Wednesday WiPs

It’s Wednesday again and I’ve been writing up a storm…on Vanguard. 🙂 Went over my proposed word count. I might end up 10k over, but hey I’m not complaining…lol.

First off, Understanding Forgiveness has been contracted. Aspen Mountain Press accepted my short story to be included in an anthology with a few other m/m authors. (Who at the moment I can’t think of…lol) It’s scheduled for an October release. 🙂 So as soon as I get a title for the anthology, I’ll let you all know.

And Liquid Silver Books is planning on releasing No Going Home in print. I don’t have any other information for everyone at the time, but as soon as I know more about this event, I’ll be sure to post it…lol. Trust me, I’ll let everyone know.

My word counts for this week are pretty good, except for Gypsy Devil. Didn’t work on that one at all this week.

The Vanguard: 60,204/55,000 (11,052 words for the week)

Home of his Own: 32,508/50,000 (1,595 words for the week)

The Gypsy Devil: 23,092/50,000 (0 words for the week)

So that gives me 12,647 words written for the week. 🙂 That’s always a good thing. The word count for the week is actually a little higher because of some other things I wrote, but since they are on stories that I’m not focused on at the moment, I don’t count them.

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

4 Responses “Wednesday WiPs”

  1. Susan Helene Gottfried says:

    Congrats on the sales, TA!!! Well deserved!

  2. loopdlu says:

    YAY……..NGH IN PRINT!!!! i love ebooks, but nothing beats print, imo. cant wait to own it!

    and, cant wait for Tony :)hurry him up, would ya? lol

  3. T.A.Chase says:

    When I get rolling on a story, I can get some high word counts, especially when I’m close to finishing the story. 🙂

    I know, Yvonne, isn’t he yummy?

  4. Yvonne says:

    Mornin’ You amaze me with your counts!! But I gotta say today’s pix will definitely make me smile all day…and wiggle…and squirm..and….-lol.

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