Vanguard Postponed

Due to circumstances beyond my control (doesn’t that sound eerie?), the next installment of Vanguard won’t be posted until some time next week. Sorry for the delay.


8 Responses “Vanguard Postponed”

  1. Gina, Book Dragon says:

    Forget Vanguard (for now), how are YOU???

  2. Elisa says:

    I hope everything is OK. Your post sound so sad… ciao, elisa

  3. Carol H says:

    Please don’t worry us this way. Hope everything is okay or on its way to being better. I can patiently wait for your next installment, just so long all is okay with you/family/friends.

  4. loopdlu says:

    it does sound eerie….hope all is well. will wait (im)patiently for the next installment


  5. Rhian / Crowwoman says:

    hope everything is okay in TA-land!

  6. Yvonne says:

    I hope everything is okay with you and your loved ones. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. You have my email address.

    Big Hugs

  7. Lisa C. says:

    Oh T, I hope everything is ok – I’ve been worried about you (I know that sounds weird). I’ll 2nd Sylvie’s comment ref good day.

  8. sylvie says:

    I hope that it’s nothing too serious…

    Have a good day or as good as possible depending on the circumtances.


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