Hump Day

Well, the middle of the week has arrived and I have to say, I’m glad for that. Means only two more days until the weekend and I am looking forward to two days off. Though it never feels like enough time away from the EDJ. 🙂

I never thought 2k would go so slow. I’m so close to being done with Fighting Dragons, yet I can’t seem to find the time to sit down and finish the silly thing. I’m going to do that tonight. No matter what, I’m going to get what needs to be written done. Yay! Then I can work on the story Carol Lynne and I are writing together. Have to get my half of the chapter finished soon. lol.

That’s it. Nothing new to report, so I’ll just say I hope you all have a great Hump day. 🙂

10 Responses “Hump Day”

  1. sam says:

    oh I cann't wait love your writing and hers.

  2. haven says:

    I don't know – two authors working together like that always makes me nervous. It can't be easy combining two different imaginations.

    Then again, 90* of the time I'm wrong, so I'll definitely give it a shot.

  3. Yvonne says:

    Yummy eyecandy! You and Carol are writing together??? WHEN? WHEN? WHEN???? I can't wait to get my hands on my two favorite authors together!


  4. Rhonda says:

    TA, yummy eye candy!

    Good luck with your writing.

    Have a great Wednesday!

  5. T.A.Chase says:

    Thanks, everyone.

    I was so excited to get so close to finishing FD, then it was like all of life conspired against me, but I'm determined to fight back…lol. 🙂


    Yes, I will be writing a sequel to Nick of Time. I'm hoping to get to it before the end of this year. If not, then sometime in the first couple of months of next year. But it will be coming. It's Rover story. Then I have Pavel/Jess's story and Bandit's story to write. 🙂

  6. s7anna says:

    Hang in there…it'll get better 🙂

    Thanks for the wonderful man candy…definitely filled my sweet tooth 😛

    Wish you all the luck with your writing.

    Happy Reading!!!
    Anna Shah Hoque

  7. Babyface1980 says:


    I have one question. Will you be writing a follow up on Nick of Time?

  8. Melissa Bradley says:

    Stunning eye candy! I wish you a productive writing day.

  9. jodecarlson says:

    you can do it!!! scrumptious candy, thanks 🙂

  10. Jambrea says:

    Nice eye candy, as always! lol

    Good luck with the writing!

    Have a great Wednesday!

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