Wednesday at last…

On Sunday, Samhain gave out their first annual Sammie awards. It was an ambitious challenge because they went all the way back to 2006 when they opened to find out the top ten bestsellers and reader’s choices from each year, plus best cover art. I’m sure any of you who took their survey know what I’m talking about…lol.
I’m proud to say that Out of Bounds tied for 4th place in the 2008 Reader’s Choice catagory. π I tied with some pretty awesome authors, Lorelei James, Maya Banks, and Lauren Dane. Thank you all for voting and if you voted for me, double thanks. π
More good news, I just signed the contract for Liquid Silver to publish Death or Life…which means Mars’s Assassin has moved up on my writing schedule. I’ll be adding additional scenes to DoL. I don’t have a release date yet, though it will be out this year…lol.
This gives me six books contracted to come out so far this year. Woo-hoo! And I’m only in January. I still have several months to go to get more released this year. I have another book in with one of my editors. Who knows? That one might be my seventh.
I’m at 41k on Nick of Time and things are really flowing with that story. Plus I did a little work on His Heart’s Home and Bound by Trust (JT’s story…Tyler’s brother) Those two are lined up to be worked on as soon as Nick is done.
It’s snowing here. I hope everyone who is in the midst of the big snowstorm is safe and warm. π Have a great Wednesday.
8 Responses “Wednesday at last…”
Congratulations on your Sammie and look at all the wonderful books we have to look forward to. That’s outstanding.. And I have had ice falling here since yesterday. Argh. Would rather have snow.
Congrats, TA!! I of course voted for you. I’m from Chicago and wish I could have stuffed the ballot box (big grin)
I am sooooo happy about DoL and Mars’ Assassin. I love these characters so much.
Take care and Happy Hump Day
T.A. Congratulations on your award and I did vote for you. You should not give away any secrets to Emmy – tell her to read your interview *g*
Thanks everyone. π
Dreaming of Dragons will be out this spring..possibly May. Not set in stone, but it will be out this year. I’ve finished it and turned it in to my editor at Loose-Id. π So it is on the schedule.
congrats! Of course I voted for you.
Mornin’ TA, congrats on your tie AND the books you have coming out!
Still no Dragons? *sadface*
Good Morning TA! Of course I voted for you. I think people would be shocked if I didn’t. lol
Congrats on all your book news. You’ll hit 10 yet! π
It is snowing here and I HATED driving into work. *sigh*