Away for the Weekend

Hey everyone, C and I are leaving this afternoon for a weekend get-away. I won’t be back until late on Monday. 🙂 We’re going to go visit some friends and play some golf. So while I’ll miss you all, it’ll be nice to get away from here for a while.

Final edits were done for Here Be Dragons and as soon as I get the okay, I’ll post the cover for it.

Only have one or two more scenes for Angel’s Seduction to write. Wednesday and Thursday, I wrote a combined total of 4,932 words. woo-hoo! taking my overall total up to 48,502. I’m close to hitting that magic goal of 50k which should be easy once I add those two scenes and one or two more sex scenes. My expanded version of AS is about 20k more than the blog version.

Over these past two days, I wrote the confrontation scenes between Angel and his father. I think they were intense, but we’ll see what y’all think of them. 🙂

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

4 Responses “Away for the Weekend”

  1. Paige Burns says:

    Have a great weekend!

  2. S. W. Vaughn says:

    Oh, man, how can you tease me with confrontation scenes and then leave??!

    Okay, I forgive you. I hope you and C have a blast!

  3. Jenna Howard says:

    ooh a weekend away! Take me with you guys!

    Okay the golf seems wrong but I’m for getting away!

    Oh my you’re almost done! Whoot!

    Have a good weekend baby!

  4. Celia Kyle says:

    You are such a tease! Telling us about what’s to come for Angel and then making us wait. *pout* Have fun this weekend. I’ll be looking forward to Tuesday!!


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