Chicago coming….

The fourth book in my Fallen series, Chicago, will be out on Friday, but it is available for early download still. You can check it out here.

Also New York is up on the coming soon page as well. Blindsided hasn’t made it up there yet, but it will be in the next week or so.
Devon and I will be finishing up FLEs on Blindsided today, then we’ll continue working on Canada. We still haven’t picked a title for it yet, but it’ll come while we write it. 🙂 I’m also finishing up Remove the Space, which is the first book in a new series for Totally Bound. I’m only about 2-3k away from getting it done. Then I can erase it off my board and add a new title.
Hmm…that’s all I have to tell you today. I do plan on posting the two installments for Finding Peace this week. Yes, even on Thanksgiving. It’ll give you all something to read while enjoying the holiday with family. 🙂
I hope you all have a great Monday. Try to stay safe and warm.
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