Poetry Train…

Happy Monday and glad you’ve stopped by to catch the Poetry Train. Hop over to Rhian’s to check out the other stops on this train. 🙂 I thought I’d give you all a peek at what I wrote yesterday for the SEx’s Flash Fiction. That way you don’t have to scroll through the 338 comments to find the little scenes I posted.
Title: Sharks in the Water (working title…lol)
We stand at the edge of the sand where the waves pound the shore. I drop our towels in a pile next to the backpack, pulling out my camera.
I bury my toes in the sand, snapping pictures as he paddles out beyond the breakers. A huge wave rolls in and he stands, weaving and bobbing as the water undulates under him. Without looking, I reach down and adjust my hard on. Watching him turns me on. There is pure awe in seeing a creature do what it is born to do.
Someone stops next to me. I glance over at the skinny kid and then back to where
“Hey mate, there’s sharks out there, ya know.”
I grunt and roll my eyes. Of course there are sharks out there. It’s
“Guy stopped by yesterday. Said there were two big ones spotted at this beach a few days ago.”
I nod.
“You might want to let him know.”
I nod, but it won’t make any difference.
“Mate, did ya hear me?”
I gesture to where
The kid shrugged and then shook his head. “Aren’t ya worried about them?”
“They’re always around. Swim with them and you won’t fear them.” I pick the camera up, snapping more pictures of
He waves to me and through my zoom lenses I see the brilliant smile on his face. Happiness gleams in his bright green eyes like we’ve just had sex. I shift on the sand, looking forward to going home and helping him wash all that salt water off.
A movement behind
“Fuck. A shark.” The kid waves his arms, trying to catch
“He can’t hear you, mate.” I stand and move towards the edge of the water, sand warming beneath my feet.
The kid starts to run past me and I grab his arm, jerking him back onto the beach with me. “Dumb ass, he sees them.”
“You didn’t get your bandage wet, did you, love?” He ignores the kid standing next to us.
“I didn’t. How big were they?” I’m eager to hear what he says.
“The biggest was probably the same size that nailed you.”
“You got bit by a shark?” The kid stares at me in shock.
I grimace. It isn’t a story I’m happy to relate. “It was my own damn fault. I knew better, but no, I had to go for the shot. A twenty foot great white came up to grab the bait we had resting in the water. I leaned forward, slipped and she nailed my leg. I’m lucky it wasn’t a straight on bite or she would have taken my leg off.”
“What the hell kind of sightseeing trip were you on?”
“You like sharks, mate?”
We’d forgotten about the kid. I grin at
The kid walks away, shaking his head and mumbling about crazy people. I’m glad that he’s left before realizing who
“I want to go back out,” he pouts.
I trace his lips and he sucks the tip of one into his warm moist mouth. I moan a little, feeling the lick of his tongue over the pad of my finger.
“There’s water back at home we can play in without worrying about sharks.” I wink.
“Go on,” I tell him, checking my watch. “You have another hour or so before I have to be back at the house.”
He gives me another hard kiss. “Thanks, love.” Turning, he dashes out into the rolling water, surfboard clasped to his side.
“Keep an eye on those sharks,
He waves back at me in acknowledgment. The kid thinks we’re crazy because we don’t fear sharks, but it’s hard to explain to a stranger. Sharks don’t bother us.
I’ve swum with all the large shark species. All those deemed man-eaters and could kill me with one bite. I swim protected by a cage or out in the deep water without any protection. Except for this most recent incident, I’ve never been bitten either. The sharks come to us, but not to bite or eat. They come to acknowledge us. To accept us into their domain. I’ve never felt fear when I’m around them.
It might have something to do with the strange dreams
17 Responses “Poetry Train…”
this was great because I didnt feel uncomfortable 🙂
This was great to read as an entire piece (without all the err – shinanigans interjected) – i like the idea of were sharks. Nina Bangs does one in her latest but only as secondary character. Yum on the tattoo TA! Sigh. you write so pretty.
oooo, I don’t remember the last part, thank you!
Home from vacation and missed you ~blush~ I read Tuesday’s post and was so glad I could read Thursday’s right away but you still left us hanging. I must be a glutton for punishment, I come every day.
NICE beach pics….mine never turn out that good 😉
I’m sure there’ll be more as I go along. The boys kind of stuck in my head.
Have to have some eye candy to go with the excerpt..don’t you agree?
good one T.A. I was hopping to get more after yesterday! this looks fun, hope you keep it going *grin*
Great stuff and great manly meat up there at the top. Yummy, can’t wait to get my hubs to the beach :).
Anna J. Evans
there will be more at some point. lol..at the moment, I’m trying to finish up two stories and then we’ll see if I can add this one to the schedule. 🙂
Thanks so much. I try hard to get better and it’s nice to hear that it seems to be working. 🙂
Devon and my other hero (whom I haven’t named yet..lol) are interesting characters I must admit. It’ll be fun to see where they take me.
Very cool story, great start. So, could we have more…please?
TA, this ROCKS. Fantastic writing, great setting, intriguing characters.
Dude, you just keep getting better each time you create something. I’m in awe.
Hey there, Rhet.
You know what? I never thought about mating being the reason why the sharks haven’t attacked them. You might be right about that. 😉
Are you getting back at me for my comment on your blog, Lisa? You’ll get the rest of it when I finish up some of the other stories I’ve got going…lol. Which is probably your answer to me, huh?
“…Not one has tried to attack him…..”
Perhaps they wish only to mate and they are shy? Or can not figure out how to go about the process?
Great start TA, so when are you going to give us the rest of it??? 😉
Thanks, Rinda. It started out just as two guys on the beach and moved into something more. Not sure where it’s going though. 🙂
Very intriguing. Very…