
Now I’m writing a short story called Replacing Memories. It’s a sequel to my Christmas story, Joy of the Season. After RM is done, I’ll be starting Gypsies, which is the first book in a new trilogy called The Beasor Chronicles. I’m looking forward to writing it. 🙂
Also, on Friday, I contracted a new YA story titled The Deepest Cut. It’s not part of the Death series, though I do plan on writing two more books in that series soon. The Deepest Cut will very emotional involving a school shooting and self-mutilation. But it does have a Happy For Now ending, along with the feeling that the main character will be all right.
So I’ll be very busy for next several months, which isn’t all bad. lol I hope you have a great Monday, everyone.
One Response “Cover-Famine”
It is very nice! Congratz on the YA book and love all the stories coming from you.