Rainy Days and Fridays…..

don’t always get me down…lol. I’m looking forward to this Friday, simply because I’m leaving work early. Woo-hoo! Only working until 1:30, then I have errands to run. After which, I’ll be coming home, and if it’s still raining, I’ll probably take a nap. Nothing like having your day planned out, huh?
Well, Fighting Dragons was finished and sent in. I have the second round of edits on With This Ring to do and return.After that, it’s working on other stories. 🙂 I’m hoping to have a productive weekend.
Have a great Friday, everyone, and a safe and fun Halloween.
6 Responses “Rainy Days and Fridays…..”
Congrats TA, I'm hoping Tracy is right and you are moving on to another Home book I really enjoy them. I can't help it I luuuuv cowboys. lol
TA, Im happy for you and excited for me , because I think that means you're going to for one the next Home book now, yes? :o)
thanks, jambrea 🙂
A nap does sound good…
TA, have a great weekend!
*sigh* A nap. It's only 8:30am here and I'm already for one. lol
Have a great weekend.
Jode! That is so cool!
awesome 🙂 congrats on finishing Fighting Dragons…I'll be performing at an Atlanta Pride party tonight and volunteering at Pride on Sunday – happy halloween to you too.