Hunky Wednesday
Happy Hump Day, everyone. 🙂 Where I’m at, it’s sunny and very nice out.
Just so you know, Mary’s Gospel from The Longest Stride, hasn’t been mentioned in any of my other books. (That I remember…lol) I can’t remember what Edward’s horse’s name is (off the top of my head), though it has the word Gypsy in it…lol. I double-checked when I named the mare, so it wouldn’t be the same. Edward would never let his horse go to someone like Billings.
Signed the contract for Pestilence, the first of my Four Horsemen books. It’ll be coming out at Total e-Bound. I don’t have an exact date yet, but when I do, I’ll let you know. And when I get the blurb written, I’ll post that as well. To give you a little background on the series, it’s based on the idea that the Four Horsemen are real and they try to keep a balance between heaven and hell. So when things get out of whack, one of the Horsemen has to come in and even things out. It’s a very general description of what the series is. 🙂
I’m working with Total e-Bound to set up a schedule of books coming out. That way, at least with them, I’ll have a release schedule set up all ready. As long as I keep to my deadlines, it’ll work out. Hopefully, I’ll be able to work out in my mind which books I’d like to send them and if there are series, how long it’ll take to write each one. 🙂
Well, that’s it for today. I hope you all have a great Wednesday.
4 Responses “Hunky Wednesday”
will we see a photo of branimir too?
Whoo yoo on the books to come. Have an most excellent day ya'll.
I have NO idea why Mary's name seems familiar. lol None! lol
Woohoo on the contract. Can't wait to see the series!! 🙂
Gypsy's Salt Mine (Edward's horse) 🙂 – I just looked through No Going Home and found it…can't wait for the next installment of the longest stride!