

7 Responses “Wicked Wednesday…”

  1. Jambrea says:

    OH!!!! Me too! JT, JT, JT, JT!! lol

  2. Jen says:

    Oooh – I like that idea! lol

  3. Anonymous says:

    How about we chant JT JT JT.

    Theresa A

  4. Cinderella says:

    #4 is great and I am sure you will be number 1 again! Glad to hear you are having a great writing stint.

  5. Anonymous says:


  6. Jen says:

    Not broken – just on hiatus! lol

    Can't wait to hear what's next on the 'writing block'! Could it possibly have cowboys? **hint hint**

    Hope your day goes well, TA!

  7. Jambrea says:

    Don't you just love that series of pictures? I saved a few. heehee

    WOOHOO on #4!

    Very glad writing is going well. Good luck picking the next thing to work on. lol

    Have a great day TA!

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