Wicked Wednesday

Morning, everyone. This picture makes me wish I’d stayed in bed…lol. 😀
Someone asked about seeing Stephan’s picture…well, you’ll be getting that next week on the 19th…which happens to be the last post for Shades of Dreams. What you’ll have gotten on the blog is basically the first two chapters of the story. And yes, they are in Rocky’s p.o.v., but don’t worry. Stephan talks as well, so you’ll get to know both of them.
As for a happy story, I have one I started a while ago for a publisher’s submission call, but I ended up not having time to finish it. It’s about a technology-challenged guy and the geek he falls in love with. I’m going to pull it out, dust it off, and see if it’ll speak to me. I’ll see about writing up a blurb for you all to check out as well. At some point in the near future. 🙂
I hope you all have a great day.
7 Responses “Wicked Wednesday”
Love the pic!! I would stay in bed too. Love SoD !!
I love the picture. It looks almost as if it was painted.
I assume you will be finishing the story and publishing it. I need to know that everything turn out for the best you know.
I have to agree..he would make staying in bed so much easier. Can't wait for you to finish SoD! I'll be watching for the blurb. I'm sure it will be a fun story.
Hope you all have a great day.
do u c how round that gluteus maximus is?
I can imagine all the fun you'll have with a geek and a non-geek – oh the innuendos! lol
About the pic – ahhh . . . ohhh . . . ummm . . . Yeah – that about covers it! 😉
Can't wait to hold SoD in my hands! Can't wait for the new blog story! Just can't wait! lol
I agree with Jammy Jo IF that body was in bed I would be there also!
The new story sounds like a light hearted one. Can't wait!
Have a great hump day. Cynthia
If he was in bed waiting for me I'd want to stay too. lol
WOOHOO! I can't wait for you to finish this one.
And…the new one…sounds interesting. Can't wait for the blurb!